A very well known group of thugs ran through the streets. There name was Organization 1. Unlike any other type of thug group these people were known to be the best of the best. Many who fought against them lost, and many who won, had a great number of casualties. Eventually the world leaders took an interest in this group of thugs. They were so well organized, and the hardest to beat that the world leaders sent a man by the name of Alexander to them. Alexander was a smart man, yet also knew how to fight. His job was to negotiate agreements with them, or take every one of them out.

Alexander was a special type of person, known as a Sequence. He was granted one power that would be based off of his personality. Alexander went to to talk with them. He offered money, women and power all for Organization 1 to become a part of the world government in cleaning up crime. Alexander offered them everything any man could ever desire if they followed him. The leader of Organization 1 at the time did not agree to this agreement, however the rest of his followers did. Right there, he was mauled to death by his own followers, the people he trusted. Alexander took the spot as the new leader of Organization 1.

Joseph, along with other members of Organization 1 did not like Alexander. However they followed him for a time. One day Alexander makes a call to throw out all those without the same power as him. 20+ people were thrown out of the group, Joseph included. Joseph stood up in front of those 20 people who had been kicked out of Organization 1. Joseph was furious and he told them to create there own Organizations, each one different from the other. Each one separate.

Joseph had started something he could no longer stop. Every member of the original Organization 1 that was kicked out created there own Organizations. Thus Organizations 2 - 20 was born. Each one with an abilities that the others did not, each one special in there own way. Quickly there was fighting among the Organizations. Alexander and Joseph were the biggest part of the fights, there Organizations would fight for days at a time before deciding a victor. Eventually the other Organizations got in on this as well. They all began fighting, recruiting people to join there place. There was re-population in the Organizations, so that none would be born without a power or with a different one. Quickly the people without the powers died out, there kind unable to live. There was separation, secrecy, anger, hate and one day. It all blew up.

No one remembers why it started, or even how but a war started between the Organizations. Some Organizations teamed up with others, some remained completely separate. War went on for years, decades past and the war would not slow down, the development of there power would not slow down. One place, now called No Man's Peak, is where Alexander and Joseph clashed in an all out battle. The overall outcome was a draw however it leveled the hill that was there into a little stump.

War between the Organizations is going on, mass amount of death on all ends of the fighting, even those who tried to stay out of it. Now the war is coming to an end, and all Organizations are either with Joseph, or Alexander.

The Organizations with Alexander are:
Organization 1 - Fire (Alexander)
Organization 4 - Air/Wind
Organization 5 - Grass
Organization 8 - Strength/Super Strength
Organization 9 - Illusions
Organization 11 - Puppets
Organization 13 - Bad Luck/De-buffing
Organization 16 - Rock/Earth
Organization 18 - Light
Organization 20 - Cloning

Organizations with Joseph: (The one's with '/'s in them mean that, that's just another word to better describe there power)
Organization 2. Ice (Joseph)
Organization 3. Water
Organization 6. Electricity
Organization 7. Thunder
Organization 10. Darkness/Shadows
Organization 12. Physic/Telekinesis
Organization 14. Health/Healing
Organization 15. Good Luck/Buffing
Organization 17. Time (Short bursts)
Organization 19. Fighting/Martial Arts

You all will start out in your own base underground. Those with Alexander will be in there own base and those with Joseph will be in there own separate one. For now talk to people around you, and get to know each other.