View Full Version : got one in the heart or in the balls

04-15-2008, 10:24 AM
i am tired of bad relationships( it was not bad but it ended badly )
u all know miss good poison ivy!
she my neighbor and ex-girl.

So these are some of my messy thoughts( random ones)

how to forget big love quickly(got another girl but its just empty shall of physical lust?should i go to french f. legion or something ,or to anther town

i hate when they give u that excuse "we have to break cause i need freedom or i am too young"

and yes they all say men are pigs but what are they?

not that i hate all the womens on this known universe!

give me a break ,how many guys(men) are heart brakers?

got comments? show your passion and pain

04-15-2008, 10:32 AM
girls, always think they are right thats why i don't get along with them, it should be I'm always right, I'm always nice and i think only some men are disgusting pigs but they're only human the girls are just pregnant dogs (*****es) and i'm sick of it to, most girls just want to start something just because they're jealous of other girls, i really hate it ><

04-15-2008, 10:37 AM
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. Don't hate me Prion but I've never had a bad break up cuz I did the breaking up; I could have cared less about my ex's feelings at the time!! All men aren't dogs or pigs, it's just that some girls are too desperate!! I ain't get my first boyfriend until I was a freshman in highschool and my second until I was a freshman in college! I didn't want a relationship cuz some guys are too immature or me and I plan on having a long relationship with someone. I'm 19 and that, "I'm too young" excuse is the worst excuse I've ever heard! I'd date a 30 year old guy! It really doesn't matter to me how young or old a guy is, he just can't be too young to be my child or old enough to be my dad!!

*okay I'm seriously word vommiting right now*

Anywho, trying to forget a big love isn't going to be easy. Don't be too quick to jump into another relationship cuz you'll only be waisting her time cuz you won't be focused on her. Ride it out hun. You'll be fine!

04-15-2008, 11:01 AM
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