View Full Version : What are your talents/skills that you want to brag about?

02-17-2011, 10:48 PM
A place for the talented, the skilled, and the egotistic. Honestly identify the talents, skills, or any stuff you're good at that you want to brag about, describe, and find out what other people think about it. I also made this thread for me to reach a full realization that I'm not the only gifted person in this world. In a way, this humbles oneself that even with all the talents/skills we had, there are actually a lot of people who can do the same and can even do more. So I'll begin with myself:

1) Singing - since I was a child, I already love singing, and everyone in my family says that I sing really well, though I rarely sing in front of anyone besides them. Being a male, I can sing even mid to mid-high pitch female songs, which I find weird at myself.
2) Drumming - some say it's easy, I thought at first too, but it actually requires a high level of limb coordination, timing, and endurance. I've been practicing the drums for 3 years, and also made an audience clap hard.
3) Writing - a talent that my highschool English teachers discovered in me; I've been writing my own light novels, one on hiatus (The Chicken Ham Experiment), another regular (The Legend of Uta).
4) Drawing - a very recently discovered skill; I can already draw manga/anime-like drawings that you won't think of something made by a beginner.
5) Translation - I'm already a master of two languages: Filipino (native) and English, and currently mastering Japanese through lyrics translation/transliteration at Anime Lyrics.
6) Dancing - a talent that was discovered in me since I was a kid, but something I used to hate because I was always recruited to perform on stage.
7) Badminton - a sport that I love the most; I consider myself the best among my family, but sadly they learn some tricks from me and they become better, just nearly.
8) Luck - I was supposed to put "clairvoyance" but AF will hate me for it. I can guess correctly what will come out of a coin toss 87.5% of the time. I always win big at lottery every time I bet (5,000 or more). I'm afraid to try out the real one.

Well, that's just all I've got! What's your's? :D

02-17-2011, 11:08 PM
a form of bujinkan aka ninjutsu is one of my talents



02-18-2011, 04:58 PM
I have some good skills ^^'

-Fast typer
-Super neat handwriting [Not to brag or anything XD)

Those are the current ones I can list off top of my head but if I go on and on I might be a bit self absorbed eh?

02-18-2011, 05:52 PM
I have some good skills ^^'

-Fast typer
-Super neat handwriting [Not to brag or anything XD)

Those are the current ones I can list off top of my head but if I go on and on I might be a bit self absorbed eh?

Oh sure, you can go on as much as you want. This is the place to brag about all your talents/skills... XD

02-20-2011, 07:22 AM
drawing and singing,
i'm still mastering the piano, writing? i left that hobby for a while

02-20-2011, 01:51 PM
I'm totally awesome at writing stories :D

02-20-2011, 02:01 PM
I would definitely say that music is one of my most major talents.

I've been drumming since I was about seven, during this time I've gone through about 12 different teachers. (One teacher for every style) I worked hard made sure to master every style during this course of time and it has really helped me reach my goal. I'm currently endorsed by Trick Drums, touring and doing drum demonstration for Schools and University's and going to The University of Kansas on three music scholarships Marching, Jazz and Vocal.

Singing is another talent that I discovered two years ago. I started studying under Mrs.Wheeler who graduated from Kansas State as a very accomplished vocalist. Currently I'm one of the lead singers in the Mens Choir at The University of Kansas and singing in many ways. How ever, my style is not the normal RMBstyle of singing, but a classical style.

Video editing is a talent I had secretly had for years, I'm finally using it as a film student at the University of Kansas. I'm very happy to say that recently my latest work "Meditation" has been awarded top experimental film at the K.U film festival and they have endorsed me with a million dollar budget and crew for my next short film which will be shot in the K.U movie studio. :)

I've also been playing piano and bass guitar for an number of years around four or so. Piano is something I'm self taught at but The University of Kansas was so impressed with my piano skill that they gave me the ability to write songs for the choir. :)