In the anime series Gungrave, Grave must fight the Superior forms of his old coworkers: Bear Walker, Bob Poundmax, Balladbird Lee, and Bunji Kugashira. Each had unique abilities.
  • Bear Walker: Gained speed and strength enough to cut Grave's bullets in half as they were fired. Also, he right arm became a large spiky mass, with approx. 6 floating clay hands forming around him that he could control.
  • Bob Poundmak: He grew bloated, with a helicopter-style rotor sprouting from his back. He also could could form and launch missles from himself.
  • Balladbird Lee: His legs became bone-covered spider-like legs. A scorpion-stlye tail sprouted from between the hind legs. He could also create slivers of bone and launch them at a target.
  • Bunji Kugashira: No outward change, however he became faster, more accurate, and stronger. In effect, he gained all of Grave's abilities.
So, who do you think would win in a fight? My money is on Bunji. After all, he's the only Superior who didn't go insane, and nearly beat Grave at his own game