View Full Version : Is Thanksgiving a religious holiday?

White Haru
11-25-2004, 11:36 PM
I know a lot of people say they thank god for this and that but when I asked my family is Thanksgiving a religious holiday? They told me the pilgrim and indian (or native american, you pick) story. I don't think it's a religious holiday but I'd like to see what you'll say.

11-25-2004, 11:42 PM
Well,too me it is.But too other ppl may have diffrent opinions....

11-25-2004, 11:43 PM
No it is not a religious holiday, it is a bunch of crap to say grace before eating, just shut up and eat ok it has nothing to do with god. For some reason my mom said grace, but we all just sat down an ate while she was doing that. Thanksgiving is thanksgiving

11-25-2004, 11:53 PM
O_o Nah.

It's the pilgrum.. thing like you said.


I'm not typing well today.

11-25-2004, 11:59 PM
It's based around historical remembrance. However, many a religious person chooses the time of thankfulness to be thankful to/for their faith, their God(s), etc. *shrug*

11-26-2004, 12:12 AM
that's a good qeustion. i've all ways been taught to thank god an such but when you think bout it... it's more of a american hoilday i guess.

11-26-2004, 12:15 AM
My mum's family turns everything into some kind of religious event. But no, Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. Just a day for pigging out.

Kittie Pryde
11-26-2004, 12:20 AM
Technically, no. It's not a religious holiday. It's just a big celebration in remembrance of that dinner. But I think it's more than that. I'm glad there's a day where we actually want to thank all the blesses we have in life. Not a lot of people do it on their spare time =/ That's how I see it anyway. Too much pessimism in the world. :p Can't blame them though.

11-26-2004, 12:21 AM
it's a day to be thankful. So shut up and be thankful.

just kidding.
or am I? :O
I am.

Some people thank God, others do not. It's not a religious holiday just because someone thanks God/Allah/whoever or whatever religious figure in their lives.

11-26-2004, 12:27 AM
Well.... the 1st Thanksgiving was basically a celebration because the Pikgrims didnt starve to death due to the Native Americans. People might say Thanksgiving is religious because the Pikgrims were Christians. I believe it is a day to thank God for what you have. Plus, the food is awesome.

11-26-2004, 03:28 AM
I asked my brother why he liked thanksgiving so much, and he replied

"It's the only holiday devoted entirely to eating. At Christmas you exchange gifts, on easter you hunt for eggs, but on thanksgiving all you do is eat"

I stand by that, since there is an inane amount of food usually eaten at thanksgiving, and according to the bible and the Torah, gluttony is a sin. So if you ever celebrate thanksgivng then you're going STRAIGHT TO HELL!:laugh: Dumb catholics

And the pilgrims were not christian, they were puritan.

11-26-2004, 03:33 AM
Thanksgiving isn't a religious holiday, Easter and Christmas are though.

11-26-2004, 03:44 AM
I realize that, I was just comparing it to two other holidays that are highly recognized.

11-26-2004, 08:34 AM
And presented it poorly with a total absence of humor. YAY!

Anyway, some of us pay our respect during this holiday, even in Norway, as some don't. It's like what's already said. Some consider it a religious holiday as some don't.
However, weren't the whole thanksgiving thing some truce between native and settling Americans?

11-26-2004, 08:52 AM
The first Thanksgiving was a meal that was shared between the pilgrims and the local natives in 1621. The locals helped the new settlers by showing what crops to plant and by helping them make it through their first winter there. The Thanksgiving feast went on for 3 days. Or that's what I remember.... Haven't studied the pilgrims since grade school

11-26-2004, 08:56 AM
The first Thanksgiving was a meal that was shared between the pilgrims and the local natives in 1621. The locals helped the new settlers by showing what crops to plant and by helping them make it through their first winter there. The Thanksgiving feast went on for 3 days. Or that's what I remember.... Haven't studied the pilgrims since grade school
The natives should have killed them when they had the chance.

11-26-2004, 10:01 AM
Well, I've always thought they (the indians) should have subjugated the invaders, but I've always been in the minority with that thought. Killing them all (the pilgrims) never really crossed my mind.

Eternal Serena
11-26-2004, 01:22 PM
Lol Well I'm kinda glad they didn't kill them or else I might not be here...oh wait...is that actually a good thing? O.o;

Eh so yeah. No Thanksgiving isn't a religious holiday O.o Anyone who says or celebrates it as one is screwing it up. It's merely remembering and sorta re-enacting the feast between the pilgrims and Native Americans. We give thanks in general for whatever in our lives and then we eat. Yes ppl do give the thanks to whatever god they worship, but in general, no, it's a thankful holiday that is for once not a religious one.

11-26-2004, 02:09 PM
The first Thanksgiving was a meal that was shared between the pilgrims and the local natives in 1621. The locals helped the new settlers by showing what crops to plant and by helping them make it through their first winter there. The Thanksgiving feast went on for 3 days. Or that's what I remember.... Haven't studied the pilgrims since grade school


11-26-2004, 02:17 PM
No thanksgivin isn't a religious holiday, otherwise other countries would celebrate. For example, I (being from the UK) don't celebrate it. Its an American and Canadian thing. Except Canada celebrates in October.

11-26-2004, 02:20 PM
Yeah I egreed with you.:cool:

11-26-2004, 02:43 PM
The natives should have killed them when they had the chance.
:help2: if they did hitler would still be in power:badrazz:

11-26-2004, 02:58 PM
:help2: if they did hitler would still be in power:badrazz: That's pretty improbable. He'd be over 115 years old.

Assuming it would be true I doubt that the difference in in human lifes would be that big (the US is guiltly of: genocide of most of it's native population, slavery, countless (modern) violations of human rights, the dropping of two nuclear warheads over populated cities and more than 50 wars in less than 100 years)

11-26-2004, 03:12 PM
That's pretty improbable. He'd be over 115 years old.

Assuming it would be true I doubt that the difference in in human lifes would be that big (the US is guiltly of: genocide of most of it's native population, slavery, countless (modern) violations of human rights, the dropping of two nuclear warheads over populated cities and more than 50 wars in less than 100 years)

Don't a lot of other countries dislike the US, it's probly just my imagination though, my brother says that people just don't like what we do in our country. I don't feel safe anymore...my city is in between two nuclear power plants, plus we also have a steel mill in our city, but then again it will probly be shut down soon since all of our jobs are over seas...

11-26-2004, 04:35 PM
Don't a lot of other countries dislike the US, it's probly just my imagination though, my brother says that people just don't like what we do in our country. I don't feel safe anymore...my city is in between two nuclear power plants, plus we also have a steel mill in our city, but then again it will probly be shut down soon since all of our jobs are over seas...
Yes and no. Most non americans have some degree of fear of the US; they have power and they abuse it. Today they're bombing the middle east, who'se to tell they're not bombing Europe next?

I, for an instance am more afraid of conservative christians than of Al Quaida.

11-26-2004, 07:38 PM
Thanks giving can't be a religious holiday. Its only celebrated in the US. and the dominate religion is Christians. But Christians are all over the world. no other county celebrates it. Plus I know of atheists and wiccans who celebrate it.

Frozen Tears
11-26-2004, 07:52 PM
Really...who gives a good damn!? Just enjoy the damn Holidays and stuff ya face with all types of food...sheesh

11-26-2004, 07:55 PM
Thanksgiving wouldn't as much be considered a religious holiday, than a commemoration of the founders of our country(ies) that can be celebrated by anyone with relation to North American traditions or culture. Though the Pilgrims were, in fact, Christian to the max, I would like to state that the first official Thanksgiving was in 1863, and the holiday was created by President Lincoln (in thanks to the Natives), not by those homicidal idiots. It is, in a sense, a travesty that Thanksgiving even is a holiday; for most people percieve it as a day to thank the Pilgrims as opposed to the their Native "chums", who they murdered for no apparent reason.

But I do like turkey.

Frozen Tears
11-26-2004, 07:57 PM
See so Like I said...Enjoy the holidays who cares if its religous or not!? if u celebrate it then fine and if u dont then thats you really...who cares!?

11-26-2004, 08:18 PM
I celebrate thanks giving as well... and it's not a religous holiday.

11-27-2004, 01:45 AM
i dont know...maybe....

11-27-2004, 02:06 AM
Thanksgiving isnt a religious holiday but the pilgrims that started it were very religious so they involved god but it really isnt a religious holiday.

11-27-2004, 05:06 AM

What did this forum do to deserve this rabid abuse of colors?