View Full Version : Looking for group

04-04-2009, 06:11 PM
Yeah, I know that you probably came in here thinking about the comic series, but no, this isn't about it. I'm looking for a group to play with on the internet. Preferably DnD v3.5, but I do play 4ed.

I have been looking for a while, but haven't found anyone to play with.

NOTE: I can't DM very good.

04-06-2009, 07:22 AM
I have been Dming for awhile now, and have had plans going to get an RPG going, and I just need the players. We have four confirmed, and just as soon as we hammer out the more mundane details, we can roll with it. =) Post a character that you would like, I suggest a PC to myself as I will be the one running the game. Thanks and have a good one.

04-06-2009, 12:02 PM
Might I ask what kind of creatures are playable in this campaign? Because I like to play Rakshasa, Naztharune(MMIII pg. 136). If you say I can, then I'll go ahead and roll up a character.

04-06-2009, 12:49 PM
Well, last I knew we were starting level one, so I hope you don't mind being stuck in a monster class for 16 levels.

04-06-2009, 01:20 PM
Wait a second, DnD on AF? As in, rolls and all? I'd be thinking this would be going by the honor system then, with rolls.

If this is all true.. Where do I sign up? xD

04-06-2009, 01:27 PM
@Hitler: I'm perfectly fine with starting as a level one. By the way, the level adjustment is only five, so the ecl for a level one would only be a six. I have digital copies of the books, though, I don't have all of them.

@Tetsanosuke: I don't know where to sign up, though when I find out, I'll let you know. *chuckles* =^.^=

04-06-2009, 02:18 PM
@Hitler: I'm perfectly fine with starting as a level one. By the way, the level adjustment is only five, so the ecl for a level one would only be a six. I have digital copies of the books, though, I don't have all of them.

I'm talking the Savage Species rules for Monster PCs with ECL adjustments. You split up the abilities adjustments, SA, SQ, HD increases, Feats, etcetera, so that it conforms to a class that lasts as long as their race's ECL is. It's a much better way to allow PCs to play characters that have a ECL higher then the DM's level cap. It prevents someone from rolling a level one Hill Giant and soloing a room of goblins with it's huge stats.

It's kind of a pain to explain it, but it's a pretty beautiful method in practice. You'd end up rolling a character that is about as useful as any other level 1 character. Maybe a little more, maybe a little less.

Edit: Here's an example of the progression for a normal Rakshasa. I'm leaving out the starting "racial" adjustments to scores though.

04-06-2009, 10:02 PM
I'm talking the Savage Species rules for Monster PCs with ECL adjustments. You split up the abilities adjustments, SA, SQ, HD increases, Feats, etcetera, so that it conforms to a class that lasts as long as their race's ECL is. It's a much better way to allow PCs to play characters that have a ECL higher then the DM's level cap. It prevents someone from rolling a level one Hill Giant and soloing a room of goblins with it's huge stats.

It's kind of a pain to explain it, but it's a pretty beautiful method in practice. You'd end up rolling a character that is about as useful as any other level 1 character. Maybe a little more, maybe a little less.

Edit: Here's an example of the progression for a normal Rakshasa. I'm leaving out the starting "racial" adjustments to scores though.

You kind of confused me with this.

Yugure's Goddess
04-09-2009, 07:19 PM
@ Tetsanosuke: We could actually do that online in such a way that we wouldn't have to rely on the honor system. I know a couple sites with die-rolling mods. There is jsdice (http://www.jsdice.com/roller/) and Pen, Paper, and Pixel's Dice Bag (http://www.penpaperpixel.org/tools/d20dicebag.htm) which might be a bit better, since you have the choice of automatically adding modifiers, as well as the number of dice. So that's a bit better, I think, then trusting people to roll their own dice cause, I'm sorry, but I don't really trust a player to be honest about all of their rolls all the time. At least not most people.

I would love to play DnD online. Especially since I'm not really getting to do much with my group here. I'm also willing to DM because I'm already drawing up a campaign for my group here, but I like being a PC, too. *excited*
