View Full Version : Magic The Gathering

04-13-2009, 07:55 AM
Alright! Admit it! WHO plays?

I know there are a lot of you out there, and I am very curious to see who and how many there are. I recently had something proposed to me, and I would like to see how possible it might be.

Anyone play Magic Online through WOTC?

04-14-2009, 03:06 AM
I'm currently restarting my interest in MTG, in fact I'm teaching Fabala how to play. I don't play it online though as I only have a crummy 56K connection.

Still back in the learning stage. I really enjoy the Alara block and am going to be sad to see it go.

04-14-2009, 03:15 AM
I play though in my little circles. I don't play Online because... I just feel awkward needing to buy online cards and real cards

04-16-2009, 12:27 PM
Used to play all the time years ago, it was another thing that caught on in my neighborhood. I occasionally play now, but never in a competitive setting. My decks are quite old and prolly unfit to face off against the newer decks that are possible currently.

Though, I do have about 5-6 Decks, so, eh.

Never have I played online, and if what Luzzy says is true, I wouldn't want to pay for online cards.

04-27-2009, 02:36 AM
I play Magic, well erm...use to play. My Magic buddy decided that Yu-Gi-Oh! was the "better" choice. So alas, here I am, magic-less. *Sigh* But yes, to answer the question simply, I do play Magic.

05-04-2009, 01:12 AM
I have cards, haven't really touched them since I was 16. I also have that awful/awesome M:TG game published by Microprose in 1997.

Grim Scythe
05-04-2009, 01:33 AM
used to, have a friend who's dad played when it started... the old cards just have some unbalanced power

05-04-2009, 06:19 AM
ME ME ME *waves hand* OH ME I PLAY IT.....

was that a bit to much?

But anyways I play it. I have done for 7 years. (so much money I won't see again)
I love it. I'm currently on about 30+ decks and too many cards to count (sell some on ebay from time to time to get more money for them). I loved playing it since I started. I'm a bit crazy about it and in spare time (when not on internet/school/MTG club) i'm building new decks out of what I have. I'm also trying to be a judge and hope to one day be a level 5 (i think thats highest) judge (yes lame dream but it would be cool)

However I won't do online. I'm not paying real money for fake cards.

random facts:
Favorite block: Mirrodin (don't care how broken it was)
Current Favorite card: Terminate (yea it's back)
Current Favorite deck: Green 'Spore Frog of Doom' deck (spore frog+verdent succession+graveyard reclaim cards)
Current standard deck: White pure enchanments

05-04-2009, 03:57 PM
random facts:
Favorite block: Mirrodin (don't care how broken it was)
Current Favorite card: Terminate (yea it's back)
Current Favorite deck: Green 'Spore Frog of Doom' deck (spore frog+verdent succession+graveyard reclaim cards)
Current standard deck: White pure enchanments

My variant

Favorite Block: Time Spirial ( so many bizarre cards)
Current Favorite Card: Paradox Haze (so many Johnny decks can use it)
Current Favorite Deck: Death by Ping ping ( http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=16709 )
Current Standard Deck: Sanity Mill
Favorite color pair: Blue/Red

05-04-2009, 06:01 PM
I play with a casual attitude about it. Sometimes my friends get more serious and pro about playing, which it when it gets annoying to play. For quite a while I've been using a blue/black Ninjitsu deck that one of these days I'll get around to improving.

There is one thing I don't do, and that's play "Mother, may I?" decks. Frak. That. Noise.

Also, if you want to put up with slowness, crashing, and having to perform every action yourself, there is a free card-game program called Lackey that has a M:TG plug-in and lets you play online.

05-04-2009, 07:38 PM
Favorite Block: Alara ( Mmm try color goodness)
Current Favorite Card: Dragon Boodmother or Doubling Season
Current Favorite Deck: Mine of course
Current Standard Deck: Dragon Devouring (My own design)
Favorite color pair: Black/Red/Green or Black/Red/Blue

05-04-2009, 08:18 PM
I have cards, haven't really touched them since I was 16. I also have that awful/awesome M:TG game published by Microprose in 1997.

I think I remember that game. Yeah, was pretty bad.

Lola Granola
05-06-2009, 03:50 PM
I am being taught how to play right now in preparation for AX. The artwork is astounding btw.

05-11-2009, 04:40 PM
The artwork is amazing!

I have about 30 decks, all of which I have made myself. Lately, I have noticed that Wizards has put a LOT more effort into the pre con decks that they put out. Anyone else remember how much they used to SUCK?! Now they are actually quite nasty. ^_^

Favorite Block: Alara is NOT bad at all, a lot of nastiness here. but Onslaught will always hold a piece of my heart.
Current Favorite Card: Akroma, Angel of Vengence.
Current Favorite Deck: Mine- a variation on a few different themes. One creature for a REALLY cool element of the creature's color. White for life gain, green for tokens. Etc.
Current Standard Deck: Your mom.
Favorite color pair: Black/ with the ability of being able to play any creature, and any color.

PS. You better learn Lola! We have a LOT of games planned! Lavos and I will be milking every waking second with as much magic as possible. I've recently been tweaking several decks JUST for the occassion.

06-11-2009, 12:58 AM
I play heavily and I think about it all the time... I'm a flash faerie fighter... Reborn rocked...

Favorite block: Ravnica... You know it's broken
Current Favorite card: Dakmor Sorceress (She's awesome, but an older card)
Current Favorite deck: My "Just Add Water" Faerie deck... Instant faeries!
Current standard deck: Mill... Brain drain to the max!
Favorite color pair: Black and Blue... beaten to a pulp...