View Full Version : Does this belong?

10-16-2007, 01:54 AM
I was just wondering if Tsukuyomi-Moon Phase- fitted into the genre this thread is for....hahaha....for those of you who've seen it... you might know what im getting across

but for those who havent or cant figure it out...
Tsukuyomi is a love story between a vampire and a human...cept cuz of thier age difference, and certain circumstances their relationship is tested by situations ranging from purely absurd to where one's life hangs on the balance of a needle ><...to simply put it...im honestly wondering if it still falls into this thread considering its got alotta comedy and romance

10-22-2007, 07:01 PM
yeah i think it would go in this category. i mean vampires are supernatural in a way, so yeah.

10-22-2007, 07:08 PM
yeah maybe,
never seen it, is it also a manga?
sounds really good ... you've got me hucked now T~T lol
but yeah i think it's okay

Cless Alvein
10-23-2007, 06:32 PM
Yes. Discussion of this anime is fine here.