View Full Version : Dooms day!!!

03-20-2006, 07:44 AM
How do ya'll think the world is going to end????

03-20-2006, 07:55 AM
1.) A large meteor will come and destroy everything on earth

2.) The Sun Will explode reaching the first 4 planets causing tehm to explode and disintagrate. XD

3.) The core of the earth will cause volcanoe's to erupt all over earth.

4.) The core of the earth would erupt causing the earth to explode because of massive temperatures that teh earth cannot take. o.O;

These are my opinions on what would happen.

03-20-2006, 07:59 AM
Its gonna end up with 7 years of tribulations =)Be good if you wanna go to heaven instead of staying on earth for the dangerous 7 years to suffer and wait to go to hell.

03-20-2006, 09:16 AM
I think we are on the verge of a necular war

03-20-2006, 10:02 AM
when the sun shrinks before it blows up
the earht will freeze
but well be extinct by then so it doesnt matter
and its nuclear not necular

03-20-2006, 10:34 AM
Uh... Sorry people, the Sun won't explode - it's the wrong size star ^_^;

Back to the tread:
I think the most likely time all life on Earth will end is when the Sun expands into a Red Giant, making life impossible (due to the temperature).

Sayoran ^^

-Oh yeah, one theory is that the world will end on 6/6/06 but... yeah *>_>;*

03-20-2006, 10:47 AM
We are going to destroy ourselves after massive natural dissasters devistate the earth. In the times after most of the world is either flooded or blown away anarchy will come creating an unlivable chaotic society in which zombies will attack. ^_^

03-20-2006, 10:58 AM
We are going to destroy ourselves after massive natural dissasters devistate the earth. In the times after most of the world is either flooded or blown away anarchy will come creating an unlivable chaotic society in which zombies will attack. ^_^*LOL* A very interesting theory *XD*

Sayoran ^_^

03-20-2006, 06:03 PM
i think the world will end as how the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" narrated..;)

03-20-2006, 06:07 PM
i think the world will end as how the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" narrated..;)
that is soo scary in soo many ways

i think when i help the bunnies dominate earth mwhaha lol j/k

i have no idea

03-20-2006, 06:29 PM
1.) A large meteor will come and destroy everything on earth

2.) The Sun Will explode reaching the first 4 planets causing tehm to explode and disintagrate. XD

3.) The core of the earth will cause volcanoe's to erupt all over earth.

4.) The core of the earth would erupt causing the earth to explode because of massive temperatures that teh earth cannot take. o.O;

These are my opinions on what would happen. I agree with you on #'s 2 and 3 ^^ I think #2 is most likely though