View Full Version : Dwarf Fortress

03-27-2009, 12:58 AM
Let me add my name to the long list of people who recommend this game.

Most of you will not like it, because you are weak. Dwarf Fortress is a Rogue Like and a God Game. It has a learning curve a mile long, and it's not very nice (although by my experience thus far I'd say it's much less evil then ADOM). I have to break away from the game every 15 minutes to scour the Wiki (http://dwarf.lendemaindeveille.com/index.php/Main_Page) for what arcane secrets any given doo-dad hold. HOWEVER, if you are the sort of person who can understand the joys of developing an economy while defending yourself from vicious carp and goblin hordes, or enjoy developing ingenious death traps via liquid hot magma then you might find this to be a great game.

It's still in open Alpha, which is frightening considering how much stuff is in the game already and how much is being added as I speak. It seems like it's going to make ADOM look like Wack-a-Mole.

Anyone else play?

Here's the links for the game and such.

ASCII version: http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/index.html
A good Tiled Version: http://mayday.w.staszic.waw.pl/df.htm

A very nice tutorial: http://afteractionreporter.com/2009/02/09/the-complete-and-utter-newby-tutorial-for-dwarf-fortress-part-1-wtf/
The Dwarf Fortress Wiki: http://dwarf.lendemaindeveille.com/index.php/Main_Page

03-27-2009, 05:07 PM
They should make a version for the PC nazis called "little person fortress." And then they should make "midget fortress" for symmetry.

03-30-2009, 10:55 AM
They should make a version for the PC nazis called "little person fortress." And then they should make "midget fortress" for symmetry.
I think you'd like this game. A good deal of it is making a series of elaborate deah traps for your fortress. While rooms filled with sand are not yet an option, you can play around with magma and water as much as you'd like, in addition to stonefall, spike, weapons, and cage traps. This can make the game pretty epic with only a little added imagination (http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/Boatmurdered/).

Edit: In case anyone from the admin chat cares, I did manage to force my dwarves to sell the kittens. I did not need to crush them with a cliff after all.