View Full Version : Can someone correct me if I'm wrong?

12-05-2007, 05:18 AM
I tried to practice translating Japanese sentences now but I'm not sure if I got them correct or wrong. It's all based on my limited Japanese knowledge from some online dictionary, and also babel fish.. and maybe you guys can help me learning more. :)

The 1st one:
気になったもので - ki ni natta mono de: Things that became the matters of concern
気になりついでに - ki ni nari tsuide ni: Next, things that became the matters of concern

not sure about these two above..

The 2nd one, a conversation:
A: 雨もあんまり降らなかったとか。。 - The rain is not much too...

B: たまに降ったかと思うとすぐ やんじゃうんだ - once in a while it rained I think soon

C: ほとんど降らな かったっすね。。 - almost raining...

A: そうか。。 だから 少量の雨でも確保できるように i see.. that's why to guarantee even with the little rain,
A: そんな帽子をかぶってるんだね。。 you guys wearing that kind of hat...

C: それ は違。。 eh.. that's different..

B: 杏定しろよ <--- (i kinda didn't get this..)

I think that's all for now. Hope I can learn more from you guys :)

12-05-2007, 01:41 PM
Your first one isn't bad. There's a more natural way of translating those but you pretty much got the gist of it. I might translate them as:

気になったもので - [by] something that you're worried about
気になりついでに - subsequently becoming something to worry about

I like using the word "worry" for 気になる and variants. 気になる can be more literally translated into something along the lines of "putting into thought", and is often used negatively, hence worry.

The second ones:
This is a very informal conversation, and is hard to translate for somebody just learning the language.

A: The rain didn't pour too much...
降らなかった is a negative past tense of 降らす, which is pouring of rain. Japanese sentence sounds incomplete to me.

B: Sometimes it stops as soon as it starts pouring.
Something like that; not too sure how to translate it. やんじゃう is a rather informal way to say "it stops".

C: It almost didn't rain.
Again, note the 降らなかった, past tense of 降らす. っすね at the end is a lazy way to say ですね, for familiar speech only.

A: Oh... So, to ensure (guarantee works too, but doesn't sound natural) that you'll be fine even in a little rain, you're wearing that hat.
Your translation isn't bad here.

C: Uhh not really.
More natural way of translating given the situation. 違う isn't only used to denote difference, but is also used to say "no" in some situations, such as this one.

B: 杏定
Not really sure. Never seen the kanji put together like that, but like some of the translators here already know by now, I'm not much of a kanji man. I do know what each character means on their own, though.

杏 = apricot
定 = something to do with certainty (as in, being sure of something)

So as you see, putting them together doesn't make all that much sense. If it's not some kind of mistake, it's either a slang term or a contextual saying, or something. Even Google searches bring up vague results (some of them really have to do with apricot trees and such).

All in all, you may need to lay off the Babelfish a bit lol. Learn the basic stuff like how to form past tenses, how to put verbs together, etc. It'll really help with translating stuff. So you can put something in a dictionary only by putting the kanji in, and you judge for yourself how the sentence was formed, cuz online translators make a lot of mistakes when you feed them with full sentences, especially slang and informal or non-dictionary-form sentences.

12-06-2007, 12:25 AM
Ooooh, I forgot to state that almost all (and upcoming) sentences and conversations are all informal since they are short jokes that I found so I kinda wanna know what them mean while learning it as well. :)
(ah ooh, sorry about my poor english too but I hope you guys are still willing to help me~ yoroshiku neh~ )

yeah about this 杏定しろよ, I think i made a mistake about the first kanji, it's supposed to be this--> 否定しろよ! which means some kind of denial meaning right? so does that mean it says "Deny it?"

thanks a lot for the help! I might need your help again because it's fun knowing the jokes I found. and yeah, about the babelfish, i know it makes mistakes but sometimes I can get a meaning of certain kanji I didn't understand. :)

and I hope you won't mind the next part.. hehehe :)

a conversation about taking a bath I think..:
A: こんな暑い日はお風呂に限るよね - A hot day like this limits us to the bath

B: 俺は女風呂のほうがいいですけどね - The woman bath is better however for me... (I think this guy is a flirt.. lol)

A: .........

after a while

A:今後は日焼け止めをつけよ - from now on we use the sunburn protection... (lol)

B: そうですね - you're right..

Text: (日焼けに悩む
年頃 (?) のふたりだった ) <---- not sure about this sentence..

Hope I'm not troubling you too much~ :) might post more :)

12-06-2007, 08:58 AM
Sure, no problem. It's pretty interesting so far.

A: Your translation is right. A suggestion for making it sound more natural is to say it like this: The only thing we can do on a hot day like this is take a bath.

B: Right too. Suggestion for natural translation: I'd prefer to go into the girls' bathroom though.

[After a while]
A: Right.

B: Right. Easy lol. :D

Text: The two adolescents were worried about getting a sunburn.

Anyway, where are you getting these jokes? Sounds like it might be a manga or something.

12-06-2007, 09:01 PM
「~に限る」 -> this phrase has multiple nuances and one of them is "the best thing", which judging from the context makes the most sense here.

>こんな暑い日はお風呂に限るよね -> The best thing to do on a hot day like this is to take a bath

In this case adolescent is sufficient, but it might be useful to know that 年頃 basically means post-puberty, or, usually referring to young women, to be of a marriagable age.

12-06-2007, 10:53 PM
thank you very much both of you. now i can at least understand the meaning more. :) hope you won't mind i'm posting more. :) feel free to post your opinions if you have time. :) thanks~

A conversation between a group of 'birds singers' (more to a chorus group)that seem talking about their performance thing? (kinda like that since it seems hard for me to understand what they're talking about:

A: なんていうかさ~ 可愛いつりもしんどいよね。。 = How do I say this~ being cute is also tiresome, right?

B: だよね~ みんなにちやほやされるのは
悪い気しないけどさ~ = Isn't it~? Making everyone to be pampered, but the bad air does not.

C: まあ でも テキトー に
歌ってればokみたい な? = but if we sing well, it will look OK?

D: まあ ね~ Alのおっさんに従うつりさえ
しっかりとけば万事ok? = right~ We follow that old Al
everything is ok? (i think Al is their conductor)

E: ぶっちゃけ今すぐ
ここ出てってもいいんんだけどさ = (kinda didn't get this one)

D: でも ここって食べ均に困らないじゃん?
自給自足もめんどくさい~ = But we aren't worried about the equal eating. Self-sufficiency is also troublesome.

大変だよね] = [It's also hard to be attached to human, right]

Al: さあ~ 演奏の時間だぞ! = Come~ It's perfomance time!


12-07-2007, 12:42 AM
A. I haven't seen any つり's being used in the manner it's being used here before, and I'm having trouble locating any reliable definitions or examples. Given that your basic idea here is correct (which, for the rest of the sentence, it is), I'm going to go with it as the "being" in your translation. That assumption taken, the way I'd translate it to make that sound a bit less awkward would be:

"How should I put it... being cute is a bother, too, you know?"

Tiresome is a possible interpretation of しんどい, but from the context offered here, I'd say that bothersome is probably truer to the intent.

B. I'd have to think longer about the word order in that sentence than I really want to right now in order to translate, but I can tell that you're misinterpreting the way ちゃほや is being used, as well as mistranslating 気. みんなにちゃほやされる should be read "Everybody making a fuss over (or pampering, if you like, though I think the former might be a bit easier on the tongue) oj," the object here being the cute persons in question.
気 can also be translated as spirit or mood, aside from air (take the compound 気持ち as an example), and, used after an adjective like this, it can be translated along the lines of "giving one a [adjective] feeling." What's confusing me here is the use of the negative verb; I'm sure I'd see what it was saying if I gave it a few minutes thought, but it's 1:20 AM right now and my brain's a bit frazzled.

C. You've more or less got the right concept there, but you've ignored the まあ at the beginning; it's a common interjection (and like many, it's hard to put down a translation that matches the tone), but I think beginning the sentence with "Well" would suffice--except, I just realized, that'd be a little odd, with the subsequent "well" so soon afterwards. Oh, well. I guess the way I'd handle it would be to combine the まあ at the beginning with the な at the end, and begin with "But, you know."
The last issue I have is translating みたい as "look"--みたい is a common suffix that means, more or less, either "looks like" or "seems like." In some contexts, though, it doesn't lend itself well towards translation, and you just have to smush the idea in with the rest of the sentence. The way I'd translate the full sentence would be:

"But, you know, as long as we sing well, I think everything'll be okay!"

The な/ね question particle doesn't always lend itself to a question for the equivalently expressed idea in English; it seems to me, at least, that this is one of those times.

Ugh, I'm sorry, but I've gotta get to bed. My brain can't take anymore tonight. If nobody's struck my interpretations off as totally dead wrong by the time I get on tomorrow, I'll try to finish off the rest, as well as figure out what's going on with that damn しない.

12-07-2007, 01:44 AM
Thanks, Datenshi. I like seeing other translators' help finally.

Here's my attempt at translating. If any of you know any better, for goodness' sake CORRECT ME. I hope that is clear now.

A: Sounds right. Not really sure what つり means (I don't remember hearing it IRL either), but the general idea of the sentence is like that.

B: "Isn't it~? Everybody making a big deal out of it, though it isn't a bad feeling."

C: "Yeah, but if we sing properly it'll be OK, right?"
みたい doesn't just have to do with visible looks, but also on how something "seems".

D: "Right~ Should we just stick to old Al's gameplan?"
I dunno, that's how I'd translate it lol. 従うつりさえしっかり sounds like "just stick to the game plan" (not literally). I'm not entirely sure what とけば means. What it seems to mean, including the rest of the sentence, would be "It'll solve everything." I'm dropping that part because it's redundant and unnatural to say it in English. Of course, this isn't an accurate translation, and is only from the way I understood the sentence. Anybody is welcome to correct me and provide a better way to translate it.

E: Frankly, right now just coming out here is enough.
ぶっちゃけ = I often hear this in comic acts. It means something like "putting it bluntly" or "frankly speaking". The rest of the sentence has lots of ways to translate it, but I chose the simplest way. It may not be the best, but that's what came to mind when I read it.

D: First sentence sounds about right. めんどくさい often means something a lot more displeasing than just being "troublesome". More like "annoying".

The rest of your translations are okay.

Again, I'm no authority when it comes to translations. I translate things as they come to my head. My brain doesn't process a Japanese sentence word for word, because I didn't study Japanese. It gets a sentence then extracts ideas out of the various parts. So I may have mistaken a few words here and there. If I made any mistake, forgive me.

- edit: Vagrere posted a comment faster than I did. While I was translating I went down to play with my dog lol. :D So when I came back up I didn't see somebody already replied. But it's good that you see my perspective too, and so that somebody can point out any of my mistakes.

12-07-2007, 05:18 AM
aah, i guess since i might needing helps from you guys again, so I think I'd better say that you guys are free to speak out your opinions on how you interpret the meaning even though there is someone who had already spoke out his/her own translations. :) It's not that I'm looking for the greatest or very accurate translations, as long as you guys are willing to help to give more things that you guys know, then don't hesitate to write it down. :) You can write down your own translation too if it's different from others. :) (well, since my knowledge on this is very limited so I kinda want to see how you guys interpret it. Hope you won't mind :) )

anyway, let's have fun~ :)

@ Unknown & Vagrere : Thanks a lot u guys~ I'm waiting for Vagrere's continuation~ :)

I'll post more later :)

12-07-2007, 12:13 PM
by the way, is there anyone can grasp the meaning of 戦闘不能 ?
is it 'battle weakpoint'? or 'aggresive failure' (from babel) ? not sure about this one, lol.

other thing is: what is the best translation for ここまでなのか?
i know it means 'so until here huh?' but anyone can think any sentence that looks might make it better? :)

and this one: 僕にはアレがあるじゃないか?
is it something like this? : 'there is 'that' thing in (with?) me, isn't it! '

yoroshiku onegaishimasu! :)

12-07-2007, 03:03 PM
I'm not quite sure what you're asking...do you want to translate Japanese to English or English to Japanese? Especially for sentences like you're asking about, it depends highly on the context. Like, for example, "na no" I understand is for girls only, and "na no ka" is *really* for girls only. "na no ka", or at least I understand it, is what you say when you're really concerned about something. It's not just "huh?". It's like if you were breaking up with your bf/gf and you say "so we're only going to here, huh?", then you would say "na no ka".

As for the 3rd sentence, I think the "ni" is superfluous. Other than that I can't really make heads or tails of that sentence because "aru" and "janai" are opposites of each other, so I'm not quite sure what's trying to be gotten at. I also can't tell if by "thing" you mean "quality" or "physical thing" If you mean quality, you could say something like "Boku no koto kara sore janai ka?" = "That's not because of me, is it?" (or at least that's how I'd translate it in context, although I suppose you could translate it as "Because of me, that doesn't exist?", which would be more literal). If you mean more of a physical thing (disease, etc.) you can say something like "Boku ni sore ga aru kara ne?" = "It's because that thing is in me, isn't it?" (although you might not want to use "ne" here, depending on how emotional you want to be)

12-07-2007, 05:18 PM
@ Ertai87 : sorry if I made you confused. actually those japanese sentences are the original ones so I want to find their meanings. So it's Japanese to English, not English to Japanese.

12-07-2007, 08:35 PM
You know, the more I look at it, the more 可愛いつり starts to look like a typo for 可愛いふり (I think it isn't that much of a stretch, those bodacious hiragana curves look vaguely alike).

>可愛いふりもしんどいよね -> it isn't easy pretending to be cute(sy)
Makes sense, wouldn't it?

Is there any way to check up on this?

12-07-2007, 11:51 PM
@ Datenshi: hermm when you said that I went to check it again and yeah I've just realized it is a typo, since I thought it was hiragana at first (because つり and フリ looks similar to me) but it was katakana actually.

So I guess you're right. :) Thanks a lot~ Sorry for my mistake hehe.

12-08-2007, 02:50 PM
@ Ertai87 : sorry if I made you confused. actually those japanese sentences are the original ones so I want to find their meanings. So it's Japanese to English, not English to Japanese.

If that's the case, then yeah, those translations are pretty good. The only problems are the endings, which are more context-dependent than meaning-dependent. For example, "koko made na no ka?" would be said generally by a female and generally only in a very important situation (breaking up with a boyfriend or something like that).