View Full Version : Which Table Top RPGs do you play?

Archaic Devices
12-29-2011, 08:13 PM
So, which do you play or have played in the past? Our gaming group is currently doing a Warhammer campaign, although in the past we have done Call of Cthulhu and Star Wars.

dead trooper
01-17-2012, 12:38 AM
im in a few D&D gaming groups and a star wars saga edition group(soon to be a gm of another groups star wars one)

01-17-2012, 01:23 AM
Currently I am playing AD&D 2.0 Forgotten Realms and D&D 3.5 Custom Campaign. I am also about to begin a 3.5 campaign based moderately on the Eberron campaign book.

10-27-2012, 12:25 PM
My main group mostly plays nWoD, but I'm starting a Mistborn RPG game soon, and I'd like to introduce some Classic WoD at some point, maybe Demon: the Fallen or Vampire: the Masquerade. Although I will always have a soft spot for D&D 3.5, which is where I started out :)

OCGG Michael
09-06-2013, 05:11 AM
I'm currently in a D&D 3.5 group that has a campaign that as spanned 4-5 years now with the end no where in sight. As a matter of fact we have such a love for the game that we started make audio for it. We are even now reaching out to like minded people and trying to get table top games revitalized so that maybe they can get back in the spotlight and get some much needed love. If anyone is interested in this check out our funded kickstarter running right now, it has examples of what he have had done so far. I think you guys might really enjoy it. It's the realmsound audio project 2.0. Our first run didn't really work out but this time we got funded in a single day. Let me know what you think.

02-25-2014, 04:22 AM
Currently I'm running a game of Castles & Crusades in the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting. C&C is now my favorite fantasy RPG system. It's a dream to runas a GM.

02-25-2014, 10:29 PM
I have played just about all the NWoD venues besides Werewolf and Promethean, but have played in games/St'd in games with such characters and NPCs.

I've played GURPS and Seventh Sea, but the games never continued long enough to have a conclusion.

Currently running a Geist game, and developing another Pathfinder campaign. Games are flip flopping at my main group due to schedule hijinks, so we'll be trying out Pokemon Tabletop Unlimited since our current Pathfinder DM has work.

03-18-2014, 04:36 PM
I also yesterday got my copy of Changeling: The Lost. And my god.... I want to run this game so, so, so badly.

03-18-2014, 08:54 PM
I also yesterday got my copy of Changeling: The Lost. And my god.... I want to run this game so, so, so badly.

Do you have players IRL? That's "storyteller" stuff right?

Toshiro Tazukura
03-18-2014, 09:14 PM
Star wars knight of the old republic

04-12-2014, 12:49 PM
Ok do you have an hour or two?

(takes a deep breath)

So over the years i've played or mastered : Warhammer, ADD (various editions) Runequest, Earthdawn, Mutant Chronicles, Call of Cthulhu, In Nomine (original french version), Most World of darkness stuff (again, original, did try Vampire: Requiem and Werewolf :The Forsaken from the 2.0 Versions, but don't like as much, too used to the originals i guess.), Apocalypse World, Ars Magica, Shadowrun, Star Wars and the list goes on...

Currently i went back with a small group to Mutant Chronicles, cause, let's face it, nothing says fun as much as charging the Legions of Chaos with a chainsaw-machinegun...

04-13-2014, 10:49 PM
Ok do you have an hour or two?
... Most World of darkness stuff (again, original, did try Vampire: Requiem and Werewolf :The Forsaken from the 2.0 Versions, but don't like as much, too used to the originals i guess.)...

Hahah, I know how it feels from the other side, I've only played NWoD and haven't been much interested in OWoD.

04-14-2014, 02:02 AM
Currently i went back with a small group to Mutant Chronicles, cause, let's face it, nothing says fun as much as charging the Legions of Chaos with a chainsaw-machinegun...
Nah, taking a level seven gnome shadow mage and defeating a level 20 litch and a horde of undead single-handedly beats it. So what if the DM had planned for us to lose that fight. Not my fault that my illusions where more real then reality. Also not my fault I was able to cast unlimited wishes and miracles (without the use of a deity) using a level zero spell slot. OK, maybe some...OK all of it was my fault but hey. I taught the GM not to allow all source materials and to check character sheets before starting a campaign. Was fun though.

04-14-2014, 11:44 AM

Which edition?

OK all of it was my fault but hey. I taught the GM not to allow all source materials and to check character sheets before starting a campaign. Was fun though.

They really ought to emphasize that more in the DM sections/GM guides. Eventually CP2020 essentially dedicated a whole sourcebook to it though.

04-14-2014, 01:23 PM
sunnyside They really should. Till then I'll have fun giving crash courses in it. Though I did have a fair char already made before that. And the great thing about a shadow wish is you don't get the penalty of aging five years since it's still just an illusion. Heck, it's all done with a the silent image spell. Which for a gnome can be a level zero spell since that entire line is gotten a level earlier.

04-14-2014, 02:41 PM

Lol, yes i can easily get that to, hehe. With me it's mainly I've plaid OWoD for years, took a break from RPG's, came back and everyone was playing NWoD all of a sudden... I dunno just can't seem to get in the spirit of things without Gehenna looming around every corner i guess. :p

sunnyside Second and Third, I hear fourth is good but never got to it.

GameGeeks LOL ok i guess you win on that one, that DOES sound like a lot of fun. :p Free lesson for ANY GM NEVER let your players know you intend to kill them off... gets them motivated, lol.
But hey sometimes it goes both ways, having been a player and a GM i can tell you as GM you often come across players who completely ignore their Character sheets and everything that's on them, and then have to endure hearing them whine about how they can't do ANYTHING because their character sucks. And don't EVER tell them they're the ones who created their character in the first place, or you'll never hear the end of it, lol.

04-14-2014, 03:10 PM
GameGeeks LOL ok i guess you win on that one, that DOES sound like a lot of fun. :p Free lesson for ANY GM NEVER let your players know you intend to kill them off... gets them motivated, lol.
But hey sometimes it goes both ways, having been a player and a GM i can tell you as GM you often come across players who completely ignore their Character sheets and everything that's on them, and then have to endure hearing them whine about how they can't do ANYTHING because their character sucks. And don't EVER tell them they're the ones who created their character in the first place, or you'll never hear the end of it, lol.
Wasn't trying to kill us off. Was more just not following the normal start of talk to official, get quest and go on quest formula. We were supposed to simply wind up as slaves in a prison. And I more so did it to just mess with him. I've also made a char that had 40+ str at level 1 but that was in a campaign where everyone was doing it. Was also gonna have him turn into an ape for an additional +12 to str. Could have been more with another creature but I kept the ability to use weapons with the ape. Oh and he could wield weapons bigger the houses and specialized in the dire flail for insane reach and damage.

04-14-2014, 03:51 PM
Wasn't trying to kill us off. Was more just not following the normal start of talk to official, get quest and go on quest formula. We were supposed to simply wind up as slaves in a prison. And I more so did it to just mess with him. I've also made a char that had 40+ str at level 1 but that was in a campaign where everyone was doing it. Was also gonna have him turn into an ape for an additional +12 to str. Could have been more with another creature but I kept the ability to use weapons with the ape. Oh and he could wield weapons bigger the houses and specialized in the dire flail for insane reach and damage.

LOL, well there is nothing wrong in not following the official, classic formula's, but doing so AND impose on your players a situation they don't really want is a bit ambitious perhaps (and yes that was an euphemism ;) ).
Especially if one of your players is ... well... whatever you were... wow did anything stop that thing? lol

04-14-2014, 04:40 PM
LOL, well there is nothing wrong in not following the official, classic formula's, but doing so AND impose on your players a situation they don't really want is a bit ambitious perhaps (and yes that was an euphemism ;) ).
Especially if one of your players is ... well... whatever you were... wow did anything stop that thing? lol
The Gnome, not if I continued playing it. Really, there's not much Nth level of wishes/miracles couldn't have done. The warrior, yeah, but it was intended to be a high power campaign so the monsters where just as powerful.

04-14-2014, 05:10 PM
Second and Third, I hear fourth is good but never got to it.

Pros and cons. Fourth did drastically improve on the Matrix, and I quite liked changing how Karma works. Specifically I liked that a player can relatively cheaply pull a "hand of God" to avoid losing their character. It lets the GM take the kid gloves off without having to actually eliminate characters.

But hey sometimes it goes both ways, having been a player and a GM i can tell you as GM you often come across players who completely ignore their Character sheets and everything that's on them, and then have to endure hearing them whine about how they can't do ANYTHING because their character sucks. And don't EVER tell them they're the ones who created their character in the first place, or you'll never hear the end of it, lol.

I think they should also warn GMs/DMs about that. Unless you have an experienced RPer on your hands who knows they're making a "sucky" player and wants to do so anyway, provide some overwatch on that or it probably won't go well in the long run.

I suppose when you get down to it I advocate GMs being all up in their player's character sheets for a number of reasons.

04-15-2014, 02:45 AM
I suppose when you get down to it I advocate GMs being all up in their player's character sheets for a number of reasons.

I always advocate the ability for the player to tinker with their character. But only in the first or second session. As a player I like to experiment with weird concepts, and sometimes they blow up in my face, so I do kind of understand.

If they whine after that I tell them to nut up.

04-15-2014, 05:29 PM
Pros and cons. Fourth did drastically improve on the Matrix, and I quite liked changing how Karma works. Specifically I liked that a player can relatively cheaply pull a "hand of God" to avoid losing their character. It lets the GM take the kid gloves off without having to actually eliminate characters.

Certainly sounds interesting. I agree on the "hand of god" part, can be a helpful tool if it's not over-used. The problem with such "Deus ex Machina's" is always that after a while some will do whatever comes to mind without thinking it trough, because, you know, even if they screw up there won't be any consequences anyway. Such things can seriously unbalance any scenario.

I think they should also warn GMs/DMs about that. Unless you have an experienced RPer on your hands who knows they're making a "sucky" player and wants to do so anyway, provide some overwatch on that or it probably won't go well in the long run.

I suppose when you get down to it I advocate GMs being all up in their player's character sheets for a number of reasons.

Again agreed, the best is to have a balanced group and at least one experienced player who can take the lead if needed, otherwise you could end up tearing up your scenario in frustration lol. But you're right of course, GMs/DMs, or some at least, should pay more attention to their players character cheats and less to playing out every part of their scenario. Improv is the best ally of any GM often.

---------- Post added at 11:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------

I always advocate the ability for the player to tinker with their character. But only in the first or second session. As a player I like to experiment with weird concepts, and sometimes they blow up in my face, so I do kind of understand.

If they whine after that I tell them to nut up.

Oh dear gods how I know THAT particular problem, lol. To be fair I was also one of those "Hey i got an idea for a character , its completely un-conventional, but it'll be fun" Players... And it WAS fun, the character creation at least. The play in itself quite often ended in disaster lol. So yes, but not all players are receptive to tweaks unfortunately and grimly plod on with whatever they created. As a GM you then have to make difficult choices and confront your player in-game.

Well, that can be fun too, hehehe.

04-15-2014, 05:36 PM
Oh dear gods how I know THAT particular problem, lol. To be fair I was also one of those "Hey i got an idea for a character , its completely un-conventional, but it'll be fun" Players... And it WAS fun, the character creation at least. The play in itself quite often ended in disaster lol. So yes, but not all players are receptive to tweaks unfortunately and grimly plod on with whatever they created. As a GM you then have to make difficult choices and confront your player in-game.

Well, that can be fun too, hehehe.

Furthermore, I actually like trolling the party as a player when they are Min/Maxers.Those are the best times to "experiment" with a "sub-optimal" character. Most GM's I've been under love it when I do that too. Nothing like having God on your side when trolling.

04-15-2014, 05:50 PM
Furthermore, I actually like trolling the party as a player when they are Min/Maxers.Those are the best times to "experiment" with a "sub-optimal" character. Most GM's I've been under love it when I do that too. Nothing like having God on your side when trolling.

LOL, yes it does help, doesn't it? ;)
Well yeah i had a player like that too who often had fun with Min/Maxers who often moaned whenever their character wasn't in a situation they maxed out for. He had fun and i got to sit back and say: "Hey don't look at me, he's playing his character at least."
Don't get me wrong, I Min/Maxed too on occasion when i was in the mood for simple, un-complicated slaughter (on ADD with half-orcs mainly) but at least i had fun playing that dumb character and ended up trolling "smarter" players who looked down at me myself lol.

04-19-2014, 12:45 PM
I think they should also warn GMs/DMs about that. Unless you have an experienced RPer on your hands who knows they're making a "sucky" player and wants to do so anyway, provide some overwatch on that or it probably won't go well in the long run.

I suppose when you get down to it I advocate GMs being all up in their player's character sheets for a number of reasons.

I think paying attention to character sheets can be important, but it can vary. If your group has been playing together for a long time and you know the people you play with it usually isn't too much of an issue. By that time I'd feel the group understands the general expectations and interests of everyone who plays, and wont cheese it up too bad unless the group is trying for it.

The group I'm meeting with today leans towards stronger stats and more difficult challenges, but enjoys good RP.

08-02-2016, 12:31 PM
played hunter: the reckoning with my ex and his buddies back in the day
before that i played 3E D&D with some guys at school... my sorceress/warlock/alienist was the pretty hype

08-09-2016, 03:29 AM
I played D&D 3.5 (lvl 26 necromancer) and DM'd for 4th I have also been a keeper (DM) for Call of Cthulhu which I highly recommend as it offers a good challenge and is great for roleplay despite pretty easy character creation compared to D&D.

11-22-2018, 03:17 PM
D&D playing too...
Go co-op guys)

11-26-2018, 06:27 PM
I like playing DnD 3.5. but currently my brother has made his own DnD style game in the Star Wars universe. I play as Dash Rendar.

02-23-2019, 12:25 AM
I have been playing Pokemon Tabletop United. :P I really like it~

02-26-2019, 04:43 AM
I am a huge DnD fan and try to play any chance I get. I want to try playing warhammer 40k but it looks like an expensive game to play.

03-28-2019, 06:06 PM
I have played a decent spead of systems: New World of Darkness 1st ed, D&D 3.5e, some 4e, Pathfinder and 5e. GURPs, The End of the World (Zombies), Maid The RPG, Fantasy Age, Starwars d20 the list continues.

Edit: Just realized I posted to this thread a long while ago. Huh.

04-30-2019, 03:57 PM
Star wars knight of the OR and D&D 3.5

05-10-2019, 07:21 PM
Castles & Crusades just amazing love this game.