View Full Version : Rules - Read before you post (Last Updated:2/16/2010)

06-17-2008, 02:14 AM

1. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse for breaking them.

2a. If you are going to start a con thread, please have a link to the cons main page as the first thing in your post.

b. If you are going to make a post about a specific convention, and there is a thread about that convention already posted, make your post in the already existing thread rather than starting a new one. (Added: 9/24/2009)

3. No forms of any hate or discrimination will be tolerated. No sexism, racism, or prejudice. This includes name calling and insults. (Updated 2/16/2010)

4a. Regardless if some one is on the board or not, you are not allowed to talk negatively about some one's costume or physical appearance PERIOD. Should anyone be caught breaking this rule, it will be guaranteed infraction. (Updated 10/22/2009)

b. The only exception to rule 4a is if some one asks for constructive criticism. Comments like, "the pants on your costume suck." are not constructive and will count as breaking rule

5. Any threads that are going to have rules as to what people can post MUST be run by a moderator first. If not, the thread will be altered at the discretion of the site staff. (Updated: 11/27/2009)

6. No double posting.

7. Any pictures posted to a post should be attached to the post, so they are not monster big.

8. Posts that only say something along the lines of just "I want to go, but I can't will be deleted" as it doesn't really contribute to a discussion.

9. No sexual comments allowed. Example: References to wanting to establish a relationship or interact with some one, member or not, beyond that of friendship. (Added 11/27/2009)