Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000167 EndHTML:0000004138 StartFragment:0000000457 EndFragment:0000004122 A Crow's life

First light brings morning
Morning brings hunger
Crimson berries dangle from a dying tree
Pluck a tender berry or two from the tree
Belly filled, I wait for the flock to finish

Listen! Metal birds soar overhead

The skies are not safe. I warn the rest, cawing
The flock around me watches. I too, watch
Restless in my perch, I look around
Danger has passed. No time to idle

Hundreds of my kin take flight
Updrafts from below keep us on the wing
Those awake in the early morning look up
Blessed black wings paint the sky

Skeletal trees dot the horizon
Leaves on the ground, shriveled
Decomposing vegetation presents a feast
Anything we get our talons on, we devour

Folding the wings, I drop into a dive
Through dawdling clouds I fall
The ground rushes to meet me
Soon, I unfurl my wings

After gorging myself on backyard compost, I rest
From my roost, I keep a lookout for predators
Soon, my mate joins me
She preens my feathers of dark delight
Eight seasons ago, I courted her
Next spring come mating season again
For life, we mate