View Full Version : Miscellaneous Miscellany

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  1. Hey I Am Going To Middle School!
  2. Who Is You Beeeesssstt Friend!!!
  3. Road Trip!
  4. Do You Have A Step Parent?
  5. Whats The Best Thing That Has Ever Happen To U?
  6. Chinese Zodiac!!!
  7. The Good The Bad And The Ugly
  8. What Kinda Classes You Got?
  9. Abc
  10. Hmmm. Strange
  11. An Annoying Thing About School
  12. Please Read Me First!!!
  13. Create Your Own Super Hero
  15. Death Penalty: for or against? Why?
  16. Leaving for a while
  17. I'm so easily amused
  18. test/quiz sites
  19. Got some teeth pulled out
  20. Learn Japanese
  21. Guess whos back!
  22. Pilfering
  23. NEW Calendar Info Thread
  24. Whats cooking yo?
  25. Future careers
  26. Really freaky dreams.
  27. I'm back.... well somewhat
  28. pour your...Comedy?
  29. all look same?
  30. Is anybody interested in the Supernatural?
  31. Official Clan Advertising Thread
  32. Tattoos
  33. What are your hobbies?
  34. not gonna be on as much
  35. Advice would be nice..... (ack! that rhymes!)
  36. Numbing
  37. Who do you want to become in Fantasy?
  38. crochet and stuff
  39. Public groups?
  40. Fav. Weapons!
  41. whoa!
  42. White Noise
  43. Mutation
  44. What's your nationality?
  45. Funniest Game, Anime, or Movie Moments Here!
  46. Leaving, Will be back.
  47. Greatest Thing EVER!
  48. Neopets
  49. Best ending ever (film, anime, book whatever)
  50. Tongue twisters
  51. Raid My Fridge!
  52. Help me!
  53. Bush vs Kerry
  54. Kirk vs. Picard
  55. Enjoy your stay on Earth
  56. Who will be the next pop princess?
  57. I'm back!
  58. wierdest homework assignment
  59. The more things change the more they stay the same
  60. who would you vote president of af.com
  61. I seek a Battle Partner.
  62. Life after Death
  63. Noki...a mod? Also, sports.
  64. new
  65. anime/manga storys here
  66. An interesting vid clip
  67. I'm going to go to hell for this, and I know it.
  68. Me and Noki may be gone for awhile.
  69. Marriage
  70. Scared yet??
  71. Matchmaker With Rick!
  72. What was the worst thing that happened in your life?
  73. Who loves Rick??
  74. Left- Handed
  75. Haven't been back in a while there...
  76. Looking for some guys to talk to!!
  77. Confusion
  78. info for presidency of AF poll
  79. vote for admins and mods for prez.
  80. vote for admins and mods for prez. (POLL)
  81. Random People for prez. Poll part 2
  82. The Leftovers for Prez. poll part 3
  83. A fourth poll?
  84. Nick dot com...
  85. Random People For Prez. Poll Part 4
  86. Your campaign office: Ads, Skits, and Trailers
  87. Random People for Prez Poll Part 4 <Official!>
  88. haloween
  89. I need some advice.
  90. Do you use AIM
  91. Condoms distribution in Highschools
  92. Rick_Forrest's Family
  93. Have u ever seen a goast?????
  94. what an idiot would say
  95. Rate the Rated Rating of the Rater
  96. How to annoy a telemarketer
  97. Souls_leader
  98. 20 ways to confuse trick or treaters
  99. The Complete Guide To Bag Snatching.
  100. Universities
  101. Remember Celebrity Boxing? Jerry Springer needs your help!
  102. What Would Happen When Women Ruled The World??
  103. Win Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament or even any Yu Yu DVD of your choosing.
  104. School grades <_<
  105. OXYMORON Game
  106. Right or Left brained?
  107. Racial Remarks
  108. Enneagram Test
  109. Where im geting these quizes
  110. Gone For A Few Months... and POOF..!!
  111. Hey guys! Long time no see!
  112. 2 Celessa
  113. Hello its bebop time
  114. Costumes!!
  115. ::waves:: Hi everyone, I'm new.
  116. Japanese Arts
  117. What's your favorite food?
  118. Kerry has Conceded
  119. Hello...
  120. L'arc tabs needed
  121. Prez Polls. Final Ballot
  122. I can't keep track of my family!
  123. Gatorade
  124. Are you LOST?
  125. What movies are good on the theatres today?
  126. Aha. Convert, Lions!
  127. I may be gone for a while
  128. The map of United States of Canada and Jesusland.
  129. AIM,do you have it?
  130. Does anybody here Skatebaord?
  131. No one knows..
  132. My Two Week Promise
  133. Oowwwww
  134. I got fired!!!
  135. Sorry guys!
  136. japanese
  137. japanese
  138. Cereal, just for kids?
  139. Bubb Rubb
  140. My dream car
  141. Movie quotes from hell
  142. Dumb Warnings
  143. The Incredibles
  144. crime doesnt pay
  145. Favorite Color
  146. I'm gonna miss ya
  147. My name?
  148. shhh she's trying to tell us something
  149. Help!!!!!!!!
  150. This has got to be the scarriest thing you've EVER seen
  151. Help
  152. Free Trade a good thing or a bad thing?
  153. ASCII art for forums/emails
  154. Cheer up mate
  155. Godzilla is almost over now
  156. Spoungebob Quiz!!!
  157. Who is figo?
  158. Sandals with socks or not?
  159. Tattoo's.
  160. Help needed for football
  161. ...For Shame. (A birthday/christmas post kind of)
  162. Thank You TMDC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  163. I'm an Uncle!!! Again!!!!!
  164. School Spirit... Who needs it
  165. quiz time
  166. This just HAS to be shown.
  167. We've got a birthday boy!
  168. Farenheit 9/11
  169. Santa Ai
  170. Dora The Explorer and Buba... Hate them?
  171. Country or place?
  172. Super Powers
  173. Reality games:they suck!!!
  174. Question for all you cosplayers
  175. Need help: pics for school
  176. Invasion of privacy
  177. Way back when
  178. anyone here from california?
  179. pranks
  180. Oh...my... God. o_o;;; [56k warning]
  181. another bday boy!
  182. Great News: MSN Hotmail Capacity 250 MB!!
  183. Favorite candy?
  184. The Battle Of Wills.
  185. My dad PC ate my homework!!! Switch to Mac
  186. If you could...
  187. Ahh my brothers shoting plastic arrows at me
  188. Funny animal stories
  189. New Sword ^_^
  190. dumbest thing u ever heard or done
  191. When things invite themselves to your house
  192. Just Seeing what old moonies are still around
  193. Crossovers
  194. Happy Birthday to Sweet_Angel!
  195. How do you...
  196. If Hollywood were a man, he'd be an idiot.
  197. If only we had tails
  198. Anizona anyone??
  199. I LOVE EGG nOG!
  200. I am back
  201. Adventures with Taco Bell
  202. Theory - Roaches stay alive .....
  203. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  204. Dogs v.s. Cats
  205. Reality vs. Fantasy
  206. My sister, the genuis.
  207. Fun fun days
  208. What are you thankful for?
  209. birthdays
  210. Coffee or Tea?
  211. Random
  212. Racism
  213. Woohoo!
  214. Thanksgiving
  215. Snow Men
  216. Happy Turkey Day!
  217. Post your christmas list..>>;
  218. Is Thanksgiving a religious holiday?
  219. Santa Ai is checking her list. Have YOU been good this year?
  220. Harajuka Girls:what do you think of them
  221. DVD Xmas Gifts
  222. Happy first advent ^_^
  223. Do you know how to cook? What's your favorite dish to make?
  224. lovers in paris
  225. whats the weirdest combanation of food you have eaten?
  226. Mario on the Piano.
  227. I have a question for the guys out there
  228. Instuments
  229. Riddles
  230. Pets!
  231. final exams
  232. Play that again
  233. Cafeteria food...
  234. Time traveling
  235. Anime Popye
  236. eating late gives u nightmares? o.Oa
  237. project help anyone?
  238. Question for all you college folk out there
  239. ... I have to wonder if anyone actually falls for these things....
  240. windows media
  241. Your User name.
  242. do your parents care who you will marry.
  243. funney site
  244. St. Lucia (Lucy)
  245. Will someone do me a favor...
  246. Happy Birthdays!
  247. The 'I'm better than you' game
  248. Toronto AnimeCon
  249. O_o
  250. Trust