(OOC: “A, B, C, or a, b, c…”=Talking. ‘A, B, C, or a, b, c…’=Thought process. By the way, sorry about the wait Valkarma, but here you go, typos and all. Enjoy. Ha-ha)!

(OOC: I am going to try to post again before I leave for school in the morning, but if I cannot, I just thought that I would let you know that I will be able to do so until much later in the evening. Apparently I have something of a “social life” now, so yeah… Curses! No comment on that…heh… Anyway, moving forward. Heehee So I will post as soon as I possible can. Thank you).

“…Me?” The boy had asked, stuttering. “Yes, you silly!” Kiyoshi said as she then smiled. After a few moments of silence, he had then begun to speak again. “Me? I’m Kairos.” He replied. Kiyoshi mouthed his name a few times before saying it out loud, thinking it over a bit. “Kairos? Well, that’s a nice name.” She said as she smiled further.

A part of her was glad that he was blind, because of everything that she had been through within the past few days. I mean practically three days had passed, only three days just about, and Kiyoshi was still marked from head to toe with something, well, almost.

She still had a rather large cut going across her left cheek, a slightly bruised up neck, a broken finger that had been in a splint for a small while now, and a cut that extended down her right ring finger, to the palm of her hand that had been and still was bandaged, which was only a finger away from the broken one. It might not have seemed like much, but at least she was already starting to heal.

Kiyoshi blamed the hot springs for that, and she was grateful that they had seemed to have some sort of healing component within them, which always helped her injuries heal more quickly. That was a good thing at least, but it made her grateful all the same for Kairos’s blindness.

Although that had saddened her on some level…

It made Kiyoshi think about how it had happened, and contemplate on if he had always been that way or not. She wanted to know more about him, but where in the World would she even begin? They were strangers, although they now knew one another’s names, acquaintances then, and that just made her ponder more.

“It’s nice to meet you Kiyoshi.” He had said after a few more minutes had passed, pulling his hand gently from hers in the process. “Nice to meet you as well.” She responded politely, wondering if that is how she made Samael feel when they had talked to each other at first, with the lulls in the conversation and all.

Kiyoshi was taken completely off guard by his next question, not expecting it; most likely due to getting lost in her thoughts yet again. “But what are you doing here?” Kairos had asked. Kiyoshi thought that over for a few seconds, thinking of a sufficient answer, and a true one at that.

“Actually, to be honest with you, I am not quite so sure what I’m doing here myself.” She began, then she looked up at his face and into his eyes as she answered, regardless of him being blind or not. Kiyoshi treated everyone the same regardless of the situation, well, for the most part. It all depended on the circumstances at hand, of course. “To be honest with you, yes, like I said a few seconds ago, I am not sure what I am doing here. But I came here by umm… Because I followed you.”

Then it had all just flowed out of her mouth. It had been a long time since she had rambled on about something, so she was not as use to it as she use to have been, but she could not help but have it happen; she just let the words flow from then on.

“I mean I was curious. You had two girls save you from a burning and almost completely destroyed, an almost absolutely demolished building. You then walked away when you thought that nobody was paying any attention to you at all, without even saying a simple goodbye or thank you to either of them. And to me it had seemed as if they were actually concerned about you, truly concerned about you, but still you left without saying anything. It was a very
mysterious thin to do, and although highly unlike me, it sort of drew me in, so I followed you, letting my curiosity get the better of me.”
She then clapped her hands quickly over her mouth, despite her splinted finger and bandage.

“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I tend to get a little carried away sometimes, but I can’t help it. I know that I should not have followed you, and it was wrong to do, but it is already done and over with and there isn’t really anything I can do about it now. Besides, being in a bookstore, I have absolutely no idea where I am. So I am here, as you are. Although my intentions weren’t quite so much as those you may consider good. But I was curious! I couldn’t help it! I am so sorry!”

At that Kiyoshi slid back a little, and sat propped up against the wall again. She ran her fingers through her hair as she sighed slightly. Her thoughts had begun to run amuck again, and she cursed herself for thinking too much. Sometimes it was not necessarily a good thing, especially if you were getting answers in return.

‘Stop stressing over it. He seems fine.’ Kyon began. ‘Shut up! You know nothing Kyon. He hasn’t even said anything yet.’ Kiyoshi responded. ‘You see! This is why I loathe you so! You are annoying, and you never listen!’ Kyon ranted. ‘Well I loathe you just as much! You are just as annoying! Be quiet already. You are disturbing my thought process.’ Kiyoshi shot back at him immediately. ‘I am your mental thought process at times. You cannot seriously be that dense! Besides, you are most definitely the annoying one! You have not even studied yet and your test is the day after tomorrow. You know, the one for College!’

Kiyoshi closed her eyes tightly, and tried to concentrate on something different, but Kyon’s words continued to ring about inside of her mind. She sighed in frustration then, realizing too late that she was not alone at that very moment in time. She just hoped that Kairos did not take it the wrong way.

‘You are so nerve-racking sometimes Kyon! Don’t you think that I already all of this? Can’t you just give me a bloody break? I have been through a whole crap load within the past few days, and you still expect all of this and more out of me. Don’t you dare think that I am going to miss the chance, id I get an opportunity to eve do it, to put your *** back into that back as soon as possible!’

Kyon did not respond for a few moments, but when he did, he had decided to ignore the last bit… Well at least at first. ‘Of course I expect all of that and more out of you…’ Kyon begun. ‘It is because I know you can do it, that is if you really wanted to.’ He continued. ‘You wish. For all you know I didn’t even come from the book. Remember how dense you are now.’ Then after screwing up the “moment” by being somewhat of a prick, Kyon was silent, and Kiyoshi was thinking again.

She needed a distraction, the whole arguing with Kyon thing was getting ridiculous, and she felt like she was arguing with herself.

It only frustrated her, and she already felt ignorant for spilling everything at once to Kairos. What was she going to do now? For the time being, she just sat there, resting her arms on her knees, and staring at nothing in particular as she waited for nothing in particular to happen. Her life was just filled with confusion the more and more she continued to think about everything.