View Full Version : Who would you say is your favourite character out of Death Note and why? please respo

04-13-2009, 09:55 PM
Hey guys, a big anime out is Death Note, its been big for some time now.
I went to mcm in London and met brad swaile, the voice actor for Light Yagami's Character.

Who would you say is your favourite character out of Death Note and why?

please respond with your opinions :rolleyes:

Yugure's Goddess
04-13-2009, 10:34 PM
You got to meet Light's voice actor? I'm assuming that this is the Voice actor for the english version that was aired on Adult Swim? If so, that's freaking awesome! Light's voice actor in the English casting was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Some of the best voice acting I ever heard in an English dub of an anime. It really was incredible and really drew you into Light and his delightful journey into crazy.

That being said, Light is my favorite character, hands down. He was by-far the most dynamic and interesting. By the end of the series, I was still rooting for him, even when I didn't really like the crap he was doing and his methods and reasons. He's a horrible person but an amazing character. Then again, I'm just into the crazies. And he's kind of the villain.

Crazy + Villain status and/or villainous attributes = my favorite character 100% of the time.


04-14-2009, 12:58 AM
There's an entire sub-forum for Death Note. Post there, please.