View Full Version : Re: Plans for a Table Top RP
06-25-2008, 05:50 PM
Alright True Believers!
The time has come for a Table top RPG here at AF, and after speaking with Mina and Ace, I have permission for it, so I need players. I want REAL players, and real things. Send me a note and tell me what kind of table top experience you have. If you wanna learn, then now would be a good time. How it will work is like this:
We have ways of rolling dice of any sort, so anything can do there. I plan on leading a group of adventurers through an twisted adventure! I have pre-generated characters I plan on using for this, however, if you have experience and would like to bring something in, then send me the character sheet, and I will roll with what you give me. Fair warning. My game for this will work simple. =3 I roll all dice through the bots, so anything random will be there. As for character creation, standard third edition will be fine.
The scene by scene will take place just as fast as I get it going. XD So....Players are the only hang up. And this is something I plan on doing regularly.
Simple rules. =3
1.) Story Teller is god, and Dungeon Master, and if there is a problem, then god handles it. Period, end of story.
2.) When it comes to the ROLEPLAY, such as....characters actually conversing and so forth, there will be times when we will be using the RPG room for such purposes. So there will be a standard action Roleplay taking place, however, it will be done by D&d based rules, so chances of having a Neko....anything walking in will be trounced. Once enough players get involved, I have other ideas about expanding it so that it is taking place as long as there is as many people in the game as needed. With a DM Running the interactions closely. Should there be conflict, it will be handled in character, which once I get people, I will go into more detail on a lot of this.
3.) I will be using Maps, books, and standard rules for most of this.
The campaigns will actually be original, and I plan on only doing things in one particular way. Right now, this is the trial run, so there will be bumps, and if there is one thing I know about, it's adaptation, so experienced players would greatly help this out, both in keeping the game going, and as well as helping new players as it goes along.
Create thy character! =D
Email/pm me what you got, and let me know!
I will be keeping a working copy of all character sheets for the players involved, and monitoring all effected things as the game goes on.
As well! Experience is key, because the rules of the game are going to be laid out as we go, so naturally, if you can play a character, and feel like putting work into it, the more description you do on something the better, and it can get you extra experience points.
I'm stoked. ^^ This is a wonderful project, and what rpers around here have always whined about. So now is the time.
06-26-2008, 08:58 PM
Few Questions:
1) What books? Just the core books? The OGL books? Or anything we can make a case for?
2) Level 1 characters?
3) Monster PCs?
4) Would the stats for custom characters be point-buy or unverifiable personal rolls?
5) Any atypical setting (desert, tundra, sea, wholly underground, low magic, post-apocalyptic, etcetera)?
6) Any special rules (like, say, ignoring the multiclass penalties, or nerfing the Alignment requirements or no-free-multi-classing rules in Monk and Paladin)
06-26-2008, 11:05 PM
Will there be any voice interaction allowed?
06-27-2008, 09:18 AM
Few Questions:
1) What books? Just the core books? The OGL books? Or anything we can make a case for?
:cool:---- Anything ya want, I need to see it. =3 That's all, so if there is a version on line or anything. Make the case! Fair warning I love prestige classes.
2) Level 1 characters? :cool:-- Yep! Everyone is level one!
3) Monster PCs?:cool:--- Depending! But show me what you want to work with, and I will have to work out some kind of level adjustment and so on.
4) Would the stats for custom characters be point-buy or unverifiable personal rolls? :cool:---Stats will be generated by me. So by the time it comes to you, you get to pick how you want things switched around and what not.
5) Any atypical setting (desert, tundra, sea, wholly underground, low magic, post-apocalyptic, etcetera)?-- The terrain will be changing as the campaign goes on.
6) Any special rules (like, say, ignoring the multiclass penalties, or nerfing the Alignment requirements or no-free-multi-classing rules in Monk and Paladin) :cool: That will be handled as a case by case, so depending on what is being played or whatever, it will be handled at that time. Spellbooks will be tricky for a bit, but I have ideas about that.
06-27-2008, 09:20 AM
Will there be any voice interaction allowed?
If you mean voice interaction with the characters, then Yes! of course! THAT is the point of roleplay, it's more then just leveling up a character for points and numbers, skills and whatever.
If you mean through a mic or anything, then no. ^^
Hollow Ichigo
06-29-2008, 09:47 PM
Ok i've never played D&D, and i'm to sure if i'm but out for this but I don't want to see the Rpg section of this site fall. I've had some great times here. So i'm into it. I'll have to learn however.
06-29-2008, 10:58 PM
Ok i've never played D&D, and i'm to sure if i'm but out for this but I don't want to see the Rpg section of this site fall. I've had some great times here. So i'm into it. I'll have to learn however. - These are the basic rules. It actually seems more complicated then it is. Essentially, success in any give trial (hitting a creature, climbing a wall, nuking a creature that resists magic) involves a twenty sided die being rolled to defeat a value (difficulty class) either determined explicitly by the rules, or made up by the DM. Your characters statistics and/or situation can add bonuses or penalties to your roll.
@ShadowWalker: Seriously? You rolling the abilities scores? That's not too cool. I mean, yeah, you can't trust people to roll fairly over the Internet, but it would be better if we used the Standard Array or a Point Buy. It's hard to make a character if you don't even know if you are going to meet prerequisites for a feat or how many skill points you'd have.
I'm kind of interested, at least if more people start signing up. I'd want to play a Dread Necromancer from Heroes of Horror, though, and I'd be using feats from Libris Mortis. If you don't have the books, I know a site that has them up (illegally, of course). Or I could just send the relevent text.
06-30-2008, 03:11 PM
wow this all seems really confusing but i guess its for people who have had expriance right?
07-02-2008, 01:41 AM
OMG, I love hero's of horror! I love the section on flavor text!
What is the difference between a dread necro and a regular one?
07-02-2008, 12:54 PM
Well, the regular one is a specialist wizard (or, informally, some specialized negative energy wielding clerics are called Necromancers). Dread Necromancer is a Sorcerer with a more or less fixed spell list with both arcane and divine spells, the ability to rebuke undead, a negative energy touch attack, disease and level drain touch attacks, damage reduction, an area negative energy attack, bonuses when creating undead, bonuses to some types of attacks, and at level 20 they become liches for free.
CF Striker
07-10-2008, 11:05 PM
Well If this starts up I'm in. I've got a TON of 3.5 books and I've yet to have a chance to use them. I guess I've been studing the system for awhile, so I should be able to handle. I kinda agree that something like point buy might work better, that way no one ends up with an abnormal set of three 18's. I've rolled it online too. In the wrong hands....*shiver*
07-11-2008, 12:51 AM
I guess I'll post what I have for a character. I just used a standard 25-point point buy as in the DMG.
I have something of a backstory thought up, which I'm not really going into right now... The character is cynical as befits a necromancer, and chaotic neutral. Is critical of law for hating his craft, but is objective enough to balance out his undead-creating with benevolent acts to avoid as many Inquisitions as possible. He somewhat dislikes other arcane users, and good clerics, but otherwise is fairly even-minded. Hates fiends, especially devils.
Also, if there aren't enough other players, I'd be willing to play another character. It would be the first character's permanently mute sister. She'd be a Psion Telepath*, so it's not a huge deal to play, but would mostly go along with what my first character says anyway.
*-Which reminds me, what about psionics?
07-14-2008, 08:41 AM
That's fantastic!
Me rolling the stats is to make sure of course there we don't have Godzilla trapped in a halfling's body. ^_^
If anyone has online books or anything, I'd love to get my hands on them for the game. ^_^ I don't have a problem with people wanting to create their own stats or anything, I am just trying to avoid the duplication of an impossible stat. =)
Psionics, I am not opposed too, but naturally, it will take more time for everyone to get used to such things, there are a lot of people that don't get or understand such things.
the class sounds cool. And if anyone else has any ideas, bring them to me, and we can start getting everyone's characters squared away.
07-14-2008, 11:44 AM
That's fantastic!
Me rolling the stats is to make sure of course there we don't have Godzilla trapped in a halfling's body. ^_^
If anyone has online books or anything, I'd love to get my hands on them for the game. ^_^ I don't have a problem with people wanting to create their own stats or anything, I am just trying to avoid the duplication of an impossible stat. =)
Psionics, I am not opposed too, but naturally, it will take more time for everyone to get used to such things, there are a lot of people that don't get or understand such things.
the class sounds cool. And if anyone else has any ideas, bring them to me, and we can start getting everyone's characters squared away.
Well, if you want you could just provide me the dice rolls and I'll plug them in, but using either the point buy or the elite array would work pretty well, because it's a set number that can't be faked over the internet.
They are both on pg. 169 of the 3.5 DMG. For point buy, you remove the racial modifiers and look up their scores on the chart, and if they don't add up to 25 (or whatever number you choose) then you have a problem. For elite array the abilitys should be some combination of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8 after you remove racial modifiers.
07-15-2008, 11:36 AM
Outstanding. ^_^ You are a wonderful resource!
11-03-2008, 03:39 PM
Alright, the order for this RPG is as follows, due to unforeseen circumstances, we've had to wait to get a lot of this up and running with the powers that be, I am not patient, and therefore will be continuing to get this done whether it flies, or just glides, it will be done.
I need a max of 5 players. I am going to run this, and we will find out how well it works itself out. It will be shaky at first to be sure because this has never been done, but off we go.
Broad based classes that need to be filled are as follows-
1> Warrior
2> Wizard- I think MP has that one covered.
3> Thief
4> Priest/Cleric
5> Ranger/fighter/Monk/Bard
Alright? So I am taking offers for the others as of now.
Okay my big question is, how this will be played. Will it be live/chat of play by post? Because I would love to get involved but since I work and am in Australia I would have trouble going live.
If it is possible for me to join I'd love to take the reins of a Cleric (Lawful Neutral/Inquisitor archetype).
11-03-2008, 10:19 PM
I think that Dread Necros would fit more in the #5 slot. They're melee casters so they don't really have the big-bang to fill in for a wizard, much less charm spells or worthwhile divination or any of that. They're mostly about giving people AIDS through groping and Zerg Rushing people with zombies and skeletons.
Now if you don't get anyone and I play the Telepath too, I think I could probably emulate a wizard between the two of them.
I think the Number 5 slot is really just a Miscellaneous slot. There to allow the inclusion of the more esoteric classes that make a party different and 'special' if you will. That or I am totally missing the point.
11-03-2008, 10:36 PM
I think the Number 5 slot is really just a Miscellaneous slot. There to allow the inclusion of the more esoteric classes that make a party different and 'special' if you will. That or I am totally missing the point.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Dread Necros are too specialized to fill in for a wizard. I mean, maybe at high levels when they can cast some of the nastier necromancy spells, but at low levels it's all Rays of Enfeeblement and Inflict Light Wounds.
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