View Full Version : 絡繰りドール (Mechanical Doll) Translation

01-08-2015, 01:43 AM
I'm reposting the translation I did (http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Lyrics:_%E7%B5%A1%E7%B9%B0%E3%82%8A%E3%83%89%E3%83 %BC%E3%83%AB) for the Touhou wiki onto here for anyone who wants to take a look.

If the innocent girl with fingers like pure magnetism were to weave those threads
The masses of dolls would start to dance their special dance

Yet the fear for her soul stifles the scream bellowing up within her
And in her panic falls to a horrific trap that deceived her for an escape

What a cruel reality
A maze that that reality can never be escaped
Even everyone lending a helping hand just gives up, unable to reach those trapped

The dolls invade me

The fearful shadows shimmer in the swirling darkness
With those pitiful sheep trapped in the night, searching for an escape, stricken with fear

If only they stopped begging for their lives with the innocent girl to weave those threads
The lifeless dolls would let the impeccable flowers bloom

It’s such an unyielding truth
A truth it seems they will never turn around to see
Everyone will just simply be brought to tears, without ever celebrating a day of retribution

The dolls invade me

This sad end before our eyes is a stalker closing in on us
The miserable clown that had his love snatched away froze in fear, completely frightened

Someday our dreams of a fairy-tail ending
Will be destroyed by a horrible demon that no story ever told

The fearful shadows shimmer in the swirling darkness
With those pitiful sheep trapped in the night, searching for an escape, stricken with fear