Hello there! I have no idea how to do a proper introduction here so I'll just spew some random facts about my glorious self.

Name: Mason (no last name for you guize)
I am a mail.
I'm a sophomore in hai skewl.
I am a mixed asian (Korean and Filipino).
I like anime, as you can probably guess.
I'm also currently looking for animes and I wanted to discuss animes and such, which is why I arrived here. All the other forums I've been to have only talked about Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece so hopefully you guys are diverse in your anime!

Just giving you a heads up right now, I often am very passionate about certain things so I may get aggressive. Don't take it to the heart.

Some of my main hobbies are: Reading Manga, Watching Anime, Surfing, FPSs and RPGs, Enjoying/Listening to Music, Graphic Designing, Sleeping, Eating, Breathing, and so much more that I can't be bothered to list.

Basically, TL;DR: I'm a pretty awesome person, if I do admit myself.

Hopefully you guys don't think I'm some stuck-up narcissist D: It's all in good fun/intentions.