View Full Version : Queeestions!

06-23-2008, 06:27 AM
I'm sure you've all already been driven mad by noobs like me asking stupid questions, but... 質問があるんですけど...
(I have to say that, because it sounds awesome when you say it aloud :p)

Anyway, first of all: what are the uses of '~n da/desu'? I know I used it up there ^ but that's because I stole that sentence from here (http://japanese.about.com/bllesson23.htm) :D .
I read a few things on that site about '~n desu' but I don't feel confident enough that I would know how to use it correctly. Please help!

And one more thing right now...

I made the mistake of trying to translate a song last night that was muuuch harder than it looked at first. A few lines confused me. What would you translate them as?

Oh Yeah だったら おいらもって
This one I think I got the basic idea of, but I just wanted to compare it to someone else's translation.

This one also confused me: "さんざんムリしてバカになった". Does the ムリ mean 無理? (Denshi Jisho is my friend!)

But the most confusing of all was "進学校の悲しみアホ不足". Wtf?

My apologies if any of this is obvious or these questions are stupid and annoying. D:

06-26-2008, 03:04 PM
I'm native Japanese speaker but not fluent in English. So... please endure.^^

Oh Yeah だったら おいらもって

I think the original lyric is this one.
"自堕落ばかり*が* もてすぎる
Oh Yeah だったら おいらもって
Here is my translation.
"Guys who're popular among girls are always guys who are sloppy.
Oh Yeah So I was puffed up and tried to become one of them."

This one also confused me: "さんざんムリしてバカになった". Does the ムリ mean 無理? (Denshi Jisho is my friend!)

Yes, "無理(を)する" means "overwork" or "do rash act".

And the rest sentences can be translated like:
"I had been doing so many rash acts that I became stupid."

"The sadness of 進学校 is a dearth of idiots."
進学校(Shingakukou/Shingakkou):A high school which has a high ratio of students who go on to the college education.

06-27-2008, 11:23 AM
Thank you so much, Wadatsumi! You've really helped me out!