09-11-2009, 07:51 PM
True Believers!
As of SEPTEMBER 30th! There will be a table top gaming session held to test a number of theories concerning the ability of having table top rpgers working online. I have a number of mods and admins on board for this.
Anyone interested, by all means! Post! I have a number of issues to hammer out as to how this might be able to work, so IF, and I say again...IF you want to play with a real character with a real sheet, then sign up. There are hopefully going to be enough games for everyone, and there will be more slots later on hopefully.
By September 30- Alpha Test. This is where we will be hammering out most of the more mundane details and logistics of how to run this manner of RP on a forum such as this. Psst! Never been done before! Patience is required! Either that....or body parts. Whichever!
The slots for this game are filled, so if you want in on the next one, then speak up!
By 10-15-09, and that would be October for you lesser mortals, there will be a streamlined Beta test that should be able to used and squared away.
Characters will be ON a sheet! This is D&D, so there will be a number of things that the DM'S will have final say on. Unlike so many other things in life, when a dm says NO, that is the END of it. Period. No appeals. Welcome to my world! XD So!!! There will be a lot of good players and memorable times ahead!!
Characters can be assisted by either Nighthawk or myself, but they must be DONE, as in -------100%--- DONE by the appointed deadline. As for later games, there will be an archive done so people can submit as MANY as they want. We will get to them as soon as humanly possible.
All characters will be of demi-human status only( Humans, Elves are allowed, but no Drow or Eladrin, and Dwarves are allowed but no Derro, or Duergar.) Nothing lower then CN- Chaotic Neutral for Alignment and all characters start at level one.
You will NOT be starting with anything other then basic equipment, again cleared by DMs.
As for the end of the post, there was TOTALLY going to be a lot more. >.> But due to circumstances out of my control, I retreat now under MUCH more interesting things to tend too.......^^
As of SEPTEMBER 30th! There will be a table top gaming session held to test a number of theories concerning the ability of having table top rpgers working online. I have a number of mods and admins on board for this.
Anyone interested, by all means! Post! I have a number of issues to hammer out as to how this might be able to work, so IF, and I say again...IF you want to play with a real character with a real sheet, then sign up. There are hopefully going to be enough games for everyone, and there will be more slots later on hopefully.
By September 30- Alpha Test. This is where we will be hammering out most of the more mundane details and logistics of how to run this manner of RP on a forum such as this. Psst! Never been done before! Patience is required! Either that....or body parts. Whichever!
The slots for this game are filled, so if you want in on the next one, then speak up!
By 10-15-09, and that would be October for you lesser mortals, there will be a streamlined Beta test that should be able to used and squared away.
Characters will be ON a sheet! This is D&D, so there will be a number of things that the DM'S will have final say on. Unlike so many other things in life, when a dm says NO, that is the END of it. Period. No appeals. Welcome to my world! XD So!!! There will be a lot of good players and memorable times ahead!!
Characters can be assisted by either Nighthawk or myself, but they must be DONE, as in -------100%--- DONE by the appointed deadline. As for later games, there will be an archive done so people can submit as MANY as they want. We will get to them as soon as humanly possible.
All characters will be of demi-human status only( Humans, Elves are allowed, but no Drow or Eladrin, and Dwarves are allowed but no Derro, or Duergar.) Nothing lower then CN- Chaotic Neutral for Alignment and all characters start at level one.
You will NOT be starting with anything other then basic equipment, again cleared by DMs.
As for the end of the post, there was TOTALLY going to be a lot more. >.> But due to circumstances out of my control, I retreat now under MUCH more interesting things to tend too.......^^