View Full Version : Trinity Blood

Saiyan Destroyer
11-23-2007, 04:46 PM
I really like this show and how it's evolving. It's not because I'm Roman Catholic. It's not because Father Abel Nightroad is an vampire. It's both :-D. Decent action, good blood, meaning full plot thus far. Anyone else check this out on Adult Swim?

11-23-2007, 04:59 PM
I can't watch Trinity Blood. I go immediately into a facepalm. To summarize everything that I didn't like, I quote myself.

Trinity Blood was a weak burrito.

The plot was confusing and assumed that the audience could pull too much knowledge from the ether. Or, just insulted the audience. So, technology was lost in a thermonuclear war, but then they have energy weapons, airships without wings or gasbags, jetpacks, tanks that are larger than the 180 German Maus**, seamlessly human androids, and nanotechnology technobabble that powers the poorly explained ultra-vampires. Too many things, also, were poorly handled. So then, the humans and the vampires are in a period of tense relations. But wait! The Vaticans go-go squad is in the vampire capital, receiving AID from the vampires! But wait! Now there are vampires underneath London and NO ONE HAD ANY IDEA and someone who goes by too quickly to remember their face and name is causing explosions! Also, the Incredible Spawn of Mr. Incredible and Superman is at the front gate! And all the while, they expect the audience to pull, from the ether, the information so that this makes sense and is relevant.

And the technologies, as well, did not have a limit to work under. It was play-it-by-ear work by the writers, and it was damn sloppy. Whenever it was needed, it seemed, they just wrote in whatever in the cosmos they wanted to write in, without explanation of how it works and why it's only showing up now. On Star Trek, they technobabble it with words that we can, in some part, identify with or are explained so we can understand. On Power Rangers, it's trial-and-error by the villans, which is undertandable. On Trinity Blood, they technobabble it with no explanation.

The characters? Nothing original. Not one isn't anything different than what you could find in other animes. Nightroad, by far, is the worse. For no good reason, he goes a complete 180 in terms of personality. Also, he's an idiot. Instead of doing what he needs to do and going powered up at the start of the battle, against an enemy he's fought before, he waits until the very last minute.

In short, TB was a good idea, but horribly, horribly executed.

**The Maus was a proposed 180 ton superheavy tank that the Nazis hoped could act as a slightly mobile high-powered tank gun. However, it was too big and too heavy. It would have gotten bogged down in mud(requiring two other Maus tanks to tow it out, at best) and would have severely stressed many bridges.

11-23-2007, 05:57 PM
I watched it already...I would rate it 7 out of ten...yep. I like Tres.. he is a nice priest heheheh

11-24-2007, 01:22 PM
They should have used more action,and that priest was too whiney....it's nothing compared to Hellsing.

11-30-2007, 12:04 PM
Bleh, it's okay I guess.I didn't really understand the story much, but there was some interesting bits of it.

12-02-2007, 08:02 PM
I liked Trinity Blood. Abel may seem a little crazy and hard to imagine as such a "monster", but he is kinda funny and clumsy.
Sister Esther-ah what a sweetheart, I love that girl.
And I love how they art is, parts seem so airy and dreamy I guess. I thought it was well done.

12-02-2007, 08:06 PM
I so luv Trinity Blood!
Abels my total fav!
I luv the fatc that hes a Crusnik.
Esther is cool to.
I don't think that its to bloody.
I would rate it a 7.5 outta ten.