Last night, in the general anime section, I posted a thread about the anime "My Last Day" which is first anime that I ever saw that actually depicted a Biblicly accurate account of the crucifixion of Jesus. After hiting the submit button, it said it went to moderation rather than directly being posted. Unfortunately I've now checked the next day, only to see that it had NOT yet been posted. Why hasn't it yet gone through modderation? I assume this is an antispam policy, but my post wasn't spam. I really hope it wasn't deleted. I wanted it to be up by today, because today is Good Friday. And I wanted it up today so that people could comment on it today. If the modderators take too long to get to it, it will be Saturday, and therefore the post won't quite fit the day. I wanted to make sure that THIS SPECIFIC THREAD got posted today, because today is Good Friday. Moderators, please hurry up.