View Full Version : [TV series] Outlaw Star

03-21-2006, 02:08 PM
Type: TV series - 26 episodes
Genre: Action, sci-fi, adventure

Plot synopsis
Gene Starwind has always had trouble with space travel. Ever since he was a kid he had a fear or being in space. But one day when he and his younger companion, Jim Hawking, stumble across an outlaw being chased by a band of freakish pirates, he's launched full-throttle into a space adventure that lands him as the pilot of a stolen ship, evading pirates and outlaws alike.

Story (8/10)
The story isn't the most original thing I've ever seen, but it's not bad at all. It deals with getting revenge on people who hurt the characters in the past, searching for treasure, avoiding enemies, trying not to get caught by the police, pirates, and outlaws combined, and even has a few aspects of an actual space race to the finish to find the greatest treasure in existence. The series is episodic in nature, but holds closer to its main plot than, say, Cowboy Bebop.
Characters (8/10)
The characters are intriguing in their own right, though don't match up with those of other adventure series I've seen. There's the overly-ambitious star and slightly arrogant star of the show, Gene Starwind, who is bound by his promise to find out the secret behind why Melfina (a mysterious girl who shows up in a case at the beginning of the series) was born. Then there's Jim Hawking who is always trying to fix Gene's problematic attitude about never thinking about things before he decides to do them. There's the mysterious samurai woman, Suzuka, who vows to kill Gene early on, but ends up tagging along with them on their adventures for reasons not easily explained. Finally, there's the ctarl-ctarl officer, Aisha ClanClan, the clumsy but violent cat-like girl who's just trying to make it to the top of the food chain. They're definitely an interesting bunch, and they work well throughout the series.
Art/animation (7/10)
The art reminded me of Trigun a bit, but at the same time, had its own destinct style. The animation never was the greatest ever, but it did gradually get more high-quality as the show went on. The series shows its age more than Cowboy Bebop does, but the animation is never bad at any point.
Voice acting, music (7/10)
The voice acting (Japanese) was good for the most part, though early on I was quite annoyed with Aisha's scratchy voice and obnoxious loud tone. After a while, though, I got used to her. The music is very '80s, though I never really had a problem with it just because of that.
Overall (8/10)
This is an enjoyable series for those of you who like adventure stories and episodic entertainment. The series stays with you as a fond memory, anyone who used to watch it on Toonami will tell you this. The complete collection is very cheap on Amazon.com, going for 50 bucks. I'd say it's worth every penny.