View Full Version : Writing Discussion: Setting

08-18-2008, 12:32 AM
What, oh what, can be said about setting? I believe this to be an element that changes perhaps more than any other with regard to the needs of a story. It can be wildly subjective. Sometimes the setting is scarce (most commonly seen in short works), and sometimes it is elaborate. The setting can be written in a very literal sense, or a wide array of more subjective ways. It can attempt to bring a picture to the reader's mind, or it can attempt to evoke emotion as well. A single story can involve more than one of these instances, all depending on the whim of the author and the needs of the story.

Please discuss all aspects of setting in this thread. You don't need to answer any of these questions, but perhaps read through them and formulate your opinion:

What do you personally think constitutes a good setting? Do you think this is necessary in every story?
What is your preference (with regard to setting) in writing?
What is your preference (with regard to setting) in reading?
Can you name a published example of setting done well?
Can you name a published example of setting done poorly?
Do you think the requirements for a setting differ depending on the length of the story? Why?
See this thread (http://www.animeforum.com/showthread.php?t=74702) for other writing discussions.