View Full Version : League of Legends

01-19-2011, 02:28 AM
Anyone else besides me play this? Graphically appealing, new character releases every few weeks or so, multiple classes to choose from, and FREE.

Why you should consider playing it:
League of Legends is, in my personal opinion, a new approach to MMO's. Instead of having to pick wild berries for some hungry mage or slay a few thousand red wolves for that new sword that came out, you are pitted against other players in a raging battle of strength and tactics. Choose from over 30 "champions", and if you play your cards right, lead your team to victory on the Field of Justice.
Each team consists of 5 or 3 different champions, depending on what map you choose to fight on. You can play Solo, which means match making will pair you up with other teammates, or use that handy-dandy Arranged Team option for fun with friends. This game is perfect for playing an exciting match with your best mates.
The maps are well detailed, and very expansive. In between "lanes" are forests where you can slay extra monsters for mana buffs or health regen, or just plain experience points. Bushes serve as ideal hiding spots from enemy champs. Map Awareness is immensely important in this game if you want to avoid being ganked by the other team. I cannot stress enough how important communication with your teammates is. To me, this is very appealing. In other MMO's, you get a team, fight, and that's that. However, League of Legends brings to the table a new social experience.

All in all, LOL is an original MMO with lots of great things going for it. I've only basically summed up the main points of the game, but there are many key points I could bring up. I highly recommend giving it a taste.

Plus it's free
So yeah :L

League name: michizukimangos

Play eeeeeet
Play it nooooow

01-27-2011, 03:49 PM
I love this game its a great rts if you havent tried it get it.
Leage of legends has recently became free to play check it out.
if you have played what are your thoughts and your favorite champion?

01-27-2011, 10:14 PM
threads merged.

07-14-2011, 11:49 PM
I'm pretty sure League of Legends isnt classified as an mmo. Its an rts. But I <3 this game. ^___^

khaniexxlove is my summoner name, feel free to add. (:

01-13-2012, 03:12 PM
XD League of Legends is one of my favorites! Its free too unlike DoTa or HoN. If you must know all 3 almost the same only thing dif is LoL is FREE!!!!

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 PM ----------

Current Fave champ Singed

02-10-2012, 07:24 AM
I started playing this recently. It fits for me since it's not as competitive or mentally tiring as Starcraft but ins't as casual as other games.
So far I loving Graves and that girl with the rocket laucher

02-10-2012, 08:33 AM
Just to inform everyone, League Of Legends isn't an MMO or an RTS but in fact called a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena).

I've been playing all the different roles like Support/tank, (occasionally) jungler, solo top and (my current favourite role) AD carry. I used to play AP mid, but for some reason I stopped playing that role for ages and then all of a sudden I am absolutely rubbish now haha.

But yeah, current favourite champs are: Ashe, Vayne, Shen, Leona and Jax.

Summoner name: Khargaroth

add me up if you wanna game :D

02-28-2012, 07:02 AM
Yes! I'm a Summoner too ^^. Level 30, exactly 1337 wins, and 1515 elo atm, and I own several hundreds of Euro's in skins... I'm on EU West if you're interested :).


Function: Solo top
Champs for that function: Gangplank, Lux, Riven, Shyvana.
Ranked team?: Yes.

05-14-2012, 08:16 AM
Yes! I'm a Summoner too ^^. Level 30, exactly 1337 wins, and 1515 elo atm, and I own several hundreds of Euro's in skins... I'm on EU West if you're interested :).


Function: Solo top
Champs for that function: Gangplank, Lux, Riven, Shyvana.
Ranked team?: Yes.
Wow you play Lux solo top? How does that hold out against other champions?

05-14-2012, 02:35 PM
Actually pretty easy. Believe me or not, but Lux is a Yorick counter. Screwby

Update: My most frequent champs right now are: Vladimir, Jarvan IV, and Jax.

05-14-2012, 04:14 PM
If anyone is interested , my username is Muncheeeeer (Muncher was already taken , so i just added a whole lot of "e"s). I am on EU West , and i can do pretty much anything except for playing an AD carry.

05-14-2012, 07:01 PM
Samuru Wow I'll try her solo top then haha should be interesting. I played 90% of my games to level 30 as Lux so looking forward to expand my roles with her :D

A lot of people seem to be on EU servers :( If on NA add me (Panaromic). My main characters now are Lee Sin, Vladimir, Shyvana, Olaf, Lulu, Kayle and Nocturne. Right now I'm trying to get better at Twisted Fate and learning how to play Akali

05-15-2012, 10:51 AM
How to play akali: Spam Q till lvl 6. Spam Q + R after. GG Screwby

05-15-2012, 11:01 AM
How to play akali: Spam Q till lvl 6. Spam Q + R after. GG Screwby
Hahaha it's exactly what my friends told me. I'm playing her similarly as when I go assassin Lee Sin and it's working out alright. Just gotta get used to playing a melee squishie.

Faux Angel
05-16-2012, 09:26 AM
How to play akali: Spam Q till lvl 6. Spam Q + R after. GG Screwby

really? i've always E+R o-o the Q i use to last-hit without risking my neck early game

soooo anyone on NA server?

05-16-2012, 09:47 AM
A girl playing LoL, always interesting. 99% of the people I know are male. I want to create a new acc on NA servers... How can I install the client twice? As I tried just installing it, and that does not work ._.

Faux Angel
05-16-2012, 09:49 AM
A girl playing LoL, always interesting. 99% of the people I know are male. I want to create a new acc on NA servers... How can I install the client twice? As I tried just installing it, and that does not work ._.

dont re-install baaaaka~ , go to the site, and start from scratch, make a new accnt, and be sure to select the appropiate server you want, then restart your client and select "change server" should be opposite the "play" button and next to the server status.

its obvious that most of the players are male because of the amount of raging that goes on, girls wouldnt do that ne :3

05-16-2012, 10:55 AM
dont re-install baaaaka~ , go to the site, and start from scratch, make a new accnt, and be sure to select the appropiate server you want, then restart your client and select "change server" should be opposite the "play" button and next to the server status.

its obvious that most of the players are male because of the amount of raging that goes on, girls wouldnt do that ne :3
I know 2 girls who play LoL, and both of them flame, very very hard xD. Just make a new acc and then select switch server in the client? cool. Thanks.

Faux Angel
05-16-2012, 10:59 AM
I know 2 girls who play LoL, and both of them flame, very very hard xD. Just make a new acc and then select switch server in the client? cool. Thanks.

<.< i only do that if im losing

which doesnt happen ...............much http://www.cute-factor.com/images/smilies/missbone/miss-bone-48.gif

05-16-2012, 11:24 AM
<.< i only do that if im losing

which doesnt happen ...............much http://www.cute-factor.com/images/smilies/missbone/miss-bone-48.gif
Favorite champs Fauxy?

Faux Angel
05-16-2012, 11:26 AM
Kennen AP

Galio ... AP early game, more tanky later

Caitlyn AD ranged

Teeeeeeeeemoooooooo : D

i honestly cannot play support

Sankyo Sentina
07-28-2012, 01:50 PM
I like this game very much

08-26-2012, 10:32 AM
Just started playing, only done the tutorial battles, but it's pretty fun.

Might get ahold of the buddy who referred me and try some more battles. >.>

09-08-2012, 06:45 AM
I play Sion mid, I suck at this game though, I usually get 1-2 kills, but 0 deaths :D

09-08-2012, 03:11 PM
LoL seems to be my only constant game, in the sense that I will always go back to it. ALWAYS. :P

I usually play top or AD carry. I can play all the roles except for jungling. The only jungler I had some form of success with was an AP Sion. I usually change up my AD, but my main I is probably Ashe. For top it's usually Jax (if he isn't banned :P) and Warwick. Been recently doing support Taric and it's been alright, wuite fun really :3.

I usually run 5 man (I have a load of friends who play LoL) but if anyone is interested to play with us hit me up!

EDIT: That's weird. I didn't realise I posted in this thread already 0_o. Well anyway, sorry for the rehash :3

11-29-2012, 07:08 PM
Been looking for people to troll with for ages. Ad Ahri, AP Tristana, Bruiser Lulu, Support Ashe, you name it! If anyone wants to add me, feel free.


11-29-2012, 10:26 PM
Gotta love those people that call someone a noob for being the first blood.
Love playing ADC. Mainly Draven.

11-29-2012, 10:42 PM
It's even better when everyone says good luck have fun at the start, then gets rabid by the time 15 minutes have passed...

11-30-2012, 12:19 AM
It's even better when everyone says good luck have fun at the start, then gets rabid by the time 15 minutes have passed...

I remember one time someone called me a noob because I didn't tower dive for someone when I was already low on health.
So I played like one, I let them die and I fed. And I was like "oops, I'm sorry, I'm a noob remember." When they all QQ'd about it.
They said sorry in the end. ;o

Hate teammates with bad attitudes. They ruin it for the rest of us.

03-02-2013, 12:12 PM
Varus, Caitlyn, Fiora, Volibear, And
Quinn and Valor:cool:

Add me: GermanSniper9

03-07-2013, 08:47 PM
I main support but I can play any role really. My rank is awful though Bronze Division III but you can add me if you want to :D

summoner name: ThePensyl2

06-10-2013, 03:45 AM
I can play anything but jungle really, my champs are

Top: Xin, Darius, Vlad

Mid: Lux, Morg, Lissandra, Kat, Kennen

Adc: Any adc except for trist and kog

Support: Sona, Soraka, Leona, Lux, Thresh

Add me please ^_^

ForbbidenRaziel (yes I know I spelled forbidden wrong lol)

Sankyo Sentina
07-26-2013, 03:26 AM
I really like this game. I can't play is anymore though because the Internet cafe i always went to went out and the computer I have is really not powerful enough to play it though

Tenrou Nogitsune
07-26-2013, 08:46 AM
I play a multitude of Champions including Talon, Zed, Caitlyn, Teemo, Hecarim, Fiddlesticks and Ahri

Summoner Name: Blacktail Flame

07-31-2013, 12:09 PM
I have found myself playing dota 2 a lot lately because all of my league friends switched. Add me on skype and league if you ever want to play. I can play every role.

Summoner Name: colefag

Skype name is on my profile here

08-25-2013, 03:29 PM
I've been playing this game recently due to the inspirations from my friends. I suck and I still suck. Except for one time I actually got surprisingly heavy amount of compliment because I was soloing top using Nami after my lane partner ditched and still got a few kills by myself.

But yeah I'm not yet level 30, and it'll be a long way to go. I usually play ADC and support.

I remember one time someone called me a noob because I didn't tower dive for someone when I was already low on health.
So I played like one, I let them die and I fed. And I was like "oops, I'm sorry, I'm a noob remember." When they all QQ'd about it.
They said sorry in the end. ;o

Hate teammates with bad attitudes. They ruin it for the rest of us.

One concern I have for this game is the ragers. I have friends warning me that there are about 80% of players are ragers, and I have to be aware of them, or just stay cool and say nothing back to them.

I remember one time I was using Sona, my lane partner (Ashe) started the game with cursing-spree attitude telling me to back off and not to touch minions or enemy champs, and just stay there and heal, do nothing else. Ashe ended up feeding-spree. Then she started cursing at me again involving my "mother" in her anger for not helping to poke the enemy champs. So I told her "well you told me to do nothing". After a few minutes later, I took 2 kills from her, then her anger was super explosive. LeBlanc on mid was involved with the case and helped cursing at me and will be reporting me for being noob. Well, at least I know the thing that they didn't do for the entire game. They cleared the lane by killing the enemy champs, then they just went back to base, go kill again, clear the lane, and go back to base. That same pattern took an hour. None of the enemies turrets were destroyed so that we could go any further. We ended up getting defeated. I felt like I was bullied in the game.

There are nice players, and there are toxic players. I have seen many toxic players start off the game by throwing F-bombs at people. It's just a game, guys >_>....

I like playing supports, but being a support either get lots of thanks or lots of complains "you didnt heal me enough!" I remember I was cursed at for getting kills by using a support lol.

Tenrou Nogitsune
11-15-2013, 12:40 AM
This game. It's all I ever play nowadays.

I play a bit of support, but I can go adc mid or top

Main champs: Thresh, Soraka, Darius

On NA servers, I'm Blacktail Flame

02-13-2015, 01:07 AM
Ign: Goofy Cake
Lv: 30
Server: NA
ADC: Caitlyn, MF or Jinx
Support: Soraka, Sona or Leona
Mid: Morgana, Ziggs, Lux or Lissandra
Top: Fiora or Jax
Jungle: Shyvana, Vi or Kha'Zix


05-11-2016, 05:32 PM
Sup guys. I'm a lvl 2? (I forgot) player who plays a lot of hybrid kennen. Add me: BenB930 (Just make sure you tell me you're from AF first... That way I won't decline.)

08-12-2016, 03:16 PM
:/ Kinda surprised this hasn't been moved, due to League not being an MMO at all.

Anywho, I used to play League a few years ago, but I dropped it, due to it's community being easily the most toxic community of any game that I've played. The game itself is pretty much just okay to me, I never really understand why it gained such an enormous fanbase. Then again I'm not all that big into PvP so that's probably why it didn't love it.