View Full Version : Question about Japanese name \ nickname

01-25-2012, 11:37 AM
Does "Shaya" means anything in japanese? is there maybe a girl-charcater(anime) with this name? i'm not really sure and as you are expert in anime here... maybe you can help me:)
Anyways - what do you think about it as a nickname?
I'm sorry if I wrote it in unrelated forum it seemes the most close option!
Thankyou! ^^~
Edit : Do you have any suggestions for nicks with the sound "sha" ? something from anime maybe......:)

01-25-2012, 11:54 AM
Not as far as I know because the origin of the name Shaya is Arabic/Israeli not Japanese.. And in that language it means "followers" [and closely related meanings depending on how you interpret...]

Just because you come up with some foreign sounding name doesn't mean it's instantly Japanese.... smh.....

And not only that but you posted in the signatures/avatars section........ Even the general anime/manga section seems to be more likely option than this.. Wrong section, wrong language.. That answers all of your questions I believe..

01-25-2012, 12:01 PM
I know what the meaning of Shaya is in herbrew, because i'm Israeli - and it's not followers by the way.
and I didn't ask only because it sounds like japanese - I know an asian game that called shaya and I wonder what its meaning. i'm not sure if the game is japanese or korean.
the section seemed to me close because it's a quetion about nickname , and avatars& signatures is pretty much close.

Edit: If it interest you - the meaning of Shaya in hebrew is "gift of God" Shay = gift and Ya = 1 of the names of God in hebrew. (like in the famous word Halleluyah)

01-27-2012, 11:14 PM
heres one that i cant stop thinking about nagisa meas sea and usio means tides

01-28-2012, 02:28 AM
I'm Japanese and fluent in the language, and to the extent of my knowledge;

Does "Shaya" means anything in japanese?No. It doesn't translate to any particular set of characters, and there are no phonetically identical words in the Japanese language (at least in common usage).

is there maybe a girl-charcater(anime) with this name?Again, no. Although, "Saya" is a relatively commonly found girl's name (as in, Saya from "Blood the Last Vampire").

I think most Japanese speakers would find the combination of the "Sh" sound with the sound of "ya" a bit difficult to pronounce.