View Full Version : Shikata Akiko - Hanakisou

12-19-2009, 05:53 PM
There are a ton of other lyrics I should probably be translating instead (like the Sound Horizon stuff), but what can I say, I'm distractable. This is, of course, assuming that ArtemisA hasn't done/isn't doing one along with her transliteration... if that's the case, I'll just stick this on my own site. Anyway:

あてどなく ただ君は 彷徨(さまよ)いながら
冷えた心を震わせ 天を仰いだ

As you wandered aimlessly
Your frozen heart was shaken and you looked up at the sky

終焉の鳥が 高い空から刻(とき)を告げ
閉ざされた世界で 僕らはまた巡り会う

A bird sounds a death knell, telling of time from the heights of the sky
In the closed-off world, we meet again

君を奪い去るその全てを 凍てつく街に捨て
永い哀しみの終わる場所へ 堅く手をつなぎ駈けてゆこう

Leave everything that steals you away behind in the frozen town
Hold my hand tightly and let's run to the place where our long sadness will end

白く 散り急ぐ花のように
朱く流れるいのちの上に 雪は止め処なく降りつもる

Like a white flower that hurriedly scatters its petals
The snow piles up ceaselessly on top of the red, flowing life

果てしなく続く この白銀の路(みち)
淡く儚い希望に 明日を夢見た

On this silver-white road that continues without end
In the pale, fleeting hope, I dreamed of tomorrow

春告げの鳥は 泪(なみだ)の雫数えつつ
永久(とわ)に繰り返される 流転を嘆いて謳(うた)う

A bird, the harbinger of spring, counts the number of tears
It sings a lament for the eternally repeating cycle of life

君を慈しむその想いが 闇を導いても
罪に 汚れなき魂(こころ)だけに 今 身を委ね生きる

Though this feeling of love for you leads me into darkness
I will live, now, entrusting my body to a heart unsullied by sin

創造主(かみ)に 見放されたこの世界
風花の舞いに解き放たれ 雪解けに目覚め光さす

In this world abandoned by God
Set loose by the dance of the wind flowers, awakened by the melting snow, the light shines

滅びゆく 生まれいづる 全てのいのちは 雪原に咲く花
箱庭の 小さな花
まるで白い幻のように 風に揺られる まま

All life that is born (is destroyed) is a flower blooming in a snowy field
A tiny flower in a miniature garden
Just like a white illusion, trembling in the breeze

喜びに 哀しみに 輝いて 包まれ 時は流れる

Shining (enveloped) in happiness (in sadness), time flows on

12-19-2009, 07:40 PM
Actually I'd thought about starting one, but I ended up working on scanlation editing all day (color redraws ugh), so I didn't get to it yet. Therefore, all yours!

Looks good on first skim. I'll take a closer look later.

12-19-2009, 10:07 PM
Oh, exciting. That's why I tend to make someone else edit for me when I scanslate.

And thanks!