View Full Version : D&D 4th Edition Elves
07-24-2008, 03:10 PM
Is it just me, or do my room mates words sum it up best.
"You have half elves, full elves, and double elves."
In reference to the Eladrin or what ever they are called. Does the game really need 3 forms of elves. They don't even mention drow, but prehaps that's because people don't want to play evil characters.
hey don't even mention drow, but prehaps that's because people don't want to play evil characters.
Don't you realize? Drow are no longer Evil, they are Chaotic good Ranger renegades angsting over their evil siblings and trying to break free of the prejudice they face from their own people and outsiders.
And having lost of Angst about it.
07-24-2008, 07:20 PM
Don't you realize? Drow are no longer Evil, they are Chaotic good Ranger renegades angsting over their evil siblings and trying to break free of the prejudice they face from their own people and outsiders.
And having lost of Angst about it.
Tell that to the Matron Mother I rolled up the other day.
07-24-2008, 08:30 PM
@SGI: Don't forget the bald-headed chaotic neutral opportunists who have 20 levels in every class, are covered in enough magical items to fill a elven armory, and are doing it for the lulz.
07-24-2008, 09:01 PM
@SGI: Don't forget the bald-headed chaotic neutral opportunists who have 20 levels in every class, are covered in enough magical items to fill a elven armory, and are doing it for the lulz.
You can never forget about that!
07-24-2008, 10:14 PM
Drow do indeed exist, shown here.
I don't mind separating the Magic Elf and the Nature Elf. Hell, they did it in 3.5 too. I just don't really see the need for them all to be in the PHB at the same time when you had perfectly good Kobold, Warforged, Gnome, and a couple of other monstrous races all fleshed out statwise SITTING IN THE MONSTER MANUAL.
Although I can somewhat understand why they may have had more elves in the PHB. Because, quite frankly Elves seem to be the most popular race in D&D by far.
07-24-2008, 10:39 PM
Although I can somewhat understand why they may have had more elves in the PHB. Because, quite frankly Elves seem to be the most popular race in D&D by far.
Really? I'd put them behind humans, just because most players find the bonus feat and +1 skill point/level to be a cake too delicious to ignore. Then elves, then dwarves, then everything else.
I really should rephrase that. I meant that Elves were the most popular 'non-human' race in D&D. Humans have always been the most popular.
Lola Granola
07-25-2008, 03:00 AM
Not to be the woman here but 3 kinds of elves? Oooooo.
Well all in all, D&D 3.5 had the following elves (I'm recalling this in my head so if I miss one please tell me)
-Moon Elves
-Sun Elves
-Sea Elves
-Wood Elves
-Qualanesti Elves (Dragonlance)
-Silvanesti Elves (Dragonlance)
-Wild Elves
07-25-2008, 10:16 AM
Grey Elves, I think?
Also those variants in Unearthed Arcana.
And the LeShay from Epic Level Handbook, who are epic-level double elves.
If anything 4th ed has cut back and reduced the Elvish population. I think someone else pointed out with better citation than I'm going to do; but Elves have had quite a number of "ethnics" (since race just doesn't quite seem the right word) spanning all the diffrent realms.
4rth Ed just simplified and streamlined the worlds more so than what 3rd ed did. As soon as you can realize and accept that you are no longer playing in a world created by Gygax then everything else just seems to fall into place.
4rth Ed just isn't your fathers D&D game anymore.
And Tuche on the points with the Drow. And yes... Wizards as a company would rather prefer it if you DIDN'T play Evil characters or classes. They as a company support a good vs. evil game environment.
11-07-2008, 07:30 AM
OPEN for Business!!!
Whoever closed this......should die a horrible death!
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