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  1. AnimeLyrics no nihongo fo-ramu
  2. こんにちは~! (^o^)/ 
  3. nihongo wo kakitai no? (so you want to write in Japanese?)
  4. cool
  5. AF.comの日本語のクラスがほしい?
  6. なに、これ?!
  7. あいさつ (aisatsu)
  8. 日本語を勉強していますか?
  9. 大塚 愛
  10. 関西弁やねん!・京ことばどすぇ
  11. Jlptしましょう~!
  12. ギャル語!(き”ャ|レ言吾)
  13. need help with a name translation
  14. 最近のJ-Pop?
  15. Help with translations (NOT a request T__T)
  16. 僕と遊んでください
  17. 心が細やかで?
  18. こんにちは
  19. j-rpg's...for noobs
  20. need help with this romaji sentance
  21. Kanji, anyone?
  22. need help with translation..
  23. Mondai ga arimasu~~!
  24. Grammar question....
  25. Joining words/particles/structures
  26. Kanji Assistance!
  27. [game] the chain game
  28. Recite your family anime quotes in Japanese
  29. 今日の予定は?
  30. 何になりたいですか?どんな夢がありますか?
  31. Want to Learn Foreign Languages
  32. 好きなjドラマ
  33. I wish to learn Japanese! Can anyone help?
  34. hiragana/kanji/katakana pronunciation
  35. Anyone kanji-knowledgeable here?
  36. kanji flashcard question
  37. Learning japanese
  38. Does Anyone
  39. 誰かが私を覚えているの?
  40. Lyrics I wrote
  41. Can someone teach me Japanese?
  42. Help Translating one tiny teeny thingie
  43. I need help translating this, plz help
  44. nya
  45. What's the best way to translate this title?
  46. Textbooks
  47. っぷり?
  48. Can someone teach me how to speak/write in japanese?
  49. なにとと゜して
  50. Can some one tell me what this means?
  51. Kanji Site
  52. 今週の話題: 好きな食べ物
  53. Help me learn Japanese?
  54. I needs help
  55. 小説の奨励
  56. 俺の詩
  57. Does anyone know the kanji [in pictures please]...
  58. 今週の話題: 好きな漢字(かんじ)
  59. I know a little
  60. I don't know how to get a japanese font :(
  61. New AnimeLyrics feature - Kanji lookup
  62. Using コレ and の か together... what does it mean? A little advise if possible, please
  63. podcastで勉強しよう!
  64. Kanji Question
  65. [。。。そうして、彼 は 天国、彼女 は 地 だった。。。]
  66. help with japanese character please
  67. How in the world do I translate this joke?
  68. Anime and Manga as a learning tool
  69. 今週の話題: 好きなアニメとマンガ
  70. Can someone tell me if I translated right
  71. I need to learn
  72. Looking For Teacher
  73. うんざりするか。私がうんざりするので。
  74. いかに漢字でなるとを書くか?
  75. Remember this Episode??
  76. Small characters
  77. 好きな日本の芸能人
  78. 権利章典日本のか。
  79. what does どんだけ?! mean?
  80. [お前。。。オレの事を] How do you use 事 within this?
  81. Japanese Sentence structure
  82. What does のだ means?
  83. Wats the best method to learn JAPANESE
  84. I dont want to change my whole settings....but..
  85. need help
  86. Replacements for the IME?
  87. Teach Me Japaneez Pleez
  88. 質問があります
  89. エヴィ
  90. 易しくないか?
  91. Does anyone want to help AnimeLyrics.com?
  92. "wo" or "o"?
  93. Learning Japanese
  94. Learning Japanese...
  95. 日本語勉強:本、cd (books, cds)
  96. 日本語勉強:インターネット (internet sites)
  97. 日本語勉強:メール友 (e-mail friends)
  98. Teach me :(
  99. 今週の話題: 何で日本語を勉強するの?
  100. Help with the Japanese song test thing!
  101. 日本に行ったことありますか?
  102. What does this mean?
  103. So...anyone familiar with sumo terms?
  104. One hour more...
  105. My Japanese Language Site and Personal Blog!
  106. Language Learning Sites...
  107. Is it ever all right to say "ja nai de"?
  108. everyone open this
  109. Could you explain ~が (ga) a little better to me?
  110. Please Someone Help Me Translate This Picture!!!please
  111. Little help ^^;
  112. help with chat room (please read this)
  113. Help! I can't see Japanese characters!!!
  114. omodachi
  115. Can someone read this japanese?
  116. Learning japanese (kanji) Could need a little advice.
  117. Some grammar confusion
  118. Japanese fonts for MSWindows XP?
  119. mohon bantuannya
  120. Onomatopoeia and other noise words.
  121. Japanese Office Diction
  122. たてにとって
  123. Plural???
  124. Writing a song
  125. 話は別だけど
  126. Relative Time Kanji?
  127. 日本語フォラームのコンテスト?
  128. Verb endings
  129. Cell phone question
  130. Help!! Please
  131. Lets all laugh at my translations
  132. 食べたいでも食べたことない?
  133. can someone please translate this :)
  134. AAAAHHHHH!!!! (a.k.a. KANJI HELP QUICK PLZ!!!)
  135. can anybody help me please???
  136. えりして What is the meaning of this word?
  137. cant see kanji charecters
  138. Can someone correct me if I'm wrong?
  139. Disclaimer. To my fellow translators and people I translate for:
  140. name suffixes/titles ??
  141. Insert witty request for translation assistance here:
  142. Can anyone help me to translate this?
  143. Nihongo wo Linux de kakukata ga dou dekiru?
  144. 変わらず
  145. 翻訳者を探しています
  146. I'm eager to learn japanese Please help me!!
  147. I need help with this kanji.
  148. Stuck on a line here...._.
  149. いつから日本語を勉強していた?
  150. Is there a symbol for this?
  151. Random Kanji Help #8
  152. 死ぬ甲斐か?
  153. Sentence Translation Help.
  154. 大臣て何 How do interpret this sentence?
  155. Help learning Japanese
  156. need help for some translation!
  157. Can any one tranclate this in English?
  158. Need help translete Eng to Jap
  159. がくせい vs だいがくせい
  160. "But" and "Because"
  161. "Or"
  162. [mod] minimize the repeats, please
  163. okay new question
  164. need help for game translation
  165. 日本語の しゅくだい...Check O.o;;
  166. Help please?
  167. Question!
  168. を between two nouns
  169. Japanese dictionaries.
  170. In Need of Assistance Translating Something
  171. I want to learn japanesse :)
  172. I need help speaking to a Japanese vendor!!
  173. Need Help With Japanese Manners?
  174. なんざ?
  175. やる
  176. Wan't to speak Japanese =]
  177. Konichiwa, i need a tutor
  178. 「こと」と「の」
  179. Again in the quest for potential form!
  180. i want to learn japanese
  181. Help at deciphering some Kanji needed... T_T
  182. て Form Tutor please ;_;
  183. proper object-verb agreement
  184. Going to Japan
  185. same old question...
  186. Translated into Japanese at request!
  187. Yet another in the series of random questions!
  188. Help with Japanese slang
  189. Does anyone know how to say 'thief'?
  190. Translation needed: Sorry for writing "Kouki Yori".
  191. Any tips for someone learning Japanese?
  192. Help translating this
  193. もっと言ってやれ What is the nuance of this phrase?
  194. Meeting up in Tokyo!
  195. Kanji Game?
  196. Electronic Dictionary?
  197. A question about Kanji...
  198. number problem...
  199. who knows japanese
  200. japanese chaters!!! にほんごしゃべろね!!
  201. reikablue has lots of questions....
  202. [mod] Be helpful, not a show off
  203. Simple Japanese Book Titles
  204. Stuff to buy in Japan
  205. Queeestions!
  206. Trading Card Translation plz!
  207. Lyrics:Haruka Kanata:By Asian Kung-Fu Generation
  208. Translation help
  209. おネエ言葉!?
  210. 知ったこっちゃねぇんだよ!
  211. College Course Question
  212. translate a song from english to japanese? help please
  213. Pitch accent...
  214. Somone help me translate from japanese to english by today pls><very urgentT_T thx ><
  215. need translation again>< thx~~~~
  216. 常用漢字
  217. Lots and lots of questions.
  218. Need help translating one piece
  219. can translate? thx^^
  220. Hi-I need help with a Japanese cat-themed pun
  221. Having a lot of Trouble!
  222. Job Names in Japanese
  223. What is...
  224. How do you say All or Most of?
  225. A few questions...
  226. Unsure of Japanese word
  227. "I hope that..."
  228. To Guide
  229. how to say in romaji?
  230. Japanese Writing
  231. For Japanese speakers
  232. How to say 'or' in Japanese?
  233. JLPT level 2
  234. Learning Japenese
  235. r in japanese
  236. A question about a sentence.
  237. How to install Japanese support for your computer
  238. Japanese Ssong!
  239. >.< -.-' Im troubled!
  240. Random Translation (Romaji)
  241. A couple of questions...
  242. Evil (adj.) in Japanese
  243. Want to Double Check
  244. help with でから
  245. Need help again, this time for bleach
  246. can someone teach me japanese??
  247. Kanji Info Help Please
  248. Nekko Mimi Mode ( them song to moonphase )
  249. I want to speak ROMAJI to practice my Japanese!