Karia fired off two quick rounds in sucession of each other. The Diterr staggered backwards flailing before hitting the two behind it. Karia didn't waste time congratulating herself. "Alright" she muttered something caught her eye. It was someone she'd never laid eyes on before. She fired off three more rounds. He seemed hurt. She kept her eyes on him and moved closer he must've been a gaurdian. Her attention was then claimed by another Diterr as it brought it's ugly fists down to her. She noted the spear in one brutelike hand before shooting it. She miscalculated the spear came flying from his hand and glanced her arm. Karia mentally kicked herself for being so stupid. She was closer to him now.

She saw something jumping to the roof. Before she could follow up on any thought something hit her with blinding force causing her to stagger forward.She tightened her grip on the pistol then as she hit the ground rolled and shot at whatever had just hit that hard. as her vision cleared she found herself having to move again becuase the Diterr's body was falling forward. Again she was closer to whomever this was. Her clip was almost empty. Great. Karia moved for the roof. Fighting her way through with hands and gun.

Minutes later she was on the roof. Darren wasn't too far. He'd be aware of her soon enough. Karia was painfully aware of the cut on her arm as it throbbed in time with her heart.