like literally wouldn't care if your heart suddenly went into arrest or someone walked up with a gun and shot you in the head? like you'd just say oh, guess i'm dying now, fancy that.

yeah that about sums up how i feel right now. my girlfriend of 6 months just broke up with me. she was the woman i loved, the woman i lost my virginity to, the woman who had my heart completely. she's joining the air force to become a chaplain and she's going to be living abroad until she's fourty. so she decided that it'd be best if we separated.

since the first time i spoke with her i had planned to spend my life with her. for the past 6 months we've made plans to be together until we died. she was literally my entire world. and now she's gone.

so if anyone wants to help me into my grave, feel free, i won't fight it.