View Full Version : Sign Ups: Shade's Children

Natu Utan
03-12-2007, 11:32 AM
***Aprroved by LPS ***

Wow, like many other people, I never thought that I would be hitting the new thread button... It feels sooooo good. =D Anyway, same ol same ol rules, as the site:

1)No cussing.
2)No Godmodding, if I catch you Godmodding i swear I will -thinks- Kick you out!!! >)

Now, heres the story.


A: Title- Shade's Children

B: History of RP story- Shade's Children takes place in a future where evil Overlords (http://www.animeforum.com/l%20List_of_Overlords) have ruled for fifteen years due to a catastrophic "Change" which caused all people over the age of fourteen to simply disappear. Since then, the children have been rounded up and placed in prison-like dorms. No child may live past their fourteenth birthday (known as a "Sad Birthday"), when they taken to the Meat Factory and his or her muscles (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Muscle), brain (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Brain), and other organs (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Organ_%28anatomy%29) are harvested to create cyborg (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Cyborg) creatures (http://www.animeforum.com/l%20List_of_creatures).

These creatures are servants of the Overlords, and as such both fight in the Overlords' ceremonial territorial battles and hunt for the rare escapees who have managed to remove the tracer implanted in their wrist. There is only one exception to this rule: some young women are kept for "breeding" to maintain the supply of children, until a suggested maximum age of eighteen.

Escape is rare, based both on courage and ability. These teens are gifted, however, with "Change Talents" - side effects of the "Change" that are unique to each individual and generally fall into the category of psychic powers (psychokinesis (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Psychokinesis), telepathy (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Telepathy), precognition (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Precognition), etc.) These talents are also dependent on Change Radiation, a mysterious field distributed by Change Projectors. This radiation allows the Overlords to control the weather and warp certain physical laws, which is critical for some creatures such as the Wingers (http://www.animeforum.com/l%20List_of_creatures), which would otherwise be too heavy to fly. The strength of the field is greatly weakened by water.

These escapees have one chance to survive. Several teams of escapees recruited by Shade live in a beached submarine (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Submarine), near a sewer (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Sewer) pipe that allows access to an extensive sewer system. Shade is the only "adult" to have survived the Change. This, however, is mitigated by the fact that he is merely the uploaded consciousness (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Mind_transfer) of a real human scientist - a Dr. Robert Ingman. Shade knows that he is an uploaded consciousness and thus continually questions his humanity (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Humanity).

15 years ago, every human being over the age of 14 vanished. Everyone on the face of the Earth. A bus, came by to all the towns, gathering all of the remaining Children, those under 14. They are taken to a Dorm, where they are raised, and put on Steroids, for the Overlords Creatures. The day they reach 14, the child is killed, and made into one of their beings. These creatures include,

Drones are the Overlord's workers: although they do not have enhanced senses or any defense, these workers who maintain and run the Meat Factory are super-strong. They are only found in Overlord installations, where there are invariably others nearby to defend them.
Ferrets are similar to their real-life counterparts (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Ferret) in appearance, but are notedly larger, more intelligent, and have hollow fangs with which to partially exsanguinate their victims. They are nocturnal, and seem to act merely as hunters of escapees rather than also fighting for the Overlords. They are mentioned to have great strength. Ferrets also have an affinity for underground locales and dislike heights, including tall buildings. They operate in "fangs" of five, and make hissing noises to communicate.
Myrmidons, unlike some of the other creatures, are humanoid: Larger than most, (the teens of which they are made are given steroids (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Steroids)) these creatures are always seen wearing full armour and carrying a mêlée weapon (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/M%C3%AAl%C3%A9e_weapon) or a net gun, used to capture escapees. They have barrel chests, long arms, spade-shaped hands, and six fingers. They use fist-sized glowing globes called witchlights for light, and are mentioned as using battle sprayers that spray acid. They are the shock troops of the Overlords and the primary fighting units. They appear in "maniples (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Maniple_%28military_unit%29)" of seven.
Myrmidon Masters
A Myrmidon Master is a larger, more intelligent Myrmidon which commands other Myrmidons. In the field, they are second in command only to a visiting Overlord. Myrmidon Masters are not generally seen in groups with other Myrmidon Masters, but rather among groups of the lesser Myrmidons.
their scream is so loud as to be able to deafen and daze people far away from it. They are also the primary method of alarm for sleeping Myrmidons - only a Screamer can wake a Myrmidon quickly. They do not travel in groups.
Trackers are the scouts of Overlord forces - their noses, ears, and eyes are larger than normal and further enhanced with Overlord cyborg technology. They travel in "trios" of three, using whistling noises to indicate their status. They wear leather armor and do not fight unless attacked.

Wingers are flying creatures resembling humanoid bats. They have no nose, and their lower jaw is extended for enhanced killing ability. As with the other creatures, a mind control unit is kept near its brain, which forbids human thoughts and speech (although speech becomes difficult anyway due to the repositioning of the mouth). Wingers use Change energy anti-gravity boosters to help them fly, since they are theoretically too heavy to fly. There are also special, vehicle-sized Wingers used as the personal flying mounts of Overlords. Normal Wingers appear in "flights" of nine.

These creatures are set out to gather the escapes of the Drom and return them to the meat Factory. Where they are made into one of the them.

The Overlords
The Overlords are evil (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Evil) humanoid beings from another dimension. They appear human but are subtly different. They view all life other than themselves as utterly worthless, referring repeatedly to humans as animals. As such, they have no problems harvesting children and using them to construct their creatures for no purpose other than sadistic enjoyment of gladiatorial violence between the creatures.

They do not normally use speech to communicate, though they are capable of it. Instead, they subvocalize (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Subvocalization), using their technology to carry their speech among them. When they subvocalize, their throat muscles twitch noticeably.
There are three female and four male Overlords.
The Overlords disdain combat and never enter hand-to-hand combat themselves, but have a variety of technologically advanced weapons.
Black Banner
The first Overlord featured. He wears black, spiked armour with a horned helmet.
Red Diamond
A highly aggressive male Overlord who wears a red armour and and a fire-like cloak. He is greasy, fat, and balding.
Blue Star
Very little is mentioned about Blue Star. Blue Star may be the third female Overlord.
Gold Claw
Apparently the oldest of the Overlords, Gold Claw, a female Overlord, is also quite arrogant.
Silver Sun
An attractive female who wears mirrored armour, Silver Sun is very intelligent and sadistic. Her teeth are filed to points.
Gray Crescent
An old male, Grey Crescent was asleep when Ninde and Gold-Eye were brought to see the Overlords.
Emerald Crown
Emerald Crown dresses in flexible green metal armour and a crown of emerald spikes, and is presumably male.

C: Sample Character Sheet.



Apperance: (Photos allowed, use attachement)

Change Talent: (It must be a reasonable talent, nothing extreme. As Useing your Talent GREATLY exhaust its user.)


With Shade or not:

Brief history of Character: (How escape from the Dorm was succesful, what you have been doing since you escaped.)

D: Sample Characters-

Name: Shade (Robert Ingman)

Age: Unknown

Apperance: (Will be revealed if and when RPG is approved)

Change Talent: Does not have one, since he is a computer.

Gender: Male (Well he resembles a male)

With Shade or not: Is Shade

Brief Histroy: Shade was originally named Robert Ingman, who somehow managed to upload his consciousness into the machines and systems in his lair. He serves as a mentor to his Children, and sends them on missions for supplies and information. Shades has many spider droids around his lair, in which he commands to clean, cook, work, build, and other things. Shade is the commander of all of the children, and has been for a long time. He is the only "adult" around. His former self, Robert Ingman, was a well reknown scientist, famous for the invention of Holograms, and human counterpart robots.

Name: Ninde

Age: 15

Apperance: (Person who gets this character will decide)

Change Talent: Her Change Talent is telepathy (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Telepathy): she can read minds within a limited level of complexity (she can't comfortably read human minds or Overlord minds) and distance, and tends to chew her knuckles when concentrating

Gender: Female

With Shade or not: With Shade

Brief History: Ninde was one of the only children able to avoid being sent to the dorms, where she probably would of suffered a great fate. She discovered Shade's sub, and wandered inside. Being the first child to be recruitied by Shade. Since her recruitment, she has been on many missions, gathering information and materials for the Sub, and items needed to battle against the Overlords. Ninde has recovered many tapes of old movies, which she always watches on her free time. Ninde was also the first person to kill a Myrmdion.

Name: Ella

Age: 18

Apperance: (Person who gets this character will decide)

Change Talent: Her Change Talent is the ability to summon or "conjure" inanimate objects of limited mass at will, usually weapons.This is how she escaped the Overlords' dormitories, conjuring a razor blade (http://www.animeforum.com/wiki/Razor) to cut a tracker out of her wrist. This greatly tires Ella

Gender: Female

With Shade or not: With Shade

Brief History: Ella, the leader of her group, is resourceful and strong but cold and withdrawn emotionally. When Ella was in the Dorms, at the age of 16, (she was kept alive for breeding) she conjured a razor blade, and cut the tracer out of her wrist. After this had happened, her and a few others attempted escape from the Dorms, but, she was the only successful one. For a year, she was on her own, and traveled around, searching for places to hide from the overlords. Ninde found her and saved Ella. Soon, Ella became leader of her group Which contains, Ninde, Drum, Ella, and Gold-Eye. Ella is the oldest human being alive.

Name: Drum

Age: 16

Apperance: (Person who gets this Character will Decide)

Change Talent: His Change Talent is Telekinesis limited by Mass.

Gender: Male

With Shade or not: With Shade

Brief history: Drum was in the Dorms since he was born, and was immediatly put in the steriod program. Constantly training, and taking steriods to become a Myrmidon. When he was 16, Drum used his Change talent to float himself over the gates and out of the Dorms, during a recess time. After this, he used his power to remove the Tracer from his wrist. He was found by Ella and Ninde shortly after while they were on a mission, and he joined Shade. Drum has been with Ella, Ninde, and Shade ever since. Going on countless missions.

Name: Gold-Eye

Age: 14

Apperance: (Person who gets this character will decide but must have Golden eyes. )

Change Talent: His Change Talent is, unusually, not under his control, but comes to him in the form of visions of the future he calls (with his low fluency in English) the "soon-to-be-now".

Gender: Male

With shade or not: With Shade

Brief History: Gold-Eye's older brother, made a Shiv our of some metal he had found, and gave it to Gold-Eye. Telling him to cut the Tracer out and run. Gold-Eye did this, and he and his two brothers escaped. His brothers were captured shortly after their escape, but Gold-Eye was not. For 4 years, he has lived in a Railroad car, hiding from the Overlords creatures. They overlords' creatures found Gold-Eye, and he was about to be terminated, when Ella, Drum, and Ninde rescued Gold-Eye, with a flash bomb. They brought Gold-Eye to Shade, and Shade took him in. Gold-Eye can barly speak English, since he has not spoken in 4 years. Gold-Eye is the newest recruitment of Shade.

All of the Sample characters are up for grabs if anyone wants them, the only thing is, I will control Shade, unless I know for a fact that the person who wants him is a great.... all around everything.

Also, I will control the overlords when they are needed.

Have fun. =D

Natu Utan
03-12-2007, 11:38 AM
This is the character I will be useing as well.

Name: Bo

Age: 15

Apperance: (Photos allowed, use attachement) See attachement

Change Talent: Bo, can, for a brief second, freeze anything in its tracks. This is limited by size of the object, and will greatly exhause him.

Gender: Male

With Shade or not: With Shade

Brief history of Character: After Bo was captured, he lived his life in the dorm, trying to find a way out. One day, during a recess time at the dorms, he found out his Change talent by becoming Angry with one of the trackers that had brought back another child. he froze the Tracker, amazed. Later that night, Bo, froze a pwice of wood he had found, making it sharp, and cut the Tracer which was embedded in his wrist. After this, he snuck out and away from the Dorm. Being recruited by Shade shortly after. he has only beenwith Shade for a few days, before Gold-Eye came in.

03-12-2007, 02:40 PM
EDIT: ERRORZ have been edited.

I found a character.. and I'm glad to say he'll work for me.

Name: Alex

Age: 17

Appearance: On the attachment, but he has tan baggy pants instead of shorts.

Change Talent: By taking ions, protons and neutrons from the atoms in the air around him he can create and manipulate lighting to an extent, usually for a bolt of lighting. But the fact remains, the more lighting he makes the more electrolytes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolytes) he loses in his body, meaning he can suffer from malnutrition. This also will dehydrate him, seeing as though the water in his body is also used to create the static that is needed to start forming the lightning.

Gender: Male

With Shade or not: With Shade

Brief history of Character:
Alex, though not a common name any more, was the name he found on a small cracked cover to a videogame. He wasn't able to read back then but a kid who could, read it to him. "Alex, the one Destined to be the next Dragon Master..." That was all that was left of that busted game cover and so he took on that name. He escaped the dorm obviously by sneaking his way the best who could to the last wall, where he conjured his lightning the most he had ever done in his life. This burst fried the tracker in his wrist inside out. He escaped half dead somehow managing to reach the nearby wooded area.

Alex was found by some of Shade's children, and brought to him on the submarine. Eversince then he has acted like a big brother to the youngers kids and has helped Shade for better or for worse. He eats a lot, because of everything his power drains him of and is usually seen with a flask of water. He needs water to supplement what water he burns until he eats again.

Natu Utan
03-12-2007, 03:16 PM
Good Character. Accepted.

03-12-2007, 03:36 PM
C: Sample Character Sheet.

Name: nora

Age: 15

Change Talent: miror path. Nora is capable of transfering her feelings to another. if she feels sick she can make someone else feel sick. if she feels happy she can make someone feel happy. her power as one big downside she can only use it on one or two people at the time depending on how much energy she has.

Gender: female

With Shade or not: shade

Brief history of Character: nora was born into the dorms and quickly raised to become a breeder. one day during lunch she didn't feel wel and suddenly the girl across her didn't feel wel to. she practiced her power a whole on diffrent people and eventualy on the guards. she managed to escape but probely had not survied if some of shades childeren had not seen her collapse near the beach. when she woke up she had a scar on the hand that once held the tracker. she often cares for the younger childeren since she das not really see a big use in her power.


Natu Utan
03-12-2007, 03:43 PM

Just put a picture of your character in an attachement please. Makes it easier.

fox demon naruto
03-12-2007, 04:22 PM
Name: Link Wells

Age: 19


Change Talent: Sound Reflex; For a breif ammount of time when his adrenaline get high enough he'll go into a mode to which he becomes blind but can pick up the movements of his enemies up to 3 miles and can see there weak points. However, he cannot see comrads and the risk of passing out shortly after is high.

Gender: Male

With Shade or not: With

Brief history of Character: Link was the only one to escape from a attemp to escape from a dorm. They were at a traing area to tone there muscles when the attemped was tried. A good friend of Link's knew a talent that allowed him to knock out the guards and get there keys. The alarm didn't ring until the kids were about half-way out of the area. The guards, being faster then they exspected, caught up them quickly and captured some of the children. With only three left, one being Link his friend and a other, the fled onward. The guards chased them, and surronded them near the entrence to the pipeworks. Link's friend was in no condition to fight them and the other didn't seem to have a power. When they neared they captured the other and attacked Link. That when his power came in. All went dark exsept outline of the enemies. He could clearly see a weak point and he disposed of them quickly. What he hadent noticed was one of them had captured his friend. Still unable to see and not able to see his friend he thought he was still there. When Link gain sight again he relized he wasnt there and he was too far to go back. Weak and lonly Link started to wander. He saw a man in a black cloak before passing out. When he woke he found himself to the home of shade. Knowing all to well that every single one of the people that were in that attemp are dead and now drives to free all he can from his former dorm.

Natu Utan
03-12-2007, 04:27 PM
Umm yeah, good Change talent. But give more of a description of how he escaped from the Dorm, how the Tracer was removed, how he got with Shade, what hes been doing all that kind of stuff.

fox demon naruto
03-12-2007, 04:42 PM
there more story and some more info on his power

Natu Utan
03-12-2007, 04:46 PM
Okay, accepted.

ALSO, So everyone knows, the Guards of the Dorm of Myrmidon and their masters. =\

Music without a sound
03-14-2007, 12:03 PM
Name: LorRaine Alexander but refers to be called Raine.

Age: 16

Apperance: See attachement, Her hair is an suburn brown instead of black though.

Change Talent: Telekinesis- Raine can Move and bend this with her mind

Gender: Female

With Shade or not: With Shade

Brief history of Character:
Raine was brought up to be a breeder, and had birthed two children which were taken from her, right after they were born to be raised to become other things. One day while she was sitting in bed recovering, Starting at the door and just willing it to open so she could get out of this prison, and low and behold it had! it really opened, she was confused and over a week began using this power trying to figure out a way to get out, once she had recovered all of her strength after birthing her second child 2 weeks prior she used her power to open the doors and move anything that crossed her path out of the way, once out side she glared at the tracker imbedded in her wrist and Bent it so that it broke and removed it's self , running for her life and exhausted to no end she collapsed in the woods where Shade, or his children she's not entirely sure found her and brought her to safety.


Natu Utan
03-14-2007, 05:37 PM
Eh, its okay.

BUT, You need to add some kind of side effect to your change talent. Like, exhaustion, the powers are meant to be used only when need be. Not whenever you want too. Its keeps it from this RPG from being so easy.

Music without a sound
03-14-2007, 08:18 PM
Raine was brought up to be a breeder, and had birthed two children which were taken from her, right after they were born to be raised to become other things. One day while she was sitting in bed recovering, Starting at the door and just willing it to open so she could get out of this prison, and low and behold it had! it really opened, she was confused and over a week began using this power trying to figure out a way to get out, once she had recovered all of her strength after birthing her second child 2 weeks prior she used her power to open the doors and move anything that crossed her path out of the way, once out side she glared at the tracker imbedded in her wrist and Bent it so that it broke and removed it's self she became tierd and could barely see but she ran so she wouldn't get caught from using the power so much in such a short period of time all her energy was spent, but she managed to run into the woods on pure adreniline she collapsed in the woods where Shade, or his children she's not entirely sure found her and brought her to safety, because she had blacked out.

Natu Utan
03-14-2007, 08:21 PM
Eh, good enough

But people, sorry to say but, With all of these other RPGs goin around, I might just Post-Pone this one until the others are finished or die out, so this one can have more memebers. =\