D: I really don't know how people do this without having some type of nervous breakdown or something! >__<

I'm trying to be friends with my ex and possibly patch stuff up between us that happened after our break up which really was kind of stupid and emotional way more than it needed to be...

I am usually cool around my guy friends and stuff but the things he does is pretty annoying, first he points out other girls and how hot they are, then he asks me to go talk to them for him....THEN hes really needy for my attention and persists to bug me about every little thing (i dont really mind it that much but this is combined with the girl thing)
Oh yeah and when I ask to hang out sometimes he blows me off and then gets mad at me later for it (i don't understand that one...)

I can kind of deal with the other petty stuff but the girl thing really got to me, and he was doing it ALOT when we hung out one on one. Oh and he told me about the hickies and how many girls hit on him...<_< why would I want to know that???

What do I do? Why is he doing that? Do I just ignore it the best I can? I'm so confused because I don't want to suddenly burst into tears like a frantic lunatic and look frail to him D: T_T