Basicaly do you believe we need incentives for entrepreneur's to start thinking of solutions for the issue's we face today?

Do we need a incentive to get Entrepreneur's doing what they do best?
What issue's do they need to work on?

Personaly I would like to see people researching something to replace fatty stuff in food. For this it would have to be cheap, and tasty but healthy as possible too.

Then if not that I would like to see research into clean energy solutions. There is already a lot of this but I feel as if there is still a lot we don't know.

Also ways to plug an oil leak at over 9000 meters. No seriously they keep drilling deeper and deeper without finding a way to fix a leak if one should happen. Go ahead and do some research into this and be pissed off that you are the same species as these people. I know I was.

Your thoughts?