10-23-2009, 01:30 AM
a while back - when i still lived in the states and had time - i use to play my fair share of pen and paper rpgs which i miss dearly (yes some do exsist here in japan, but its not too popular and super rare to find).
one i played was world of darkness. you know everything made by white wolf? vampire the masquerade, wraith oblivian, mage the acsension etc.
i only play old world of darkness and until recently did not even know they cam out with a new world of darkness.
has anyone played it yet? any reviewis, thoughts, etc? it doesnt even exist here. so i was wondering if it was worth ordering off amazon.
one i played was world of darkness. you know everything made by white wolf? vampire the masquerade, wraith oblivian, mage the acsension etc.
i only play old world of darkness and until recently did not even know they cam out with a new world of darkness.
has anyone played it yet? any reviewis, thoughts, etc? it doesnt even exist here. so i was wondering if it was worth ordering off amazon.