View Full Version : [Manga] Saint Seiya: Episode.G

Wyvern Radhamanthys
11-14-2011, 09:52 AM
Authors: Masami Kurumada and Megumu Okada.
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy (some comedy).
Demographic: Shōnen.
Plot: Episode.G is set seven years before the events of Masami Kurumada's Saint Seiya. The story revolves around the 12 Gold Saints, the strongest in the goddess Athena's army, and their war against the 12 Titans.

The protagonist is the young Gold Saint of Leo, Aiolia, who is mistrusted by the rest of the Saints because of the seemingly traitorous actions of his brother, Saggitarius Aiolos, in the past (which resulted on his execution 6 years prior to the series). In turn, Aiolia holds a grudge against the Gold Saints as well, but specially to Capricorn Shura, his brother's executor.

While the Pope, leader of the Saints, sends Aiolia on mission after mission to prove his loyalty, evil forces manifest that threaten to destroy Sanctuary, the HQ of the Saints. A modern-day Titanomachy begins as the Titans, ancient gods with a desire for revenge on the Olympian gods, attack Sanctuary to retrieve the "Megas Drepanon", the weapon that Zeus sealed below Athena's colossus. Their first assault is thwarted by Aiolia, who subsequently gains the attention of the Titans as the "man of the evil omen" who is destined to free their king Cronos.

With the Titans once again roaming the Earth, all kinds of ancient monsters are resurrected worldwide, which also fight against the Saints. The 8 Gigas, minor gods who also ressurect because of the Titans, also attack the Sanctuary as generals of Cronos' army. Lots of mythological beings such as gorgons, hekatonkheires, legionaries, minotaurs and even the god Anubis also appear as enemies of the Saints.

Extra: The volumes usually contain short special chapters (gaiden), most of which in color, that either tell little side-stories or highlight moments from previous chapters. Some have little relevance to the overall plot of Episode G, with characters that play little part in the main story but who are well-known to readers of Saint Seiya, while others explore the personality or the past of important characters and detail minor events pertaining to the plot.

Story: 6.5/10
Although the story is entertaining, it contradicts Saint Seiya in certain aspects, such as the Gold Saints' ability of destroying gods that doesn't show up on the original series.

Characters: 8.0/10
The characters are incredibly complex as teenagers, and the way that 12 warriors with completely different notions of justice can be united by a single belief and fight on the same side is very interesting. Some also have very particular characteristics, which sometimes lead to comical situations, such as Scorpio Milo's habit of screaming when talking to enemies or Lithos Chrysalis' masculine voice and appearance.

Art: 10/10
Definitely the best, most detailed manga I've ever seen. The Cloths are completely formed of small metal plates that fit completely on its different forms and the bishounen visual of the characters is just amazing.

Overall: 8.5/10
Although not a perfect story, the complexity of the characters and the art make it a must-read to any fantasy manga fan.