View Full Version : て Form Tutor please ;_;

04-28-2008, 07:29 PM
Okay...I've recently noticed I...maybe need a tutor for て forms...

I know these rules:
み、に、び、->んで Like よみますー>よんで
き、ぎー>いて、いで Like かきますー>かいて
い、ち、りー>って Like かえりますー>かえって
しー>して Like はしますー>はして
1 Letter、”E" Sound->て Like めますー>ねて

And some could be wrong...because of the exceptions which are mainly killing me.

04-29-2008, 01:54 AM
Sounds right to me, except for the fact that (I think) there's no verb はします, and the last example should be ねますー>ねて.

I've never found that memorizing the rules helped me very much though, the best way to learn conjugation and the various exceptions is through constant usage and listening.

04-29-2008, 11:41 PM
In my Japanese class, my prof (University) taught us a song. It's to the tune of an old children's song, but since I had to sing this song a few times in class and sing it in my head every so often, I can't remember what the original words were. Anyway, the song goes (and it's not really a song if you don't know the tune; it's just the rules):

う、つ、る って
ぶ、む、ぬ んで
す して
ぐ いで
する して
来る(くる) 来て(きて)
れいがい: 行って (行く、いく)

Those are the rules. If you have a verb that ends with a particular sound, that's how to make the て form. Note this only covers G1 and G3 verbs (not ones that end with いる or える sounds). If you have a G2 verb (e.g. 食べる、たべる), simply drop the る and add て. The first rule covers G1 verbs ending in る like 売る (うる, to sell) and exceptions to the G2 rule like 帰る (かえる, to return). Also, if you have sounds with or without the ", you simply add or remove the " to the て as appropriate.

05-21-2008, 06:53 PM
Ah, well...this can be closed now, I guess.

Completely forgot that I posted this, because I posted it at night. Now that sensei has tested us too...many...times...I've gotten it...for the most part, at least O_o;;.