- AnimeLyrics no nihongo fo-ramu
- こんにちは~! (^o^)/
- nihongo wo kakitai no? (so you want to write in Japanese?)
- cool
- AF.comの日本語のクラスがほしい?
- なに、これ?!
- あいさつ (aisatsu)
- 日本語を勉強していますか?
- 大塚 愛
- 関西弁やねん!・京ことばどすぇ
- Jlptしましょう~!
- ギャル語!(き”ャ|レ言吾)
- need help with a name translation
- 最近のJ-Pop?
- Help with translations (NOT a request T__T)
- 僕と遊んでください
- 心が細やかで?
- こんにちは
- j-rpg's...for noobs
- need help with this romaji sentance
- Kanji, anyone?
- need help with translation..
- Mondai ga arimasu~~!
- Grammar question....
- Joining words/particles/structures
- Kanji Assistance!
- [game] the chain game
- Recite your family anime quotes in Japanese
- 今日の予定は?
- 何になりたいですか?どんな夢がありますか?
- Want to Learn Foreign Languages
- 好きなjドラマ
- I wish to learn Japanese! Can anyone help?
- hiragana/kanji/katakana pronunciation
- Anyone kanji-knowledgeable here?
- kanji flashcard question
- Learning japanese
- Does Anyone
- 誰かが私を覚えているの?
- Lyrics I wrote
- Can someone teach me Japanese?
- Help Translating one tiny teeny thingie
- I need help translating this, plz help
- nya
- What's the best way to translate this title?
- Textbooks
- っぷり?
- Can someone teach me how to speak/write in japanese?
- なにとと゜して
- Can some one tell me what this means?
- Kanji Site
- 今週の話題: 好きな食べ物
- Help me learn Japanese?
- I needs help
- 小説の奨励
- 俺の詩
- Does anyone know the kanji [in pictures please]...
- 今週の話題: 好きな漢字(かんじ)
- I know a little
- I don't know how to get a japanese font :(
- New AnimeLyrics feature - Kanji lookup
- Using コレ and の か together... what does it mean? A little advise if possible, please
- podcastで勉強しよう!
- Kanji Question
- [。。。そうして、彼 は 天国、彼女 は 地 だった。。。]
- help with japanese character please
- How in the world do I translate this joke?
- Anime and Manga as a learning tool
- 今週の話題: 好きなアニメとマンガ
- Can someone tell me if I translated right
- I need to learn
- Looking For Teacher
- うんざりするか。私がうんざりするので。
- いかに漢字でなるとを書くか?
- Remember this Episode??
- Small characters
- 好きな日本の芸能人
- 権利章典日本のか。
- what does どんだけ?! mean?
- [お前。。。オレの事を] How do you use 事 within this?
- Japanese Sentence structure
- What does のだ means?
- Wats the best method to learn JAPANESE
- I dont want to change my whole settings....but..
- need help
- Replacements for the IME?
- Teach Me Japaneez Pleez
- 質問があります
- エヴィ
- 易しくないか?
- Does anyone want to help AnimeLyrics.com?
- "wo" or "o"?
- Learning Japanese
- Learning Japanese...
- 日本語勉強:本、cd (books, cds)
- 日本語勉強:インターネット (internet sites)
- 日本語勉強:メール友 (e-mail friends)
- Teach me :(
- 今週の話題: 何で日本語を勉強するの?
- Help with the Japanese song test thing!
- 日本に行ったことありますか?
- What does this mean?
- So...anyone familiar with sumo terms?
- One hour more...
- My Japanese Language Site and Personal Blog!
- Language Learning Sites...
- Is it ever all right to say "ja nai de"?
- everyone open this
- Could you explain ~が (ga) a little better to me?
- Please Someone Help Me Translate This Picture!!!please
- Little help ^^;
- help with chat room (please read this)
- Help! I can't see Japanese characters!!!
- omodachi
- Can someone read this japanese?
- Learning japanese (kanji) Could need a little advice.
- Some grammar confusion
- Japanese fonts for MSWindows XP?
- mohon bantuannya
- Onomatopoeia and other noise words.
- Japanese Office Diction
- たてにとって
- Plural???
- Writing a song
- 話は別だけど
- Relative Time Kanji?
- 日本語フォラームのコンテスト?
- Verb endings
- Cell phone question
- Help!! Please
- Lets all laugh at my translations
- 食べたいでも食べたことない?
- can someone please translate this :)
- can anybody help me please???
- えりして What is the meaning of this word?
- cant see kanji charecters
- Can someone correct me if I'm wrong?
- Disclaimer. To my fellow translators and people I translate for:
- name suffixes/titles ??
- Insert witty request for translation assistance here:
- Can anyone help me to translate this?
- Nihongo wo Linux de kakukata ga dou dekiru?
- 変わらず
- 翻訳者を探しています
- I'm eager to learn japanese Please help me!!
- I need help with this kanji.
- Stuck on a line here...._.
- いつから日本語を勉強していた?
- Is there a symbol for this?
- Random Kanji Help #8
- 死ぬ甲斐か?
- Sentence Translation Help.
- 大臣て何 How do interpret this sentence?
- Help learning Japanese
- need help for some translation!
- Can any one tranclate this in English?
- だ
- Need help translete Eng to Jap
- がくせい vs だいがくせい
- "But" and "Because"
- "Or"
- [mod] minimize the repeats, please
- okay new question
- need help for game translation
- 日本語の しゅくだい...Check O.o;;
- Help please?
- Question!
- を between two nouns
- Japanese dictionaries.
- In Need of Assistance Translating Something
- I want to learn japanesse :)
- I need help speaking to a Japanese vendor!!
- Need Help With Japanese Manners?
- なんざ?
- やる
- Wan't to speak Japanese =]
- Konichiwa, i need a tutor
- 「こと」と「の」
- Again in the quest for potential form!
- i want to learn japanese
- Help at deciphering some Kanji needed... T_T
- て Form Tutor please ;_;
- proper object-verb agreement
- Going to Japan
- same old question...
- Translated into Japanese at request!
- Yet another in the series of random questions!
- Help with Japanese slang
- Does anyone know how to say 'thief'?
- Translation needed: Sorry for writing "Kouki Yori".
- Any tips for someone learning Japanese?
- Help translating this
- もっと言ってやれ What is the nuance of this phrase?
- Meeting up in Tokyo!
- Kanji Game?
- Electronic Dictionary?
- A question about Kanji...
- number problem...
- who knows japanese
- japanese chaters!!! にほんごしゃべろね!!
- reikablue has lots of questions....
- [mod] Be helpful, not a show off
- Simple Japanese Book Titles
- Stuff to buy in Japan
- Queeestions!
- Trading Card Translation plz!
- Lyrics:Haruka Kanata:By Asian Kung-Fu Generation
- Translation help
- おネエ言葉!?
- 知ったこっちゃねぇんだよ!
- College Course Question
- translate a song from english to japanese? help please
- Pitch accent...
- Somone help me translate from japanese to english by today pls><very urgentT_T thx ><
- need translation again>< thx~~~~
- 常用漢字
- Lots and lots of questions.
- Need help translating one piece
- can translate? thx^^
- Hi-I need help with a Japanese cat-themed pun
- Having a lot of Trouble!
- Job Names in Japanese
- What is...
- How do you say All or Most of?
- A few questions...
- Unsure of Japanese word
- "I hope that..."
- To Guide
- how to say in romaji?
- Japanese Writing
- For Japanese speakers
- How to say 'or' in Japanese?
- JLPT level 2
- Learning Japenese
- r in japanese
- A question about a sentence.
- How to install Japanese support for your computer
- Japanese Ssong!
- >.< -.-' Im troubled!
- Random Translation (Romaji)
- A couple of questions...
- Evil (adj.) in Japanese
- Want to Double Check
- help with でから
- Need help again, this time for bleach
- can someone teach me japanese??
- Kanji Info Help Please
- Nekko Mimi Mode ( them song to moonphase )
- I want to speak ROMAJI to practice my Japanese!