View Full Version : Ghost in the Shell

08-26-2012, 01:35 AM
Is Ghost in the Shell any good, Been in my mind for a little bit and wondered, Haven't watched it yet because I want to know if it's worth watching. Any answers would be awesome ._.

08-26-2012, 01:40 AM
No, it's not good. It's incredible. All three films and both television series are practically required-viewing. The original film itself is a sci-fi classic up there with Akira.

08-27-2012, 12:26 AM
I was watching the anime series, on the Second Gig, and it dissapeared from Netflix. WTF!

I'm sure there are already reviews on it here, might come up in a search. But if you like action / future / special ops like animes then its definitely a must watch.

02-17-2013, 01:31 AM
I read the Wachoski brothers used this movie as a medium to pitch their idea for the Matrix when they were in pre production stages.

I think this movie is really well done from soundtrack to detail within the world. The characters have ambitions and motives that inspire their actions and the logic behind their actions is sensible (morethan can be said for some anime haha!)

I would recommend this to anyone especially anyone that likes the matrix

02-17-2013, 04:37 AM

Anyone remember this being on MTV in the late 90's?

Michael Ark Angel
02-26-2013, 07:11 AM
I read the Wachoski brothers used this movie as a medium to pitch their idea for the Matrix when they were in pre production stages.

I think this movie is really well done from soundtrack to detail within the world. The characters have ambitions and motives that inspire their actions and the logic behind their actions is sensible (morethan can be said for some anime haha!)

I would recommend this to anyone especially anyone that likes the matrix

you are correct, Tha Wachowski's are huge anime fans, and blatantly "borrowed" a lot of the imagery, tech and such for the Matrix.

BTW, yes ,this series should be mandatory viewing for anyone getting into anime!