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03-08-2007, 01:41 PM
And They Touched the Face of God
*Approved by LPS*

Story and Elements of Chaos

The World That Was:
The world had advanced far. There were still unpleasant elements, the poor still had not received their due and languish in the urban core of the society. However, that did not hurt the overall optimism of the age. Everyone worked for the betterment of society. Everyone struggled to make there Ideal world. Some through essays, some through politics, others through litigation, and others simply restricted there paradise to their own, small, sphere of influence. But all had hope. There were dreams floating in the air to be tasted. Dreams. Dreams, which were so breakable.

This was the world when the Shard of Tetragrammaton fell on Cainaan.

The Dissension and the Fall of the Shard of Tetragrammaton:
Cainaan was a town like any other. The high school students went out past curfew and the convenience store was robbed on occasion. Small houses dotted the towns rolling hills, despite the towns small flaws it was a good town. The public schools had improve greatly since the turn of the last century. The college acceptance rate was 95%. Young men and women left the town to pursue their dreams.

This town was slated to die.

February, 19th 2XXX was the day time decided to stop. When the Tetragrammaton, god of all things, decided the worlds time was over and that Rebirthing had to occur. It was 2:21:13 in the morning when the clocks stopped, when the phoenix closed its eye on its pyre and went to sleep.

It was at this time when an object known now as the Shard of Tetragrammaton fell to earth and the dissension began.

The Birth of Chaos:

When the Shard fell on Cainaan, the world ceased to be. There was no explosion. No great shattering of the sky. A stone merely fell from the earth and in the blink of an eye the world was changed. The world that came forth was Chaos. The state of uncreation.

Chaos is world of strangeness, black trees grow twisted and stretch wizened charcoal fingers across the sky. Valleys bend in rivers of air. And cities of rubble appeared over night. These cites, or the remains of them, have been given the names Pandemonium, Sodom, Tartarus, and Gamora. Outside of these “safe” semi-cities the land is crawling with demons and angels and all manner of spiritual beasts and monsters. Manifestations of human elements that were broken to pieces and fell to the ground when the human souls that supported them receded into the Anima, the collective conscious. Most dangerous of these is the Legions. It is a massive coagulation of wayward ill will, the results of wars that occurred in the human world and remain as massive groups of demons that terrorize even the cities.

There is still hope though. Some humans still walk the earth. There was no rhyme or reason to who came, some were new born babes, some people on their death beds. However, some of them are able to survive. They wander the world with one goal in mine. To rebirth the world.

However, the humans have slowly begun to change. They themselves are turning into demons. Some merely into humans with wings while others are undergoing a slow but complete metamorphosis. The power of Anima, begins to fill their veins. They grow more in touch with the world of anti-existence. But they still remember, even as they shift from the world of creation into its parody that they were human and they still desire, once more, to see the human world reborn.

They all have different goals in rebirthing the world. All wish to create their own utopia however, they disagree about the specifics of what that utopia should be. For this they have been divided into six schools of thought based on three Ways. For now they wander without direction. They know not how to rebuild. In order to do that they must return to the only piece of the former world that remains.


Three Journey Forth:
When Cainaan was wiped out three appear to have survived the devastation. They walked into Chaos in separate directions but each bears the mark of there existence, the Sigil of Definition.

Each of these three boys now journeys with a band of other humans. All seeking to one day rebuild the world, they all now set their sites for the city where they will soon meet and be known to each other, Pandemonium

The Three Ways and their Duals:
There are three Philosophies that govern the demons, Harmony, Dissonance, Order, Conflict, Individualistic Humanism and Societal Humanism. In addition to being the basis around which demons form there bands they also are the channel through which Anima manifests itself. Each Philosophy allows Anima to be made manifest in different ways.

Each Philosophy is actually one half of a greater whole, which make up the three Ways. However, they each have a different method of interpreting their particular Way which cause them to have opposite points of view in most matters. Two people of Opposite Philosophies in the same Way rarely get along.

Please note these philosophies and ways are not absolutes, a Follower of Conflict can agree with an Individualistic humanist in some respects and a Harmonian might see the good in Order. However, pick the one that best suits your character.

The Way of Noumena:
Harmony – Dissonance

Both Harmony and Dissonance believe in following the intuition and not using ones mind too much. They believe the human body, as a natural entity knows exactly the right think to do and that reason only screws things up. At times they can seem childish, filled with wonder at the world because they don’t allow their minds to turn every minor miracle into a coffin of reality.

Harmony and Dissonance have one major dispute that causes great disagreement between them. Followers of the Philosophy of Harmony believe that people should be calm and at piece, intuiting things from the perspective of the world. They often try to break down the barriers between their mind and the world around them so that they can be one with the world and follow its guiding will. After all, we are all but cells in the organism of life. Can there be any other path but to become one with the being that we are part of? (For further reading on Harmonians look up Zen Buddhism and Taoism)

Dissonants disagree in that they believe there own individual human bodies are just as valid as the world around them. They follow there emotions and rarely take the time to think out their actions. Where a Harmonian might be calm and peaceful most of the time a Dissonant is prone to huge mood swings and are highly unpredictable. They despise any authority over themselves and therefore dislike the Harmonian idea that life is some greater being of which we are a part, they see life as more of a chaotic tangle and don’t really care to figure it out. They roll with the flow of things. After all, why look for happiness outside ones self when on has it right here? (For further reading on Dissonants look up Anarchism and the Epicureans)

Goals: Harmonians wish to make the new universe one where all creatures and people are profoundly aware of there place and are instinctually connected with one another in an era of peace and joy.
Dissonants want to make the new universe one where all things are able to follow whatever emotion they feel like at the time. Everyone is happy just being himself or herself and can instantaneously sense their own intuitive needs.

The Way of Phenomena:
Order – Conflict

Both Orderites and Conflicters believe in the power of will. They wish to create a world shaped by human will and reason. They see emotions and intuition as inherently flawed since they can never be translated to another person and therefore like intrinsic value in the real world. There fore they feel that only with reason can on truly understand the world around them, it is through logic and understanding the world speaks.

Orderites believe that mankind requires piece and prosperity above all other things. That the reason that mankind was given a rational mind was so that he could use it to create a world were all the laws of logic were followed and every one can be happy in the flush of an eternal utopia. They believe that to this end all other things come second, and they will often use any measure to obtain it. Though the may sometimes come off as cold to the needs of others it is only when they believe there demands to be irrational or when they think that if the person would tolerate being unhappy now they will be rewarded later with a more peaceful world. Not afraid of sacrifice, these rigid people believe that if humans are put into a completely orderly environment they will eventually turn good. After all, isn’t peace and prosperity the goal of all people? (For further reading see Confucianism and Machiavelli (not machiavellian but the man himself))

Conflicters believe that mankind should always seek conflict to test there reason and abilities. Often times they are warriors who love to test their will power against others. Like Orderites they are not afraid of sacrifice however they do not feel a peaceful world is what is necessary. They wish to be at all times in conflict so that there will can become great, in effect, they believe the will and reason are there own ends and not means. However, despite how it may appear not all conflicters believe in physical fighting. A large number of philosophers and other thinkers belong to this group. They live for putting there ideas against those of others to determine there worth and are also particularly fond of taking someone else’s idea and analyzing it and find its holes. To this effect they are great devil’s advocates. Finally they believe in rule of the strong, be it intellectually or physically. After all, what is the purpose of the world except to perfectly reason it out and create the ultimate will that can shape it? (For further reading look up Nietzsche)

Goals: Orderites wish to make a world where there are exactly laws which are perfectly rational and fair so that there will be justice for all people and it is there this path that utopia can be achieved.
Conflicters wish to make a world of battle and intellectual conflict. The rules would be set by the one who’s will can not be broken and whose intelligence is beyond reproach. However, the rules are not absolutes and are not to be followed merely respected.

The Way of Humanity

Individualistic Humanism – Societal Humanism

The Humanists, both sides, differ from the other two way in that they do not focus on one half of the human consciousness. Where as a phenoms believe in logic and will and noumens believe in feeling and intuition, the humanists either do not care to make a distinction or respect both sides. They believe first and foremost in the perfectibility of mankind, that humanity has infinite potential and that any threat to that potential is beyond evil. Happiness to the Followers of the Way of Humanity is often times a tertiary concern

Individualistic Humanists believe that humans can only be perfected on the individual level, that one can only perfect one’s self and that one must dedicate oneself entirely to that goal. Though they may sound aloof and tending to live alone this is not always the case, they may see contact with others as a perfectly reasonable way of improving themselves, either through exposure to new ideas or through the emotional power they can draw from others. That’s not too say there are the occasional hermits it merely indicates that though they are Individualistic it merely means that all actions they take are in some way tied towards improving themselves. They spend many hours studying, training, and meditating. After all, isn’t the perfection of ones own being the primary concern of all men?

Societal Humanists focus on the improvement of mankind as a whole but do not normally subscribe to any particular method by which this can be accomplished. In most cases they believe that the human society itself knows the best way to get stronger however there are certain things they will not stand for. Particular among these is any individual or group of individuals undermining humanity, debasing it. Societal Humanists also spend much time improving others. They often spend time teaching and nurturing others to try and seek a pan-human ascension to perfection. Others are watchdogs, they protect humans from weakening influence and are not above the use of cruelty to obtain those ends. A common doctrine among Societal Humanists is that they will be perfected only when everyone else is perfect to, that humanity must obtain perfection as a single entity. After all, isn’t the perfection of humanity the purest of goals?

(Please note I made up these last two paths of thought, though they are loosely based on humanism. If you wish further reading that is all I can point you towards.)

Goals: Individualistic Humanists wish to make a world where each individual works purely for there own improvement. Each person is loyal only to themselves and seek a personal enlightenment and the perfection of their own being.
Societal Humanists wish to make a world where all strive to improve each other and to protect one another from any influences that might weaken them or keep them from enlightenment.

Anima is the collective consciousness of mankind. Right now it is swelling almost to bursting because so few humans souls actually exist since the world is currently in Chaos.

Anima flows through all people and most “spells” are merely manipulations of it. All humans possess Anima and however, its takes a demon or angel or other spiritual being to physically manipulate it. Humans can, after they begin to become demons, manipulate it in limited ways. Even the most minor of actions takes immense focus so at the beginning of an individuals descension into demon/angelhood he or she can only perform single small actions that he or she spends a great deal of time memorizing the motions for.

Anima can be manipulated in different ways depending on the individual’s philosophy. For example, those of the Way of Noumena cannot force their Anima, they must flow with their own Anima and allow it to work itself, they control the Anima by allowing it to control them, much like a swimmer in a river does not fight against the current but rather flows with it to keep from drowning.

Followers of the Way of Phenomena bend Anima to their will, these normally, like the swimmer going against the current the phenom becomes exhausted more quickly, however, can perform actions which a noumen cannot or, more precisely, wishes not to do. Those of the Way of the Phenom must remain actively involved in manipulating there Anima.

Followers of the Way of Humanity, manipulate Anima in a strange way. Unlike the other two, which consciously act with the intent of using Anima, humanists do not. They act irregardless of whether or not Anima is with them and sometimes Anima deigns to go with their action. There are no Humanist mages.

The humans who were brought into this world lost a key component of there humanity in order to come her. There definition. They became undefined beings. To this extent their own bodies have slowly begun to mutate and change.

What this will do in RP terms is that slowly over the course of the RP, your character will begin to mutate. How far this mutation goes is up to you and what form it takes is up to you as well.

Sample Character Sheet

Age (at time of Dissension):
Appearance (Picture if you wish)
Class: (All start off as human)
Philosophy: (Harmony, Order, Dissonance, Conflict, Individualistic Humanism, or Societal Humanism)
Mutation(s): Only one minor mutation to start
Ability(s): Again, Only one minor ability to start
Weapon: No advanced technology. Think pre-gunpowder.
Bio: (If you do not wish to give a long bio here to keep certain aspects of your character secret you can also PM me the bio)
Starting Group: (Choose one of the three characters, Mastema, Samael, or Macht)

Sample Characters:

Character’s that I will be Rping:

Please note these next three characters are unique and don’t have a Philosophy. There is a reason for this. However, if you look at there personalities you will notice that they have a lot in common with one of the philosophies. So pay attention in case you were confused as to how any of the Philosophies would work in the case of an individual character.

Name: Mastema Vassago
Age: Unknown (appears 17)
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://www.yale.edu/anime/imgarchive/Angel%20Sanctuary/angel_sanctuary.jpg
(sorry to anyone whose seen me use this image before but I absolutely love it)
He doesn’t have wings though
Class: Human
Philosophy: Unknown
Mutation(s): White hair
Ability(s): Minor Auraic Peace (His Anima seems to flow through his veins and allowing him to flow with the will of the world to a small extent.)
Weapon: None. Uses fists and gloves.
Personality: An incredibly calm boy who rarely bothers to act. He likes to watch events unfold and let them shift him. He bends with the worlds flow and lets it shape his path. He seems wiser then his age might indicate and is almost immediately aware of the emotions and feelings of others. Serene, he is a lake of support to those who look to him, to everyone else he might seem like an idiot and rather slow.
Bio: Nothing is known about him save that he was one of the three survivors from when the Shard of Tetragrammaton landed in Cainaan.
Starting Group: His own.

Name: Samael Samigina
Age: Unknown (Appears 19)
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://www.serdec.com/angelsword/img/scans/6-atsilouth/17-lucifer06.jpg
his hair covers one eye.
Class: Human
Philosophy: Unknown
Mutation: Fell Eye, which is covered by hair (does not see real world. Most of the time out of focus but focuses when he is thinking. Sees world in abstract concepts)
Ability: Grace of Anima (Sometimes Anima will chose to aid Samael and he will move with supernatural speed and celerity)
Weapon: Scythe
Personality: An apathetic young man who rarely bothers with anyone outside of himself. Spends most of his time alone or avoiding contact with others. His visible eye is often closed in seeming meditation. He spends many hours training and thinking but can be quite mean-spirited to others if they press for his attention, preferring to be left alone to his own thoughts. Occasionally makes comments about someone being a “sinner”. Many of these faces are just ways for him to cover up strong feelings of inadequecy he possesses towards himself.
Bio: Nothing is known about him save that he was one of the three survivors from when the Shard of Tetragrammaton landed in Cainaan.
Starting Group: His own

Name: Macht Wille
Age: (Appears about 15)
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://www.yale.edu/anime/imgarchive/Angel%20Sanctuary/setsuna_leather.jpg
Class: Human
Philosophy: Unknown
Mutation(s): Telepathic Link with his Sword
Ability(s): Weak Shadow Manipulation (Can bend shadows to his will to a small extent granting him the use of Shadows Divination)
Weapon: Sword (its name is Eligos)
Personality: A lover of all things battle related. Normally a cool, albeit sometimes cruel, person however, once battle begins he goes almost crazy with battle lust. Outside of combat he is actually quite intelligent and carries many books with. Argumentative at the best of times, but don’t take it personally, its not that he dislikes you or disagrees its just he loves fighting and arguing.
Bio: Nothing is known about him save that he was one of the three survivors from when the Shard of Tetragrammaton landed in Cainaan.
Starting Group: His Own

Final note: All three of these characters have this symbol http://z.about.com/d/altreligion/1/0/R/S/2/slucifersigil.jpg tattooed somewhere on there bodies. Mastema on his torso, Samael over his throat, and Macht on his forehead

Sample Characters Up For Grabs:
Feel free to take and use these characters. Just say your taking them and if you have any specific questions about personality or anything you might want to ask just send me a PM.

Name: Shania Belia
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Appearance: http://www.yale.edu/anime/imgarchive/dna/Karin.JPG
Class: Human
Philosophy: Order
Mutation: Sky-blue hair
Ability: Frail Illumination (Bending the light of the sun, which is now lost to this world, she can create light from nothing granting her the Blinding Flash)
Weapon: Knife
Personality: Energetic but have a certain amount of brokenness to her that comes from a life on the street. Now that she has been granted the opportunity to help shape the next world she has become brighter and happier. One of ceaseless activity she can’t understand how Mastema can be so passive.
Bio: Lived on the streets for most of her life after it became apparent her mother couldn’t take care of her. She became quite street wise and her ingenuity allowed her stay alive, at least physically. For many years she become to shrivel emotionally as she continued to feel ostracized from those around.
However, now that she is in Chaos she is recovering and hopes to make a world where the poor and forgotten are supported. She was the first person to meet Mastema in Chaos and has traveled with him since that time, though that’s not to say she agrees with him. His tendency to let the world act and her experience of having the world act cruelly to her are irreconcilable.
Starting Group: Mastema

Name: Seraf Woodward
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://www.yale.edu/anime/imgarchive/Angel%20Sanctuary/lucifer.jpg
Class: Human
Philosophy: Societal Humanism
Mutation: Large blade which comes from the back of his right hand
Ability: The Lost God’s Hand ( Occasionally Animic Power will focus in his right hand and causing a bright white light and demons struck by it will be desummoned from the world)
Weapon: Hand Blade
Personality: A calm thinker and at times, a heartless pursuer of the human good. He is somewhat dismissive towards others but is quick to lecture others if at any moment they show the slightest bit of incompetence. This can be incredibly annoying but it is done with the best of intentions. He never lies, however, he is quite eloquent and his words might seem to mean something other then what they say.
Bio: He grew up in a wealthy home, sheltered from the sufferings of humanity until he began his college education. When he read about the defunct systems of keeping humanity stable he decided he would become a lawyer to write the wrongs he saw keeping humanity from obtaining perfection.
He later joined a law firm that specialized in cases dealing with human rights and worked tirelessly to destroy every law that he called a “sin against humanity”. He rarely cared about the justice of the particular case but rather about its greater effect on society as a whole, at one point argueing for a group of murders simply because they had not received a consul when there confessions had been taken and successfully got there charges dismissed.
He occasionally lectured at colleges and taught all who would listen about the value of the pursuit of the greater human good, which transcended any individual or even group of individuals.
Once he became part of Chaos he wander aimlessly until he met Macht. Though he sometimes argues about the correct path to human good with Macht, he has taken some inspiration from the boy in his pursuit of creating the next world. He considers Macht a son.
Starting Group: Macht’s

Name: Edena Xiphi (pronounced Chifi)
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Appearance: http://www.yale.edu/anime/imgarchive/Berserk/berserk_casca.jpg
Class: Human
Philosophy: Dissonance
Mutation: Tattoos along her back that glow pale green when she is emotional- which is often.
Ability: Sense (Anima flows through her at all times and this grants her a heightened awareness)
Weapon: Rapier
Peronality: Chaotic. She is a person who is quick to anger and just as quick to forgive. She seems sad whenever she doesn’t have her mind occupied which is rare because she often seems to go out of her way to stay busy. Loyal to herself above all others and sometimes flippant, she’s not really that bad once you get to know her.
Bio: Born in a small country town, she had a reputation for being discordant even then. She had a habit of stealing things even in her youth and for a while had a criminal record as a petty thief. She fell in with the wrong crowd for while but when she was about 18 she fell in love with a man and in order to keep from having to be apart from him while being incarcerated she stopped her criminal activities.
They live happily for two years. However, six months before the Shard of the Tetragrammaton fell on Cainaan, the young man died. She then fell back into her previous ways and at the time of the Dissension was languishing in a cell where she could do nothing but think about her loss. Now that she’s out she avoids thinking about it by any means necessary.
While in Chaos she met Samael and tried to steal his scythe, however, he defeated her but spared her life. For some reason, she took this to mean he likes her and now hangs around him, driving him insane with her affection for him. She often gets angry at him but that’s just because she can’t keep her mood stable for any length of time. Samael has more then once tried to ditch her but she keeps coming back. Much to his chagrin.
Starting Group: Samael

Game Master’s Notes:
Here are some things too keep in mind as you design your character and RP.

First, no over powered characters. If I see if I see a character that seems to be over powered I will not accept it and ask you to please change it. Remember, all the characters are normal people before the Dissension. A typical father. A young high school girl. Nothing more. No ninjas with amazing superhuman strength or biologically engineered soldiers.

Second, when Rping, remember this is probably going to be a very long RP. Don’t rush your character growth, otherwise you’ll get stuck doing the same thing over and over.

Third, please be detailed in your personalities and Bios. Even you have something you don’t want to reveal yet, you can send it to me so no one has to know before you are ready to reveal it. I’d like to see well-developed characters.

Fourth, if you have any requests about things that you want your character to do or have occur during the course of the plot send me a pm and I’ll see if I can accommodate you.

Fifth, You may be wondering why I had everyone set there class to human yet still included it as a slot. This is because every 20 pages or so I’m going to request that everyone still involved repost there character sheets in the sign up thread. There are several reasons 1) it allows me to keep track of who is and isn’t still in the RP 2) you can adjust your class depending on how your character has mutated and/or strengthed over those aforementioned 20 pages and also include a brief summary of what happened to him, and finally it allows other people to keep up, having 10 or so people strengthening constantly can get confusing, especially if you have to leave for a week for some reason. This will allow everyone to be on the same page and allow those who might have missed something to keep up without reading 15 back pages of text.

Sixth, have fun or I will destroy you.

03-08-2007, 04:14 PM
i'l give it a shot, looks like fun

Name: Babs

Age : 13

Sex: female

Appearance: URL=http://img65.imageshack.us/my.php?image=untitledce1.png]http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/9987/untitledce1.th.png[/URL]
she just wears the dress not the cloak

Class: human

Philosophy: ( Societal Humanism)

Mutation(s): her ears are a bit pointed and furry

Ability(s): her hearing range is larger than of a ordinary human.

Weapon: a joujou

Personality: friendly when she trust someone but she first captures someone with her joujou and then ask qeustions. she is very caustious around new people .

Bio: babs grew up in a normal family of four. When she became part of chaos struck she was the only surviver. after trying to up her parents and sister for a while she left and took on a life on the streets until she met macht. Tired of being alone and on the streets she joined his group in hope of finding sort of replacement for the family she lost. Though she joined mach she seems to pull more towards seraf probely because there ways of thinking are more in common or because she sometimes tires off macht's battlelust.

Starting Group: Macht

03-08-2007, 09:44 PM
Wait, I *have* to have fun? How dare you impose such an unreasonable requirement!
Also, though I'm joining, I won't be posting in the RP until either Wednesday or Thursday, as I am going on a lengthy trip for spring break. As I won't be here much tomorrow, I hope I can have it that Sikander appears after the RP starts and joins the group assigned in the sheet.

Name: Sikander Orteyn.
Age (at time of Dissension): 18
Sex: Male
Appearance: Sikander has a natural sleekness that reminds one of busts of ancient Egyptian pharohs. He keeps his loose, silky blue-black hair short and lets it form a curly mat on his head easily blown in different directions by winds. His eyes are a rich, chocolate brown that have a reserved and withdrawn look to them. On his left arm he's had tatooed a curious sybmol, an eye with three pupils and colored from behind with an inhuman seeming light.
Class: Human
Philosophy: Individualistic Humanism
Mutation(s): His skin, including his lips, has turned a uniform shade of black. This is not a brownish black of Negro tone, but a pitch, pure, unadultured, black, as if someone dipped him into a vat of black dye.
Ability(s): Other Eyes: At certain, unpredictable seeming times, his vision will change to one of several different views, sometimes of the same area but through thermal imaging, for example. Other times it will be an aerial view. Others, a view of an area far away.
Weapon: A strong, curved scimitar.
Personality: From birth, Sikander has felt that he's not in complete control of his life. He's always felt that other, greater, nameless entities and powers had taken a personal interest in guiding him to their wills. Thusly, he's a indescisive person, preferring to let other or the entities that he feels decide his course of action. However, once he has that course, he stubbornly sticks to it, which seperates him from Noumen.
Bio: Sikander has had not so much a personal life as a flow of goals and tasks. When he was young, he first realized that something greater than him was instructing him. The messages were random in their delivery, but perfectly reasonable to him. A certain formation of cloud, a whispering wind, the croakings of a frog, even to the sound of a lawnmower running. This has led him to lead a very reclusive life, not being able to accurately explain his feelings. Certain times he realizes his goals plainly, other times they seem to vanish during the night or after a series of odd events that don't seem to relate to his given goals.
After the Dissension, the proddings of the higher powers became stronger, and he was introduced to the concept of Anima. He's not sure if it is Anima that guides his life, mainly because he's heard nothing about Anima being a sentient power with the charisma and authority to give orders unquestionable. He also feels that the tatoo on his arm, based off a design he's been doodling all his life, has taken on greater meaning, specifically in how it always comes first in his mind whenever the Other Eyes activates. He('ll) join(ed) Macht's group, attracted by Macht's desiciveness and power.
Starting Group: Macht

03-09-2007, 12:02 AM
Don't worry opinionated I probably won't start the RPG for at least a week. Depending on how quickly people sign up. And I'm a very unreasonable person so i have to have a couple unreasonable requirements

Nespa: Accepted Welcome to Chaos

Opinionated: Accepted Welcome to Chaos

03-09-2007, 08:35 AM
Name: Miguel Graywind
Age (at time of Dissension): 15
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t100/NamelessShadowOfSin/calintz.jpg
Class: Human
Philosophy: Order
Mutation(s): Sharp teeth, the top canine teeth are a bit longer than the rest
Ability(s): He is able to run 4 times faster than a normal human.
Weapon: Twin katanas, a long chain connecting from one hilt to the other
Personality: Miguel is an honest, loyal man and will give you his opinion on things at some point in time. He can be kind when he wants to be, and can be cruel at one point. Most of the time he’s relaxed and calm about everything.
Bio: Miguel’s parents had been killed when the Shard of Tetragrammaton had fell to the Earth. He was only three at the time and grew up alone, learning how to take care of himself. He learned how to survive and kill any who opposed him; this was when he was only ten. He became aware of his own way of thinking, how everything had conflict. Miguel wanted order and had traveled around, teaching the few survivors that wanted to kill each other that they would all die from conflict. It was when he had been traveling did he meet Mastema. He found that his way of thinking was absurd, letting the world take its course and lead him to wherever, it was unthinkable. But in a way, this relaxed him and as a result, he followed in his group, but his path of order was still visible in his mind.
Starting Group: Mastema

Hope this is good

03-09-2007, 12:01 PM
Thunderbird: Accepted Welcome to Chaos but remember being an order he has to consciously bend anima in order to make his legs able to run faster.

And that will be a reminder in case there was any confusion (which if i'm typing the explanation is quite possible). Here's a simple break down

Order/conflict: ACTIVE. They have to make there powers work by bending the Anima to their will

Harmony/Dissonance: PASSIVE. As long as they are in the right state of mind (peaceful for harmony, unfocused and chaotic for Dissonace) their ability will perpetually be working

Humanism (both types): RANDOM. Their powers activate randomly, normally having to do with the will of Anima. There abilities tend to be short duration strengthen/weakening abilities but their are some single use abilities like Seraf's Lost Hand of God

fox demon naruto
03-09-2007, 09:37 PM
Name: Link Wells

Age (at time of Dissension): 15

Sex: Male

Appearance: http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t100/NamelessShadowOfSin/l_0fb84612a817ce841264e0ac2586ef97.jpg

Class: human

Philosophy: Individualistic Humanism

Mutation(s): Radiant Eye

Ability(s): His eye can see the creatures ideas and feelings in abstracte figures. That dosent mean he can read peoples thoughts just their ideas and goals along with there feelings. Though he has to desigher it since he dosen't have a full understanding of his power.

Weapon: Twin daggers

Personality: A quiet boy, when things meet him they wouldn't think he was a Individualistic person. Not by his shy and quiet manner but by the fact that he dosen't really act like one. Not all Individual Humanist are radical, its just that he dosen't even act like one at all. He really is a random person. He is mostly passive but he has too many active moments to actualy be a passive person. Not only that after realizing that he trains mostly by himself and dosen't talk with people he has classified himself as a Individualistic Humanist. Though he will still talk, but he dosent enough to be concidered a Societal Humanist.

Bio: Link's father died when Shard of Tetragrammaton landed (never had a mother. Died giving birth), the only real reason that he survived was of his father. Thus that giving him a idea that women were less then men. This Sterotipical idea was the effect of no mother figure and only a father to save him. Because of that he has never really understood the feelings and power women have. He has had many bad events with women and tends to stray away from the few that he sees. Much of his life after the Shard was concited of fending off demons and angels while hard training with twin daggers he found from rubble in one of the cities. He never really knew why he lives everyday, but he does. he has a theory that if he contiunes to gain power for himself that it will show when he has the power to deal with the goal.

Starting Group: Mastema

03-09-2007, 10:47 PM
Fox Demon Naruto: Approved. Welcome to Chaos.

03-21-2007, 09:04 PM
I'd like to take your character Edena Xiphi. She caught my interest and is a departure from my usual characters. But bear with me, I havent done this in ages.

03-21-2007, 09:07 PM
Natsumi-Remix: Accepted welcome to Chaos

And I'm planning to start the RPG on monday so everyone can be warned

03-23-2007, 04:36 PM
I hope this is a good character, I finally found a character for this one. ^^

Name: Aruzaer Na'Mael (Some call him Zachary, Zack, Zeke or Aru.)
Age (at time of Dissension): 18
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c173/TKolliker/guy7.jpg
Class: Human
Philosophy: Order
Mutation(s): A Black streak down his left eye and a hole in his right hand. (See ability)

Ability(s): Anima Tunnel: This ability lets Aru, with his will power, fire Anima from his hand or suck in any surrounding anima. At first this is a very limited ability, as it must be blocked at all times or he could either 1) Suck up everything around him or 2) Expel all of his anima from his being. Like any ability it is limited in power but it will grow as he turns farther and farther.

Weapon: A long metal staff with a large ring (with smaller rings looped around it) that seems to stay on or a round it at all times. It makes an echoing music like a mystical wind chime, unless forbade not to. He calls it Xao'Na.

Personality: He is like a Monk from the way of Order, where he is kind and caring about others, yet thinks that all should be willing to give up whatever, to gain more. He can be seen like an angel, wise with knowledge of spirituality yet honored and timeless in his personality. Though he tends to stay away from too many conflicts, he knows that there is more to solving a problem then just adding yourself to it.

Bio: He cannot remember anything about his parents or his early childhood, he can only remember his days when he would go out to the nearest Monk training ground/ Holy ground where he'd learn how to fight and survive with little. He considers himself somewhat Shinto, though the correct term would be 'Shinto-Order'.

After the shard fell he traveled onwards, trying to find what lays ahead for his destiny. Unsure of what will become, he follows the path of Order to rebuild the world, the world he once loved.

Starting Group: Mastema Vassago

03-23-2007, 04:57 PM
Tetsanosuke: Accepted welcome to Chaos just be careful not to go too far into Harmony

03-26-2007, 07:13 PM
Only because you asked <3

Name: Makiko Michtam
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Appearance: [I drew and colored this picture myself =3 ]

http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/w-KEI/th_maki2.jpg (http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/w-KEI/maki2.jpg)
click for larger version

Class: Human?
Philosophy: Harmony
Mutation: None at this time.
Ability: Doesn't appear to have any, besides running and hiding behind other people >_<;
Weapon: None at this time.
Personality: Makiko is absolutely sweet and kind to others to a fault. At times she can appear very childish and naive, and this can often cause misjudgements on her part. Even though she's very social she's also very mysterious, almost like she's hiding something or there's something about her that isn't explainable. When others are depressed she's the one to cheer them up, and seems to unusually radiate and stand out from a crowd..
Bio: Makiko looks and acts like an average girl, like nothing about her had changed before the shard fell. She doesn't explain much about her past, and no one seems to inquire much about it. It appears that either she doesn't know where her parents are or they are deceased, because she doesn't mention them, or any other family ties for that matter. Makiko decided to travel with Samael because he was an introvert and she wanted badly to bring out his personality. At times she can be kind of annoying, but she has good intentions.
Starting Group: Samael Samigina

03-26-2007, 07:25 PM
Maid Mia: Thanks and Accepted Welcome to Chaos

CF Striker
03-26-2007, 08:56 PM

Name: Saif Eichi
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Appearance:[URL="http://ewancient.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/t/o/touranne/guy.jpg"]http://ewancient.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/t/o/touranne/guy.jpg (http://ewancient.lysator.liu.se/pic/art/t/o/touranne/guy.jpg)

Class: human
Philosophy: Harmony
Mutation(s): Violet Hair
Ability(s): Sixth Scence: Saif can tell shortly in advance (30 sec) that soemthing is threatening him or someone close to him. He can tell the direction and relative power of this source.

Weapon: http://www.knifeoutlet.com/shop/products/pc1012.jpg (http://www.knifeoutlet.com/shop/products/pc1012.jpg) Dadao Sword

Personality: Freindly and open to most kinds of philisophical belief. He mainly is inovled in Harmony due to his belief in the way magic should work, but also has tendancies toward Scoicial Humanism. Dislikes Conflictors and Dissonacers due to their tendancies to shatter peace and destroy human life. He likes making freinds but hesistates to truly open himself unless he feels someone is trustworthy enough to see his soul. His demeanor is sometimes annoying, but he always tries do do what he believes is right. However, as of now he is a bit more withdrawn than normal, for the current events havve had a big impact on his mind and he does a lot more thinking nowadays.

Bio: The only thing he remembered immediately after the Cainaan incident was that had lost everthing and everyone he had. It had a huge impact on him, but it he has faced the worst of his despair. He desperately wants the world back how it needs to be, or close to it, and quickly found Samael, glad to have company who would probably not press him to much.

Starting Group: Samael

03-26-2007, 09:25 PM
CF Striker: Accepted Welcome to Chaos

03-26-2007, 09:42 PM
Name: Seraf Woodward
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://www.yale.edu/anime/imgarchive...ry/lucifer.jpg
Class: Human
Philosophy: Societal Humanism
Mutation: Large blade which comes from the back of his right hand
Ability: The Lost God’s Hand ( Occasionally Animic Power will focus in his right hand and causing a bright white light and demons struck by it will be desummoned from the world)
Weapon: Hand Blade
Personality: A calm thinker and at times, a heartless pursuer of the human good. He is somewhat dismissive towards others but is quick to lecture others if at any moment they show the slightest bit of incompetence. This can be incredibly annoying but it is done with the best of intentions. He never lies, however, he is quite eloquent and his words might seem to mean something other then what they say.
Bio: He grew up in a wealthy home, sheltered from the sufferings of humanity until he began his college education. When he read about the defunct systems of keeping humanity stable he decided he would become a lawyer to write the wrongs he saw keeping humanity from obtaining perfection.
He later joined a law firm that specialized in cases dealing with human rights and worked tirelessly to destroy every law that he called a “sin against humanity”. He rarely cared about the justice of the particular case but rather about its greater effect on society as a whole, at one point argueing for a group of murders simply because they had not received a consul when there confessions had been taken and successfully got there charges dismissed.
He occasionally lectured at colleges and taught all who would listen about the value of the pursuit of the greater human good, which transcended any individual or even group of individuals.
Once he became part of Chaos he wander aimlessly until he met Macht. Though he sometimes argues about the correct path to human good with Macht, he has taken some inspiration from the boy in his pursuit of creating the next world. He considers Macht a son.
Starting Group: Macht’s
(I wanna nab this one, if it's already taken, then i'll make my own, but I really want him. =D)

03-26-2007, 10:22 PM
Chosen: Heheh Accepted! Welcome to Chaos. Don't worry I specifically made those guys to be taken I'm glad you like him.

04-10-2007, 06:57 AM
Name: Rac&#225;n Phasmatis (rac&#225;n means fight in gaelic, Phasmatis means spirit in Latin)

Age (at time of Dissension): 25

Sex: Male

Appearance (Picture if you wish): Long, dark brown dreads gathered and tied back at the base of his neck reach his upper back, just beneath the shoulder blades. A few day's worth of stubble mixed with a chin strap (facial hair, not the actual strap that goes 'round the chin) adorn his black eyes. Scars pepper his body, one of the more notable scars running from the middle of the left side of his forehead (just above his left eyebrow) diagonally across the bridge of the nose to the middle of his right cheek. He stands a whopping 6'9", well muscled yet not heavy-footed. His teeth are surprisingly white, contrasting sharply with his darkened tan skin.

Class: Human

Philosophy: Conflict

Mutation(s): No visible mutations to date.

Ability(s): Temporary inhuman strength. When he grasps Anima, he forces it into the muscles of his body (albeit unknowingly) and it temporarily boosts the normal output of his muscles, and all that it entails. Currently, it only amounts to his strength plus that of half another man.

Weapon: A Zwiehander.

Personality: Rac&#225;n lives for fighting. The only way to feel truly alive is when you are fighting for your life. He only really has fun during those times. He can be intensely loyal, but as of yet, there is no one to be loyal to, no one who has survived him or proven themselves stronger.He isn't easily angered; rather, if someone would do something that would anger a normal man, he simply would want to fight. Also, he is a little crazy.

Bio: Rac&#225;n was like any other teen; moody, confrontational, lazy, etc. However, he still did love to fight. So much that, at 18, Rac&#225;n got into a scrap with another classmate at his school over something rather stupid. Unfortunately, Rac&#225;n beat the teen so badly that he sent him into a coma, and he died soon thereafter. Convicted of manslaughter, Rac&#225;n was sentenced to prison for life with a chance of parole. Chance of Parole didn't matter to him, though--with nothing to do but work out, watch TV, and eat, he constantly engaged in fights in prison. All of his scars came from this time; various fights might end with cuts from shivs (shanks) or some other kind of dirty trick. And, as always, Rac&#225;n would always end up winning, even if he had to try again. Winning wasn't the best idea, though--countless times he'd won himself a trip to Iso - isolation. It was during these numerous trips that Rac&#225;n started to go a little crazy. When the Shard of Tetragammon fell, Rac&#225;n was the only inmate left. He was very suddenly alone, surrounded by strange things. Maybe it was the craziness, or perhaps just his fighting spirit, but all Rac&#225;n could do was smile as the first of many demon attacks occured immediately. He killed it with his bare hands and took its sword - a massive greatsword.

Starting Group: Macht

I'm going to show up down the road, so no worries.

04-10-2007, 01:48 PM
Very interesting

Name: Tiritha Mahjee and infant child Ahram

Age (At time of assension): 17

Sex: Female and male respectively

Appearance: http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o36/nunu-chan/utena_anthy078-1.jpg
Carries the infant in a napsack on her back

Class: Human

Philosophy: Individualistic Humanism

Mutation: Purple hair, infant has black and red eyes

Abilities: Edit: Tiritha, none at this time, Ahram, creates a small burst of electricity when he feels threatened that can harm his older sister as well as an enemy.

Weapon: Modified long bow that acts as a sheath for a flexible double edged sword, she keeps arrows in a quiver strapped to her right leg

Personality: Independent, sarcastic, dedicated student of martial arts, weapons combat and meditation. Often moody and thoughtful, vendictive to enemies and fiercely loyal and nurturing to friends.

Ahram is a quiet but happy child and the center of Tirithat's attention, she believes that he will grow out of his Noumena ways (such as using anima and a childish impulsiveness) as he grows older.

Bio: Raised by wealthy and loving parents, Tiritha took a week-long break from studying abroad to meet her new baby brother on February 15th. Now she is using her skills to survive in Chaos and striving to create a world where her little brother can live to his fullest potential as a human being.

Starting Group: Macht Willie

Edit: Sorry about that, hope I got it right this time.

04-10-2007, 03:04 PM
Tanarus: Accepted welcome to Chaos. Join whenever you wish the RP is still currently in an introductory stage

Lovegoddessai: Not Accepted. Abilities are specifically in reference to anima. If you want you can say none at this time, but skill with weapons is pretty much implied.

04-10-2007, 04:22 PM
Very interesting

Name: Tiritha Mahjee and infant child Ahram

Age (At time of assension): 17

Sex: Female and male respectively

Appearance: http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o36/nunu-chan/utena_anthy078-1.jpg
Carries the infant in a napsack on her back

Class: Human

Philosophy: Individualistic Humanism

Mutation: Purple hair, infant has black and red eyes

Abilities: Edit: Tiritha, none at this time, Ahram, creates a small burst of electricity when he feels threatened that can harm his older sister as well as an enemy.

Weapon: Modified long bow that acts as a sheath for a flexible double edged sword, she keeps arrows in a quiver strapped to her right leg

Personality: Independent, sarcastic, dedicated student of martial arts, weapons combat and meditation. Often moody and thoughtful, vendictive to enemies and fiercely loyal and nurturing to friends.

Ahram is a quiet but happy child and the center of Tirithat's attention, she believes that he will grow out of his Noumena ways (such as using anima and a childish impulsiveness) as he grows older.

Bio: Raised by wealthy and loving parents, Tiritha took a week-long break from studying abroad to meet her new baby brother on February 15th. Now she is using her skills to survive in Chaos and striving to create a world where her little brother can live to his fullest potential as a human being.

Starting Group: Macht Willie

Edit: Sorry about that, hope I got it right this time.

^profile updated^

04-10-2007, 04:24 PM
Lovegoddesssai: Accepted! Welcome to Chaos. You may enter when you like

04-15-2007, 01:43 PM
Name: Chase Lineheart
Age: 18
Sex: male
Appearance: http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w75/Figment_of_ur_Imagination/Anime/1469258495_l.jpg
Class: human
Philosophy: Conflict
Mutation(s): Yellow Cat Eyes
Ability(s): He can see the heat signatures of distant demons
Weapon: Metal Claws
Personality: He’s a calm person and has a short-temper. He’s not one to show his true feelings about things and would be the one joining in on fights instead of separating the people fighting. He enjoys watching people fight and the weaklings struggling and will help out when he wants

Bio: Chase was a good kid in school, passing school with high marks in every class and grade. He was known as a Teacher’s pet around other students, but when school was over, on the streets he was an awesome fighter. He signed up for tournaments that was only known to the bad kids that wandered throught he bad parts of towns. It was there that he was arrested for illegal street fighting. A two year probation, being bailed out by his older brother. After that he got into smoking pot and doing coke. He became involved in a few gangs and eventually started dealing drugs in school and out on the streets. His grades started decreasing and was sent home many times for fights being started, he even knocked out the school principle and received a two month suspension. His parents wondered why he was like this, and even asked him a couple of time, ending with running out of the house and returning late in the night.

The cops found out him being a drug dealer and he was sent to Jail. He got into fights 24/7 there and ended up in the solitude cell many times, eating nothing. He got out two years later but was thrown back in for a year because of murder. He killed a young boy that was involved in the wrong gang. It was during visiting hours when his brother came to see him, did the Shard of Tetragrammaton fell and destroyed everything. He came to, a few hours later, finding himself pushing through rubble. He was the only survivor in the whole Jail and started wondering around. It wasn’t until later did he realise his eyes were different, and that creatures now walked in Chaos. He had killed a demon, taking the weapons on it’s hands, the Metal Claws he now carried with him, killing anything that crossed his path.

Starting Group: Macht

Hope this is alright

04-15-2007, 01:52 PM
Fear: Approved. Welcome to Chaos

04-22-2007, 11:08 PM
Name: Cain Balfour
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Appearance: Cain has snow-white hair with tufts of hair hanging from his head. He is 6'3" with semi muscular build. His right eye is an icy blue, a reflection of his personality and anti-social behavior. Has a white cloth over his left eye. Cain's right arm looks as if it were burnt with black and scarred tissue up to about his shoulder. He has no facial hair. One of his quirks is the white cape he wears. The cape has a hood and long open sleeves. Underneath the cape is a black traveling jacket with a few pockets, and black pants with boots to match. He wears white gloves with a tree of the sephiroth on them.
Class: Human
Philosophy: Order
Mutation: Snow-white hair
Abilities: Kai, Cains burned arm becomes a long, slender, black claw by flowing anima into it and controling the anima to attack, he currently can't use any anima attacks with it, on the arm is a tatoo that shines when anima flows into his arm. Hell Eye: Cain's left eye, when uncovered, absorbs anima and filters it throughout the body. When uncovered, it will burst black flames from the left eye while the white of the eye becomes black with a red symbol of two circles, one inside the other, with a line down the middle. The eye triples his strength, speed, and agility, but puts unbearable strain on the body. Cain can only use it for 3 seconds in one hour. The effects are constantly on.

Weapon: martial arts or Kai
Personality: Cain is a cold, uncaring person to those who meet him, and is antisocial. It is of note that he rarely speaks about a topic for more than three seconds.

Bio: Many things are unknown about him. Of the few things known is that he developed a form of fighting that combined martial arts and street fighting, his original hair color was brown, and that he holds a strange curiosity about religion.
Starting Group: Mastema Vassago

I'll send you everything else about his history to you in PM form, Swordwind

Linked Anime
04-23-2007, 01:42 AM
Name: Nicholas Wood
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Appearance: http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f53/jmcgill117/wolfwood.jpg (no gun or crosses on arms...also he has black sunglasses like these http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o42/aquadai/bleachmatrixstyle.jpg
Class: Human
Philosophy: Dissonance
Mutation(s): Looks like a tatoo of flames on his arm reaching up to mid way between his wrist and elbow.
Ability(s): Blood Lust: A master can make almost anything with the fire he makes. The people who have this skill have added organs created from Anima. It supplies the user with large ammounts of blood so they can use the skil. Nick only has ten while a master has about 10,000, the skill is where the Anime sucks out blood from the user and creates items from fire the user can use. This would cause massive blood loss from a normal person. But with the small organs making more blood it can use for the attacks. If a master was fighting he could take more then three days before dieing of blood loss. Nick can take about 1 1/2 hours of it, contniuasly. Though he can survive longer then that if he is carefull with it. A user can also spread his blood across a weapon to make a screen of fire around it.
Weapon: A simple Katana
Personality: He is a nice, kind guy that doesnt get angry alot. He is shy and doesnt like to rely on his skills in fighting. Though he is too much of a pushover to do anything. Sometimes in tight areas he has been known to act sort of crazy or sudisidel.
Bio: He was in colleage at the time the shard dropped. When he awoke in the rubble of his dorm to find everyone dead. He didnt know exactly who they were but could tell by comming scene some use to know him. He also figured that he had lost his memory some time before, but not sure when. As he searched through his room he found pictures of him and his family. Not knowing who they were he through them away. He then noticed a hilt of a sword in the rubbled and found it to have the intalizes N.W. thinking it was his since he found his name a few minutes ago. Leaving the area since no one was alive he began to wander. Not many people of the few he met asked about him and he didnt bother to tell. He found it that he really didn't have any where to go in life so pretty much let his path unfold for him. He does get lonely at times.
Starting Group: Mastema

kind of got it from wolfwood from trigun....-_-''

04-23-2007, 08:53 PM
Menchia: Approved. Welcome to Chaos

Linked Anime: Approved. Welcome to Chaos.

Neal Raven
05-22-2007, 02:38 PM
Name: Neal Raven
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Appearance: long, blond hair; a blue and a green eye(green:left and blue:right, and yes, i do have this in real life too if you're wondering); about 5'7"; low cut, black pants; fishnet shirt; long, open, black cloak; backmount scabbard for his sword; black bandana(optional); black fingerless gloves with metal plate sewn on the back of the hand(optional)
http://www.animeforum.com/image/thum_87916465348c62a1b4.jpg ('http://www.animeforum.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=11098') for an idea of the pants and the fullgrown wings, but i'll only have 2
http://www.animeforum.com/image/thum_87916465348c65ec07.jpg ('http://www.animeforum.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=11099') for an idea of the shirt
http://www.animeforum.com/image/thum_87916465348c6772a8.jpg ('http://www.animeforum.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=11100') for an idea of the hair

http://www.animeforum.com/image/8791646632af1c4250.jpgthe cloak

Class: Human
Philosophy: Dissonance
Mutation(s): small, black, feathery wings
Ability(s): When he's angered or similarly annoyed, he seems to have some control over fire, wind and earth. He often throws a small fireball out of the palm of his hand in fits of rage, though his fighting abilities are a little more sophisticated.
Weapon: a small flamberge especially designed, Arget'sil (description will probably be in my first post in the rpg)
http://www.animeforum.com/image/thum_8791646549b325d0f2.jpg ('http://www.animeforum.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=11174')a sketch of the sword

Personality: Has some moodswings between enragement and joy and from annoyance to glee, though to the outside he usually seems devoid of many emotions. Going wherever his path takes him, he takes life as it comes, but usually also has a plan to get something he desires. He can be very cold and distant at times, but is usually nice and fun to be around as long as he feels respected as his policy is 'I'll be as friendly to you as you to me'. He hides a great wisdom and intelligence behind his carefree attitude.
Bio: Other then himself, you won't find many who know a lot of him.
Starting Group: Mastema

05-23-2007, 07:51 PM
Neal Raven: Accepted welcome to Chaos. Proceed with your plan as detail in the pm you sent me