After reviewing so much material within the YouTube community it seems that Aniplex (Sony Music) has managed to finally make a negative impression.

It became more personal when Sony Music started complaining about the over use of Thumbnails from anime series which Aniplex had been involved with. The end result being a copyright strike from YouTube from Sony Music was the response given no matter the case.

Not many fans/viewers/etc notice that on the US website for Aniplex it's become useless when complaining about copyright claims or even so much as to ask for permission to use set material in your own reviews. Aniplex within the US supports the idea of free advertisement or review of their merchandise, but have always re-routed fans/viewers/etc to their branch in Japan.

The Aniplex branch in Japan neither has a fax number, phone number, nor instant response on their website contact page which would allow fans/viewers/etc to discuss set issues or requests. (You can send them an email at the most, but the response time is 0%)

Should YouTube be held liable for their automatic copyright strike system which appears to be flawed or should Aniplex (Sony Music) re-write their own policies about fair use on YouTube in regards to the fair use of their thumbnails?

Anime Which Aniplex is involved w/:

New to the YouTube community and hoping for some advice:

-Don't use thumbnails from anything Aniplex (Sony music) related