I'm nowhere near fluent in Japanese, but I'm pretty familiar with the simple question words (what, why, where, when, how). But it seems there are a few ways to say "why", so I would just like to make sure on the proper ways to use them.

As far as I know, there are three ways to say "why": Doushite, Naze, and Nande. I've seen these used in plenty of anime and manga, but I'm not sure if they mean slightly different things, or if they differ in terms of politeness.

My thoughts are that

どうして? = Doushite? = Why is that? (polite/formal)

なぜ? = Naze? = Why? (casual)

なんで? = Nande? = Why in hell?! (rude, obv)

If it's different or if I'm missing something, please let me know!
