The poster known here as Kain has a personal vendetta with me, and is using his power to kick people from chat as part of his personal vendetta. He told me that he hated me personally in one chat after certain things were exposed, begging me to un-friend him, etc. When I tried to block him because I didn't want to have to deal with him, he banned me from chat, which may or may not have been against the rules. But today, after I told him I was online, and he said he was just making sure, and I said I wanted him to stop harassing me, and stop leaving notes on my board and harassing me on both the board and the chat, saying it politely, saying it without profanity or demands, he once again booted me while I was right in the middle of a hand of Blackjack. There was NO activity in main chat, and there was NOTHING terrible about the private transcript we had. I told him to quit harassing me, and I got kicked out of chat because he's got that power, and he, for some reason, wants to make me suffer.

You need to do something about Kain. Someone needs to do something about Kain. Not only does he need to apologize for what he's doing, and need to stop kicking me and harassing me, but I think now he owes me gil for all the money I could be winning right now at BlackJack. I can only get on a couple of days a week, I can't inflate my gil by posting every hour of every day, this was something I was good at. And now Kain is focusing on that, possibly because of his relationship with Jozz and how she's been harassing me, I'm guessing that's got a lot to do with it, I might be wrong.

You're supposed to go to the mods when someone is harassing you. But what are you supposed to do when it's a Mod that's harassing and abusing you, and costing you money?